Health Tech

Health Tech

Technology & Life Sciences

Technology has become an intrinsic part of our lives and increasingly allows holistic, preventive and not least integrative solutions. The focus is on people themselves - not only in their role as patients or athletes. At the same time, the available technological and information technology options have developed rapidly and the acceptance of their use in medicine, health and sports is increasing.

The research focus Health Tech is dedicated to the challenge of combining innovative technologies with trends in medicine, health care, sports and related fields and to develop products and services from them in cooperation with partners from industry and research or to support their further development. The overriding goal is to maintain and/or restore people's health on the one hand, and to promote sport in society through the use of technology and help athletes in top-level sport to achieve first-class performance on the other.

Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD | Deputy Head of Bachelors Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhDDeputy Head of Bachelor's Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us:

Sports Technology

Sport as part of our health is experiencing a technological boom. At the same time, highly monitored athletes are already a reality in elite sports. Data acquisition and data analysis play a central role here and are increasingly being transferred to mass sports. The research focus is already supporting many partners in industry, science and associations both in the application of new technologies in elite sports and in the transfer of these technologies to mass sports. Topics such as artificial intelligence, digital twins or virtual reality play a key role in sports and reflect the competencies of the research fields.

Robotics in Health

Medicine has relied on the use of robotics and telemanipulators in surgical applications for quite some time. This trend is continuing throughout the healthcare sector, with service and care robots becoming increasingly important. Another growth area is therapy robots, which allow therapy at home and thus enable rehabilitation away from the daily clinical routine.

Medical Devices

Medical devices are a fascinating success story at the interface between medical and technological professionals that focuses on improving people's quality of life. One goal of the research focus is to support this field in translational research from the idea to the market-ready product. In particular, the focus is on the development of methods that can improve the efficiency of the development process in this highly regulated field. Digital twins for the product development of technology-based and individualized therapies are as important as technologies for the training of medical professionals and the improved data-driven development of technologies with the involvement of medical professionals in the development process.

Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD | Deputy Head of Bachelors Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhDDeputy Head of Bachelor's Program Medical, Health & Sports Technologies
 Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Manuel Berger, BSc MSc PhDLecturer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Eva Graf | Medical, Health and Sport Engineering Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Eva GrafMedical, Health and Sport Engineering
Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhD | Medical Devices & Control Engineering Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhDMedical Devices & Control Engineering
Dott. Mag. Yunus Schmirander, BSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Dott. Mag. Yunus Schmirander, BScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Sieber | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel SieberHead of Department & Studies
 Gerda Strutzenberger, PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Gerda Strutzenberger, PhDLecturer
 Simon Winkler, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Simon Winkler, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant

Smart Golf Club


FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD
Yannic Heyer, BSc MSc

The goal is to develop a machine leaming model for the classification of IMU data recorded at a golf club. After the swing of the golf club the impact offset between club head and ball should be processed into three classes: Outside, Center, Inside. In addition, a housing is to be designed and manufactured that enables a secure and reproducible attachment of the IMU sensor to the shaft of the golf club.

Messrodel V2

2022 - 2024

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

The aim of the "Messrodel" project is to generate knowledge about the behavior of a luge in the ice channel. On the one hand, the behavior of the luge is to be made measurable through the use of appropriate sensor technology; on the other hand, it should also be possible to summarize, process, store and analyze measurement results. In addition, the behavior of the luge is to be simulated using standard simulation methods in mechanical engineering. Ideally, this should result in a model that can also be validated by the measurements.

Quarterceive 2.0

2017 - 2018

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

The goal of the project is on the one hand to develop an app and the underlying hardware, on the other hand to gain scientific knowledge in the field of sports science in American football. With the core functionalities of the app, it should be possible to send training machines appearances and commands on the basis of evaluable data.

RESPIT - Prävention von Ertrinkungsunfällen

2021 - 2022

FH-Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhD

The aim of this project was to reduce the drowning risk of children who just learned to walk. The risk is substantial as they can usually not swim yet. This results in the fact that drowning is one of the main causes of accidental deaths for children. To tackle this problem, a device that monitors respiration as soon as the child wearing it is in the water was developed. By using a stretch sensor sewn into casual swimwear, respiratory movement is measured and processed. To detect respiratory distress and the onset of drowning, two different approaches have been developed. One is based on processing the signal's slope and the other one on a convolutional neural network. To send an alarm in case of detection, an underwater wireless communication system was developed which is based on ultrasonic acoustic waves. The receiver of the system is then emitting an acoustic and visual alarm signal to minize time to rescue.


