Student Support

Student Support

The MCI supports you on your way to successfully complete your studies in a variety of ways - both on an organizational and personal level.


Students of MCI with Austrian citizenship are usually covered by the Austrian Social Security System but have to take the necessary measures for studies or internships abroad.

Foreign students who make plans for an extended stay in Austria are advised to inform themselves about the Austrian insurance system in advance. Under certain circumstances, foreign national health insurances might also pay the costs of medical treatment received in Austria. Further helpful information on the topic is provided, for example, on the Austrian Exchange Service homepage.

Austrian Student Union Insurance

Have you broken an expensive measuring instrument? Run into a glass door at university? Accidentally dropped a computer? Or broken your leg during the University Sports Institute skiing classes?

Don’t worry – at least not about the money! For only 70 Cents, Austrian Student Union members, that includes all regular students, receive extensive accident and liability insurance with the Generali Group, which covers (almost) all accidents and damages which occur within the framework of studying at an Austrian university. The insurance coverage also includes accidents and damages resulting from the attendance of events directly related to your studies, such as e.g. excursions, trips, courses offered by the University Sports Institute, and internships or clinical traineeships.

Details and contacts are provided at:

European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card is a free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in the respective country.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is on the reverse of the Austrian e-card. If you want to use the EHIC function abroad, please make sure to fill in the required information in the boxes provided.

Please note that your e-card is not automatically equipped with a valid EHIC function in all EU and EEA countries.

For further details, please click here.


Amidst the rigors of student life, it's acknowledged that studying isn't always smooth sailing; challenges like fluctuating motivation, anxiety, stress, relationship strains, illnesses, and more can arise. Sometimes the challenges get out of hand and can therefore impact mental health as well as academic progress. Different steps are helpful depending on the situation and the person.

The well-being of our students is important to us, which is why the MCI offers appropriate services such as preventive workshops, accompanying seminars or counseling options for acute emergencies.

Students with disabilities

A disability, chronic illness or other forms of impairment may be a disadvantage in studying and can also lead to greater effort in successfully completing a degree program.

Nevertheless, a disability or chronic illness should not be an obstacle to successfully completing a course of study. Many obstacles can be overcome with timely preparation, suitable aids and a few special regulations. We are happy to support and assist you in:

- Arranging special arrangements for the admissions procedure if you are unable to take part in the regular procedure or would be at a disadvantage due to your impairment

- Guidance and support during your studies: This includes everything that ensures that your everyday life as a student is as "normal" as possible (e.g. different examination modalities)

- Further advice, e.g. on funding

If you are planning to start studying soon or are already studying at MCI and feel that your disability or illness is affecting your studies, please contact us.

Starting your studies

It's crucial for your academic journey to begin on a well-prepared note. Hence, please inform us about any impairments well in advance, particularly if they're not readily apparent. This allows our teaching staff to familiarize themselves with your specific needs. Rest assured, your information will be handled with utmost confidentiality. If you find it challenging to openly discuss your impairment, you can explore support options anonymously tailored to your circumstances. Anonymous telephone or email consultations are also available for your convenience.

Good to know

Your start to your studies should be as well prepared as possible. Therefore, please let us know about your impairment in good time, especially if it is not obvious. This will also give our teaching staff the opportunity to get to know your special needs. Your information will of course be treated confidentially. If you still find it difficult to talk openly about your impairment, you can also find out anonymously about the support options available in your particular case. Anonymous telephone or e-mail advice is also possible.

Janine Prokesch
Janine Prokesch, BSc MA Senior Project Manager

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact: