Business & Management | Bachelor

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Short Facts
  • Time model & language: Full-time | English
  • Duration of study: 6 semesters | 180 ECTS
  • Prerequisites: University entrance qualification or relevant professional qualification with additional exams
  • Optional double degree at a partner university in Finland
  • Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Business | BA or B.A.
  • Tuition fee: EUR 363,36 / semester plus membership fee for the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) for EU and EEA citizens

Before studying

As a commencing student you may have many questions: What does the desired course of studies teach me? How do I apply? What are the requirements for admission to studying at MCI, and what is the application deadline? What are my career options after graduation? Below you will find all the answers and information you may need.


3 students outdoors in a discussion

Students from across the globe seize this study program as an academic entry point to an international career as well as to obtaining the required foundation to complete a respective Master’s program.

The international focus of the MCI Bachelor’s program in Business & Management, held entirely in English, makes this program unique. It attracts students from all over the world interested in an international career.

Students in this high-level, innovative, and practice-oriented course are given the opportunity to acquire advanced management knowledge, while at the same time developing a range of flexible approaches and methodological competencies. In addition to providing a solid foundation for a professional career, the focus of the course is on applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems. Students are encouraged to develop additional competencies to benefit their future professional careers, including teamwork and communication skills.

While the first few semesters provide the basics, advanced courses include simulation games, a bachelor thesis, and a practice lab, enabling students to cooperate with industrial partners in solving practical problems and applying previously acquired theoretical knowledge.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöckl | Deputy Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business & Management
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöckl Deputy Head of Department & Studies +43 512 2070 - 3100

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Consultancy situation between MCI lecturer and a future student


Applications for admission are accepted on an ongoing basis via our online application platform. In the sense of your personal further planning, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple programs of study, as long as a plausible rationale is given.

Date 1 Nov 12, 2023 Nov 27 - 28, 2023
Date 2    Feb 4, 2024 Feb 19 - 21, 2024
Date 3 Mar 31, 2024 Apr 15 - 17, 2024
Date 4 May 26, 2024 Jun 10 - 12, 2024
Date 5 Jun 30, 2024 Jul 15 - 16, 2024


Generally, admission to the program is available to the following persons:

  • Individuals with a university entrance qualification for a social, business or legal sciences study program (e.g. school-leaving exam, appropriate university entrance equivalency exam etc.)
  • Individuals without a university entrance qualification, but with relevant professional qualification, provided that one of the following requirements is fulfilled:
    • school-leaving certificate from a relevant vocational secondary school
    • completion of a dual education course with a relevant apprenticeship

Persons without a university entrance qualification but with relevant vocational qualifications must additionally sit entrance exams in German, English (Level II) and Mathematics (Level I). The level of the exams corresponds to that of a non-school university entrance qualification in social & economic sciences.

Persons in their last year at school wishing to apply for a place on the program before taking their final exams must include their most current school report with their application. Successful applicants must subsequently submit their school-leaving examination certificate before the start of the first semester.

In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

Diverse students in a bright, modern seminar room

While studying

MCI study programs stand out due to the quality of their content, relevance to the business world, and their international orientation. The close cooperation with partners from industry and integrative internships enable students to gain practical experience as early as in their Bachelor’s studies. In addition to providing expert knowledge, MCI places great importance on encouraging personal development and the development of social and intercultural competencies.

Business & Management


Time model & language
Full-time | English
Academic year
Winter semester: October – February
Summer semester: March – July
1st – 4th semester: Fundamentals and Practice lab
5th semester: Mandatory international semester abroad
6th semester: Integrative internship, Bachelor thesis & final exam
Tuition fees
For students from EU & EEA countries: EUR 363,36 / semester plus membership fee to the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). Details & information for students from third countries can be found at admission.

Module overview

Business Administration 47%
Fundamentals of Economics & Law 9%
Social & Communicative Skills 7%
Scientific Methodical Competencies 18%
Interdisciplinary Competencies 19%


  1 2 3 4 5 6
Principles of Management            
Principles of Management 3 | 4          
Project, Process & Quality Management            
Project & Quality Management 3 | 4          
Process & Supply Chain Management 3 | 4          
Accounting & Finance            
Financial Accounting I 3 | 4          
Financial Accounting II    3 | 4         
Management Accounting   3 | 4        
Corporate Finance & Risk      3 | 4      
Financial Management          2 | 4  
Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation            
Strategic Management   3 | 4        
Business Intelligence & IT Systems     3 | 4      
Entrepreneurship     3 | 4      
Innovation Management       3 | 4    
International Management         3 | 6   
Leadership         2 | 4  
Marketing & Sales            
Marketing & Sales I    3 | 4        
Marketing & Sales II       3 | 4     
International Marketing         3 | 6  
Organizations & Human Resource Management            
Human Resource Management     3 | 4       
Business Psychology & Change       3 | 4    
Elective 2: Current Topics in Management         2.5 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Microeconomics 3 | 4          
Macroeconomics    3 | 4         
Business Law   3 | 4        
EU Law & International Legal Systems     3 | 4       