2024 - 2026

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Sandro Tobias Müller, BSc

The aim of the BeSENSHome project is to study and implement the implementation and development of innovative advanced systems and smart sensor networks to ensure environmental comfort within residences, day care centres, workplaces and facilities accommodating people with neurocognitive disabilities. In order to achieve this innovative goal, such systems must allow for (i) accurate customisation based on the needs of the occupants, defining a strategy that puts individuals at the centre, and (ii) control of the built environment.Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), coupled with the sensor network, the environment will be able to learn the preferences or requirements of the occupant, identifying stressful conditions, adjusting environmental conditions and alerting possible caregivers in case their intervention is needed, before any potentially dangerous conditions can occur. The integration of such a sensor network with the furniture of the rooms will be architecturally detailed to ensure its inclusion in existing environments. To achieve these objectives and make the system as useful and user-friendly as possible, a participatory research approach will be applied throughout the project. The BeSENSHome project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation program.

The OpenEar Project

2016 - 2024

FH-Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Sieber

An Open Science project for the creation of high-fidelity models of the human anatomy library for the temporal bone as a basis for research and development in image guided surgery, virtual reality surgical training and more. Models are based on multimodal 3D reconstructed fusion imaging including color images from micro-slicing as well as Cone Beam Computed Tomography images and resulting segmented voxel based, as well as triangulated models.


Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde
Universitäten Ausland
Rigshospitalet Copenhagen, ENT Department
Universitäten Ausland

Sieber D, Erfurt P, John S, Ribeiro dos Santos G, Schurzig D, Sørensen MS, Lenarz T. The OpenEar library of 3D models of the human temporal bone based on computed tomography and micro-slicing. Nature Scientific Data (2019).

dVRK - The da Vinci Research Kit

2016 - 2024

FH-Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhD
FH-Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Sieber

MCI is part of an alliance of about 40 institutions worldwide which have access to the daVinci Research Kit (dVRK) which allows working on one of the most exciting and sophisticated surgical robot platforms. The system assists the surgeon, sitting at a master console and viewing the procedure through a 3D endoscopic panoramic viewing system while controlling the system's precise robotic arms through hand movements resultting in complex microsurgical operations.The dVRK enables a broad range of research, from the exploration of innovative new ways of performing information- and image-guided surgeries to developing novel surgical instrumentation, innovative user interfaces, and even futuristic surgical task automation methods and their potential impacts.


Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science
Universitäten Ausland

S. Kohlgrüber ,Y. Kim, and P. Kazanzides (2021) : Model-based Design and Digital Implementation to Improve Control of the da Vinci Research Kit Telerobotic Surgical System, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021, pp. 12435-12441. J. Mannion and Y. Kim (2020) :Manipulation of an Wide Angle Endoscope in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery and Training, New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics, Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 93. pp. 97-106.

Spot - Der Roboterhund

2021 - 2024

Ephraim Westenberger, BSc

SPOT is an advanced and highly customizable robotic system which can operate autonomously based on stereoscopic and proximity cameras, inertial measurement units and other sensors. With a broad range of possibilities to add capabilities to the system through defined interfaces of the system, MCI aims at exploring the use of SPOT as a personal robot in medical technologies. The system's Python API provides access to the high-level functionalities like controlling SPOT's movement and accessing the cameras and sensors of the robot. Custom developed hardware attachments, called payloads, can be connected via different communication interfaces of the robot. This enables students to create their own software and hardware projects for one of the most exciting robotic platforms on the market. SPOT has already been adapted for applications such as a robotic dog for the blind, for autonomous "follow-me" applications and has also enjoyed skiing at Nordkette - Innsbruck's most challenging skiing terrain. Furthermore, our SPOT User Group is a student group which is run by students for students. The students themselves can bring their ideas, interests and use cases to the group, creating a learning environment free from university requirements and obligations. The project aims to generate knowledge in an interdisciplinary group of students and in addition, to further build long-term competencies in the field of Medical Robotics, Personal Robots and Assisted Living.

