Responsibility & Sustainability

Responsibility & Sustainability

Management & Society

The MCI is a signatory of the PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) initiative of the United Nations and committed to pursuing ethics, responsibility and sustainability in teaching, research and organisational practice. The ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) provide an overarching framework in this effort. In this context, both responsible management education and responsibility towards society (including third mission activities) are objectives of this research area. Responsibility has a legal as well as an ethical component and must be considered in all management areas (personnel, strategy, lifelong learning, etc.).

Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M. | Study Coordinator European Union Law Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M.Study Coordinator European Union Law

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us:

Responsibility, Law, Ethics

Responsibility is linked to both law and ethics and is based on values and principles (Jean Monnet Chairs). Fields of application of this approach are, amongst others, digitalisation (e.g. artificial intelligence), the health sector and, more generally, decision-making, especially at the EU level (lobbying, etc.).

Sustainable Organizational Behaviour & Development

Against the backdrop of dynamic developments (digitalisation, demographic developments, sustainability, etc.), responsible management is of great importance, particularly in the areas of management, strategy (especially regarding Mergers & Acquisitions) and organisation (HR and personnel). The challenges these changes pose for society, companies and employees are a subject of this research focus, which emphasises both research and practical transfer (SMA Research Lab).

Digital & Sustainable Learning

Digital and sustainable Learning is at the forefront of addressing the complex challenges that digitalization presents for both individual growth and organizational evolution, now and in the future. Our research prioritizes knowledge management, competence development, and learning within the information society, with a keen focus on sustainable practices. Furthermore, we explore digital workplace learning and emerging trends in vocational education and training. Our goal is to ensure that digital learning solutions of the future are not only effective and innovative but also mindful of their environmental and societal impact.

Futures Thinking & Foresight

Responding responsibly to future changes today and actively shaping the future are crucial competencies for the 21st century (UNESCO Chair Futures Literacy). For this to happen, individuals and organisations need to continuously develop. Topics in this research field include futures literacy, lifelong learning, organisational behaviour, emotions in organisations and behavioural economics.

Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M. | Study Coordinator European Union Law Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M.Study Coordinator European Union Law
Prof. Christiane Aufschnaiter, Bakk. Phil. PhD | Head of Bachelors Program Business Administration Online Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Christiane Aufschnaiter, Bakk. Phil. PhDHead of Bachelor's Program Business Administration Online
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Antje Bierwisch | Management, Strategy & Innovation Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Antje BierwischManagement, Strategy & Innovation
Prof. Dr. Yevgen Bogodistov | Strategic Management & Organizational Behavior Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. Yevgen BogodistovStrategic Management & Organizational Behavior
Prof. Dr. Simon Czermak | Behavioral Economics Master's program International Business & Law
Prof. Dr. Simon CzermakBehavioral Economics
Dr. Daniel Degischer | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management & Law
Dr. Daniel DegischerSenior Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Johannes Dickel | Business Administration | Marketing Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Johannes DickelBusiness Administration | Marketing
 Thomas Dilger, BA MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Thomas Dilger, BA MASenior Lecturer
 Martin Dinter, BA MA | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Martin Dinter, BA MATeaching & Research Assistant
Dr. Natacha Estèves | Project Manager COMPASS Ulysseus European University
Dr. Natacha EstèvesProject Manager COMPASS
Prof. Wendy Farrell, PhD | International Business & Organizational Behavior Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Wendy Farrell, PhDInternational Business & Organizational Behavior
Prof. Dr. Ralf Geymayer | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Ralf GeymayerHead of Department & Studies
Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler | Business Administration | Work & Organization Bachelor's program Management & Law
Prof. Dr. Markus KittlerBusiness Administration | Work & Organization
Prof. Moritz Mosenhauer, PhD | Finance & Economics Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Moritz Mosenhauer, PhDFinance & Economics
Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of Education | Senior Lecturer Student & Career Center
Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of EducationSenior Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer | Head of Department & Studies Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. Maria PammerHead of Department & Studies
 Juliana Pattermann, BA MA MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Juliana Pattermann, BA MA MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl | Human-Centered Computing Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Stephan SchlöglHuman-Centered Computing
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Siebert | Decision Sciences & Behavioral Economics Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes SiebertDecision Sciences & Behavioral Economics
Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MSc | Lecturer Bachelors's program Business Administration / online
Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MScLecturer
Prof. Dr. Maria Wallnöfer | Strategic Management
Prof. Dr. Maria WallnöferStrategic Management

Digitalisierungsstrategie & Change im Handwerk

2019 - 2020

FH-Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer

Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MSc

FH-Prof. Christiane Aufschnaiter, Bakk. Phil. PhD

In the project "Digitization & Change in the Crafts", the MCI is developing a strategy to exploit the potential of digitization in the crafts sector together with Riedle Installationen GmbH. First, MCI conducts interviews to evaluate the current situation in the company. Then, the MCI and Riedle Installationen GmbH develop goals and concrete implementation options in workshops. Moreover, the MCI supports Riedle Installationen GmbH in implementing the digitization strategy. In addition to process optimization and the introduction of digital tools, the focus of the project is on supporting the change process.


