Personal Growth

Personal Growth

We assist driven individuals and foster ample opportunities for personalized growth and specialization.

MCI students have the opportunity to engage in various activities beyond their studies, enhancing their skill set and broadening their horizons. Through these endeavors, they discover and promote their personal interests and talents, take on responsibility and/or contribute to society.

The additional skills they acquire increase their "market value" and contribute to a sustainable increase in employability. Above all, however, it is fun to learn and grow together with fellow students from other degree programs.

Seminars & Workshops

Students can acquire additional skills in extra- and co-curricular courses spanning a variety of subject areas such as study skills, international career skills, responsible management, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, etc. This allows to tailor personal skills profile according to their individual interests and aspirations.


Badges represent digital proof of competence in skills and abilities obtained alongside standard studies. MCI offers various badges for all students that certify experience and competencies from extracurricular activities at the MCI. Students can select badges according to their preferences, interests and personal career plans and thus create individual career portfolios for their future. In addition, students acquire digital skills and enhance their accountability for lifelong learning.


In addition to the foreign languages anchored in the respective curricula, students can choose from a range of foreign languages offered across all degree programs. This supplementary and voluntary language offer strengthens students' international orientation, intercultural skills and job market opportunities.

In addition to German courses for international students, we offer foreign languages such as Chinese, English, French, Italian, Spanish as well as sign language and various workshops. The range of courses on offer is tailored to the needs of students and is constantly being expanded.

Community Service

The MCI supports and promotes a sense of social responsibility and voluntary commitment among its students. To this end, a range of opportunities (practical projects as part of regular studies, bachelor's or master's thesis, internships, volunteer work, social entrepreneurship) are offered to get involved in the community. Students are able to take advantage of it as part of their regular studies as well as through extracurricular activities.

Involvement in Student Organizations

MCI students have the opportunity to play an active role in shaping university life, either as representatives of the Austrian National Union of Students or as participants in other student initiatives. Through these opportunities, students can engage in practical teamwork experiences, oversee projects, assume responsibilities, all while enjoying themselves and broadening their social circles.