Beheizbare Einsatzhandschuhe für Profis

2022 - 2023

Dr. techn. Thomas Senfter
FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Sandro Tobias Müller, BSc

Jonas Kreiner, BSc

Kevin Fischler, BSc

The aim of this cooperative project is to develop a heatable glove for emergency organizations that combines the application properties of a work glove with the thermal properties of a heatable glove. This should enable alpine emergency forces to better carry out their tasks (from caring for the injured to accident investigations by the alpine police). In cooperation with Zanier and Aberjung, a new type of product can be developed for the market that is optimally tailored to the needs of customers.

Smart Trucks

2022 - 2023

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Gabriel Belmino Freitas

Ephraim Westenberger, BSc

Lennart Fresen, BSc

The goal of this cooperation project is to develop a performance tracker for the fun sports sector. This should create the basis for building platforms similar to Runtastic or Strava for many different types of fun sports. The key to this basic technology is the combination of motion sensors with a neural network. In the course of the project, data from skaters of different ages, levels and genders will be recorded at many different locations. From this data the neural network will be developed to evaluate a trick. Due to the cooperation with xdouble and Stefan Ebner, the project is very broadly positioned and can therefore optimally master corporate, scientific but also training-related challenges.

Skijump Judge

2022 - 2023

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Video distance measurement in ski jumping is carried out via direct measurement of the landing area or digitally by an operator. It is the task of the operator, who monitors the landing zone of the ski jumper with up to four cameras, to manually confirm the touchdown of each jump. The operator then selects the relevant camera for this landing and continues to view the video sequence of the landing frame by frame. The goal is to select the frame in the video sequence where the ski jumper fully touches the ground with both skis to determine the jump distance. To do this, the operator selects the point between the heel of the front boot and the toe of the rear foot to use software to calculate the jumped distance. This distance can be determined to within 0.5 meters based on the camera recording at 50 fps. An automation of the described steps for video distance measurement should serve to support the operator in his work and thus improve the reliability of the system. Through the development of such a system, further advantages for the ski jumping sport can be gained. These were mainly initialized by the professional input of the former ski jumper Thomas Hofer, who sees an automated video width measurement in training situations as an enormous progress for athletes and coaches. The current measurement method in training sessions is a purely visual measurement of the distance by the coach. Automation and digitalization can provide athletes with much more accurate feedback and thus a greater opportunity to improve their jumps. Thus, not only professional sports but also junior and youth sports can benefit from a software solution. In addition to measuring distances, it is important to be able to objectively determine the athletes' posture scores. This is confirmed, among others, by the declarations of support from the ÖSV national team, the ÖSV and the Schigymnasium Stams. This objective analysis of the posture scores is described as particularly relevant and as an effective training tool for improving posture scores. In combination with the automated distance measurement, a more accurate assessment of the athletes' overall performance is thus possible.

Optimal Start


FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

The goal of the Optimal Start project is to develop a prototype training tool for the start of luge. The tool will synchronize data from an existing motion capturing system with a video and display them together. Thus, individual errors of the athlete at the start should not only be visible in the signal, but also visually show the athlete his respective body pose. It is hoped that the tool will provide much more direct feedback to the athletes, which is also better for their development.

Erstversorgungsassistent zur neonatalen Beatmung (EANB)


FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Moritz Krefft, BSc

Efficient ventilation of neonates in a resuscitation situation remains a challenge for hospital staff. The state of the art is a manual hose system with a metering valve that requires one person to provide continuous ventilation. In addition, the nature of neonatal lung tissue requires flattening of the pressure curve during ventilation to prevent rupture. IVNA is committed to automating the entire ventilation process to provide high-quality ventilation that is adapted to the patient.


2022 - 2024

FH-Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhD

Jonas Kreiner, BSc

Maximilian Gallinat

David Mikulic, BSc

Luging has been steadily increasing in popularity for several years. This has also led to a significant increase in the number of luging accidents, some of which are fatal. Therefore, the VRodel project was created to learn the basic luging techniques in a virtual world to make luging safer in the real world.