2023 - 2026

FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M.

'FLASH - Flexible Approaches to Support Health through financing' | 'Horizon Europe' project funded by the European Union | One of the lessons learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic is the importance of flexibility in funding and organization of health systems. European countries responded quickly to this extreme event, by expanding the amount of financial resources available for health care and reallocating financial and human resources. However, there are several other challenges for health care systems that require efficient and flexible financing mechanisms to be successfully addressed. This project undertakes a comprehensive analysis of health care financing mechanisms in Europe, by focusing on the two key stages of the process: i) budget allocation (e.g., among managing authorities, clinical areas), ii) financing of health services within a specific budget, through the definition of contracts and payment rules. We identify and examine the most prominent mechanisms underlying the relationship between the main challenges faced by health care systems (demand shocks, ageing, budget pressure) and their financing. By employing a wide range of methodological approaches, we provide evidence on the ability of existing financing mechanisms and contracts to address such challenges and study new solutions to achieve more effective, efficient and equitable health care systems.


EU Values & DIGitalization for our CommuNITY (DIGNITY)

2019 - 2022

FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Frischhut, LL.M.

Under the umbrella of the UN Global Compact, the UN's Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative was founded in 2007. In 2011, MCI has joined PRME, to promote responsible management education and is also a founding member of the PRME-DACH Chapter. Taking such a holistic approach in education is also part of MCI's mission, which thrives, amongst others, on responsibility towards society. Named according to one of the EU's founding fathers, Jean Monnet, the European Union (EU) is supporting activities in the field of EU integration under its Erasmus+ programme. Within this context, the EU has established a Jean Monnet chair on European integration & ethics from September 2016 to August 2019. Based on this previous chair on ethics, in September 2019 the EU has established a new Jean Monnet Chair on EU values and digitalization, which is again generously co-funded by Erasmus+. This chair closely cooperates with ethucation (an independent network for etchics and bioethics), as well as with SETup (support for social entrepreneurship).



  • Ball, C. S., & Degischer, D. (2024). IoT implementation for energy system sustainability: The role of actors and related challenges. Utilities Policy, 90, 101769. doi:10.1016/j.jup.2024.101769
  • Degischer, D., & Wallnoefer, M. (2020). Micro firms's path to success: an investigation of conflicting strategic orientations, Midwestern Academy of Management Conference 2020, October 28, United States
  • Bogodistov, Y., & Farrell, W. (2024). Perception of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing App: Did we miss something? Proceedings of the IWEMB 2021, 11–28.
  • Palan, N., Waldegger, J., & Pammer, M. (2022). The Importance of Social Components in Online Learning: The Case of Business Administration Online at MCI. In L. Carvalho, N. Teixeira, & P. Pardal (Ed.), Interdisciplinary and Practical Approaches to Managerial Education and Training (pp. 193-207). IGI Global.
  • Farrell, W. C., & Phungsoonthorn, T. (2020). Generation Z in Thailand. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management.
  • Rattrie, L. T., Kittler, M. G., & Paul, K. I. (2020) Culture, Burnout and Engagement: A Meta‐Analysis on National Cultural Values as Moderators in JD‐R Theory. Applied Psychology, 69(1), 176-220.
  • Mosenhauer, M. (2022) Salience and management-by-exception. Managerial and Decision Economics, online first publication, doi:10.1002/mde.3622
  • Huter, L., Pammer, M., Pattermann, J., & Windbichler, R. (2023). Integration von Planspielen in Hochschul-Programmen: Evaluierung der Einsatzvarianten. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 18(Sonderheft Planspiele), 187–205.
  • Frischhut, M., Obexer, R., & Bierwisch, A. (2024, May 15). Verständnis, Zusammenarbeit und Zukunftsorientierung. APA-Science.
  • Bierwisch, A., & Schmitz, M. (2024). Futures Thinking: Fostering Creativity for a Sustainable World. In Obexer, R., Wieser, D., Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, E., Rosenbloom, A., & Zehrer, A. (Eds.), Innovation in Responsible Management Education (pp. 117-139). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Frischhut, M. (2022). The Ethical Spirit of EU Values: Status Quo of the Union of Values and Future Direction of Travel. Springer.
  • Obexer, R., Waldegger, J., Wieser, D., Windbichler, R. (2024). Embracing Sustainability in Higher Education: Key Insights from Organizing an Academic Conference. In: Leal Filho, W., Sima, M., Lange Salvia, A., Kovaleva, M., Manolas, E. (eds) University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research. Springer, Cham.
  • Vögele, J., Panthen, M., & Bierwisch, A. (2024). Leveraging Corporate Foresight. Insight from Three Companies. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 3, 46-53.
  • Frischhut, M., Obexer, R., & Bierwisch, A. (2024, May 15). Verständnis, Zusammenarbeit und Zukunftsorientierung. APA-Science.