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Business Simulation     2 | 2      
Integrative Revision       3 | 4     
Selected Topics in Business Practice       2 | 3     
Practice Lab       5 | 5     
Elective 1: Current Developments in Business          2.5 | 5  
Integrative Internship           0 | 15 

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Collaboration & Negotiation Skills  2 | 2           
Professional Business Communication 2 | 3          
Business & Society   2 | 3         
Business & Culture     2 | 2      
Managerial & Ethical Decision-Making       2 | 3    

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Academic Research & Writing 2 | 3           
Mathematics, Statistics & Data Science I 2 | 2           
Mathematics, Statistics & Data Science II   2 | 3         
Quantitative Methods of Empirical Research     2 | 3       
Qualitative Methods of Empirical Research     2 | 3       
Business Research Coaching       2 | 3    
Bachelor Thesis Coaching           2 | 2
Bachelor Thesis           2 | 12
Bachelor Exam           0 | 1

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits


The Bachelor’s program Business & Management is a full-time degree program. In full-time studies, lectures and seminars are held on weekdays, with blocked units allowing for an intensive immersion into individual topics.

The classes usually take place from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:15 and / or from 13:30 to 16:45. In exceptional cases, the times may vary and the lessons and / or examinations may take place outside the specified times or possibly on Saturdays.

Our interdisciplinary electives provide you with the opportunity to tailor your academic journey to your own interests and goals.

Interdisciplinary electives are cross-curricular courses on current trends and developments.

They allow you to discuss topics from different perspectives and interact with students and faculty from other disciplines.

During your studies you have the unique chance to choose such a course from a wide range of topics within the following focus areas:

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalization
  • Globalization
  • Society

The electives offer the opportunity to deepen your own interests and broaden your horizons. Join us as we enter a world of learning, exploration, and growth! Read more.

The Bachelor program Business & Management offers the option of a double degree. Interested students can gain a Bachelor degree from HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki / Finland in addition to the degree awarded by MCI.

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Bachelor of Arts in Business, in short BA or B.A. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Bachelor diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: BSc (MCI). 
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, MCI has defined clear cross-curricular learning goals. These describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Stylized globe of white grid lines on an orange circle symbolizes basic business knowledge and skills in general management

Information Literacy

Our graduates can find, evaluate, and responsibly use information from a variety of (digital) sources.

Symbol of a white labyrinth on an orange circle shows adequate problem-solving skills

Responsible Decision Making

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our graduates can make decisions that are ecologically sustainable, economically responsible, and socially equitable.

Three white gear wheels on an orange circle symbolize basic knowledge and skills for scientific work


Our graduates demonstrate proficiency in applying entrepreneurial thinking and strategies to identify market opportunities, solve complex problems, and create innovative solutions, considering ethical issues.

Learning Goals Business & Management

Our students can apply basic management knowledge by linking it with current issues in business administration.

Studying abroad

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. The program also includes a mandatory semester abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions for students. During the semester abroad, students have the possibility to specialize in different fields of business.
Moreover, the Bachelor program Business & Management offers the option to complete a double degree in cooperation with HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Finland.


At MCI, each program of study requires students to complete an integrative internship of at least 13 weeks at a national or international company. Students receive support from the respective department in organizing this internship and are supervised in coordination with the company.

Young smiling business man standing in front of a group in the background, blurred, in a bright surrounding

Our department and the MCI Career Center regularly provide up-to-date information about internship positions and the situation on the labor market in general.

As part of practice-oriented projects, students are provided with the opportunity to work with local and international businesses. This allows them to immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge in practice and in collaboration with the project team. Their theoretical knowledge is further deepened by a mandatory internship of several weeks duration.

Veronika Keuschnigg, BA; Graduate of the study program Business & Management, Austria

I have chosen the study program Business & Management because international relations are getting more and more important in business life. This program provides the education I seek for taught in the language that is most important to an internationally active company.

Veronika Keuschnigg, BA; Graduate of the study program Business & Management, Austria

Dr. Tobias Anslinger; editor-in-chief – Best in Procurement, Germany

Developing organizations means developing and empowering people. To experience the dynamics in organizations, to experience and interpret their cultures, their written and unwritten rules, but above all to be able to deal with them in a positive way is a skill that is still seen by many as a "soft skill" - but in reality it is one of the most decisive skills in professional life. I would like to convey this message in my courses on the topics of organizational and personnel development as well as change management, while passing on as much of my own experience from different companies as possible.