  • Sieber, D., Timm, M.E., Weller, T., Suhling, M., Lenarz, T., & Schurzig, D. The Dependency of Cochlear Lateral Wall Measurements on Observer and Imaging Type. Otology & Neurotology (2023). DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000003991
  • Hollaus, B., Raschner, C., Mehrle, A. (2020, June). Development and Verification of a Highly Accurate and Precise Passing Machine for American Football, Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association 2020, 49, 94, doi:10.3390/proceedings2020049111
  • Hollaus B, Heyer Y, Steiner J, Strutzenberger G. Location Matters—Can a Smart Golf Club Detect Where the Club Face Hits the Ball? Sensors. 2023; 23(24):9783.
  • Hollaus B, Volmer JC, Fleischmann T. Cadence Detection in Road Cycling Using Saddle Tube Motion and Machine Learning. Sensors. 2022; 22(16):6140.
  • M. Panny, I. Nagiller, M. Nagiller, and Y. Kim, Home rehabilitation system for the upper extremity focusing on technology-aided assessment of spasticity, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
  • M. Preiss, A. Walder, and Y. Kim (2022), Haptically enhanced VR surgical training system. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 8(2), 737-740.
  • K. Wolf, A.Mayr, M.Nagiller, L. Saltuari, M. Harders, Y. Kim; PoRI Device: Low-Cost In-Home Hand Assessment and Rehabilitation After Stroke, at - Automatisierungstechnik,
  • Hollaus B, Reiter B, Volmer JC. (2023) Sensors: Catch Recognition in Automated American Football Training Using Machine Learning, 23(2), doi:10.3390/s23020840
  • Frithioff, A., Weiss, K., Frendø, M., Senn, P., Trier, P., Sieber, D., Sørensen, M.S., Pedersen, D.B., Andersen, S.A.W. 3D‑printing a cost‑effective model for mastoidectomy training. 3D Printing in Medicine, 9:12 (2023). DOI: 10.1186/s41205-023-00174-y
  • Sieber D, Andersen SAW, Soerensen MS, Trier P. OpenEar image data enables case variation in high fidelity virtual reality ear surgery. Otology & Neurotology (2021). DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000003175


  • Moll, C., Schmirander, Y., Zenzmair, C., Ince, A., Sieber, D. (2024) Virtual Reality Training zum Verhalten im Operationssaal. Markt der Möglichkeiten, Lernwelten 2024, Innsbruck
  • Kreiner, J., Hollaus, B. (July 2023) Photogrammetry and how to Make Backcountry Skiing Safer, ECSS 2023, Paris
  • Hollaus, B., Volmer, J.C., Fleischmann, T. (July 2023) Measuring Cadence in Road Cycling Based on Machine Larning and Seat Post Motion, ECSS 2023, Paris
  • Enzenberg, M., Winkler, S., Kim, Y. (2023). Patient Tailored Hand Exoskeletons - A 3D-Printable Concept for Force Transmission and Feedback. In: Tarnita, D., Dumitru, N., Pisla, D., Carbone, G., Geonea, I. (eds) New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics. MESROB 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 133. Springer, Cham.
  • SMARTER LIVES, Austria
  • Robotics in AAL & Healthcare
  • Käferböck, A., Hayotte, M., Sieber, D., Pillei, M., Wald, M. (Oktober 2024) Innovative Zukunft in der Neugeborenenbeatmung: Unterstützungstechnologien zur effizienten Beatmung in der klinischen Erstversorgung, 62. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ) 2024, Bregenz
  • Motion Data and Machine Learning Tells Golfers How To Improve, (2024) - FFH Krems, Austria
  • Sports Technology in Winter Sports - Invited Session; ÖSG Congress - 2024 - Innsbruck
  • Käferböck, A., Hayotte, M., Sieber, D., Pillei, M., Wald, M. (June 2024) Tiny Lungs, Big Dreams: Enhancing Immediate Newborn Care with Ventilation Support Technologies, The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) 2024, Rome

  • Patent Nr. EP2629737B1


Health Tech

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