  • Pattermann, J. (2024, September 16). Futures Literacy – Entwicklung eines didaktischen Designs für Management Studierende [Conference presentation]. Jahrestagung 2024 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der DGFE.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, April 19). "The ethical spirit of EU law and EU values. ‘Conflicts of interest’ and beyond", presentation at the ‘thematic session’ for the ‘Ethics and Compliance Committee (ECC)’ at the European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt am Main
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, April 16). "EU fundamental values and health", presentation at the launch conference “The European Union as Global Health Actor” of the Centre of Excellence “New visions of the European Union's role in Global Health” (EU4GH) at the University of Salerno, online via Teams
  • Faeth, P. & Kittler M.G. (2019) Hostile Environments and Expatriation: Contextualising Demands and Resources. Paper presented at the 45th EIBA Annual Conference 2019, Leeds, UK. (What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order, 13 – 15 December 2019)
  • Mosenhauer, M. (2019, February). Salience and Management-by-Exception. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Economic Society, Warwick, UK
  • Bierwisch, A., Pattermann, J., Som, O., & Vögele, J. (2023, June 14-16). Tracing the DNA of the Futures Literacy Concept: Bibliometric Insight on its Evolution, Potentials, and Future Research Avenues [Conference presentation]. EMPOWERING FUTURES – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research - Futures Conference 2023.
  • Waldegger, J. & Bierwisch, A. (2023, September 27). Pedagogy Paper: Futures Thinking for Sustainable Innovation [Conference presentation]. RMERC Lisbon
  • Waldegger, J. & Bierwisch, A. (2023, September 27). Pedagogy Paper: Futures Thinking for Sustainable Innovation [Conference presentation]. RMERC
  • Bierwisch, A. (2024, September 19). Futures Thinking and Arts: Encouraging Creativity for a Sustainable Future [Conference presentation]. IECER Conference. MCI, Innsbruck.
  • Bierwisch, A. & Schmitz, M. (2024, July 2-6). Futures Thinking and Arts - Fostering Creativity for a Sustainable World [Conference presentation]. Academy of International Business, Seoul, Korea.
  • Mayr, H., Bierwisch, A., Pirktl, K., Madl, M., Reisinger, R., Vyskovsky, P., & Dimai, B. (2024, July 3-5). Zukunft „Beyond sustainability and growth“ neu denken. Design-based Learning als eine Antwort [Dialogforum]. 9. Österreichische Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz, Universität Innsbruck.
  • Bierwisch, A., Vögele, J., Pattermann, J., & Som, O. (2024, May 7). The Many Faces of Futures Literacy: A Comprehensive Literature Analysis and Future Research Directions [Conference presentation]. Science, Technology and Society Conference, TU Graz.
  • Bierwisch, A., Vögele, J., Pattermann, J., Som, O., & Pammer, M. (2024, September 13). Elements of Futures Literacy – Towards the Operationalization of FL as a Competency [Conference presentation]. 5th Annual Conference on Anticipation, Lancaster University, UK.
  • Farrell, W., Bogodistov, Y., & Mössenlechner, C. (2023, August 10). Is Academic Integrity at Risk? Perceived Ethics and Technology Acceptance of ChatGPT. AMCIS 2023, Panama City, Panama.
  • Pattermann, J. & Waldegger, J. (2024, June 4). Shaping responsible futures: The role of design-based research in higher education [Conference presentation]. Futures of Natural Resources - Futures Conference 2024.
  • Walsh, M., Kittler, M.G., Antwi, J. Mthethwa, K. & Robbins, M. (2018) Strengthening Health Systems: A Salutogenic Community Operational Research Perspective. Paper presented at the OR60 Operational Research Society Annual Conference, Lancaster, UK.


Responsibility & Management

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