Dr. Tobias Anslinger; editor-in-chief – Best in Procurement, Germany

Mag. Melanie Gassler-Tischlinger, LL.M.; Lawyer and Partner at Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partners, Austria

As a lawyer and partner at Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partners in Innsbruck, I deal with interesting and complex legal cases on a daily basis. I enjoy teaching my students about the legal framework of the business world and bringing legal provisions to life by telling the students about exciting cases I have handled.

Mag. Melanie Gassler-Tischlinger, LL.M.; Lawyer and Partner at Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partners, Austria

Erika Wernolf, BA; Graduate of the study program Business & Management, currently a double degree Master student in Portugal and Japan, Sweden

During my bachelor in Business & Management at MCI, I received great insights into the business world while studying in a beautiful environment. I chose the university because it offers a mix between theory and practice, giving the students an opportunity to do one semester abroad as well as an international internship.

Erika Wernolf, BA; Graduate of the study program Business & Management, currently a double degree Master student in Portugal and Japan, Sweden

Donald L Sparks, PhD; Emeritus Professor of International Economics, The Citadel, Director, Charleston Council for International Visitors, President, SC Chapter of the Fulbright Association, USA

Until the change of administrations, I was a consultant for the US Department of State's Office of Economic Analysis in Washington, DC. The important global economic issues I worked on there were the same issues that we discussed in class at MCI. I believe my State Department experience gives me the expertise to share my knowledge with my students.

Donald L Sparks, PhD; Emeritus Professor of International Economics, The Citadel, Director, Charleston Council for International Visitors, President, SC Chapter of the Fulbright Association, USA

Mag. Sarah Vonier; Project Manager at in the headroom, Austria

As Senior Project Manager at in the headroom GmbH, I am constantly confronted with new communication topics from a wide range of industries. A great deal of sensitivity and expertise is required in conceptual consulting, but also in the planning and implementation of these projects. It gives me great pleasure to pass on this know-how and my experience to the students. It is of significance to - as in my work in the advertising agency - always to look beyond the horizon.

Mag. Sarah Vonier; Project Manager at in the headroom, Austria

Dr. Georg Huber LL.M. (Chicago); Lawyer and Partner at Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partners, Austria

As a partner in the law firm Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partner, I am confronted with a wide range of legal issues and cases on a daily basis. It is important for me not only to explain legal issues to students in theory, but also to explain and demonstrate the application of law in practice using numerous examples from my professional life. Only in this way is it possible to awaken a deeper understanding of the law.

Dr. Georg Huber LL.M. (Chicago); Lawyer and Partner at Greiter Pegger Kofler & Partners, Austria

Philipp Gottstein, BA: Graduate of the study program Business & Management, CEO of Gottstein GmbH & Co KG, Austria

Business & Management builds a solid foundation for your future career. Due to the broad scope of the program, students become experts in all vital functions of a company and - even more important - obtain the diagnostic skill-set to analyze and understand any given situation, process, or structure within an organization. Friendships were formed. Experiences were gained. Tough yet notable lessons were learned. Mistakes were made. Over and over. The bottom line is that it was the right decision.

Philipp Gottstein, BA: Graduate of the study program Business & Management, CEO of Gottstein GmbH & Co KG, Austria

After studying

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional Opportunities

  • Industrial sector
  • Trading companies
  • Tax advisory & auditing
  • Business consultancy
  • Banks & insurance companies / investment counselling
  • Advertising agencies
  • Market research & opinion polls
  • Recruitment consultancy & HR management
  • Public administration

The full-time Bachelor program Business & Management is a practice-oriented study program with a focus on business and management. It was developed in cooperation with internationally renowned experts from science, business, and consulting, and was subjected to an independent demand-and-acceptance analysis. The alliance of business administration courses with economics and law, combined with social and communicative skills and scientific competencies, is the backbone of an innovative study program that offers excellent career perspectives.

The high demand for the Business & Management study program by prospective students on the one hand and by the business community on the other hand confirms our decision to offer a unique, quality-oriented program which covers all the main topics of business & management. Owing to the strong emphasis on interdisciplinary education, our international students are well prepared for an international career.

MCI Alumni & Friends

MCI Alumni & Friends provides a dynamic service platform promoting contacts, image, professional careers, and personal development of MCI and its graduates. We are delighted with all the graduates who choose to stay in touch even long after completion of their studies, and allowing us to be a part of their various careers:

Success Stories

Continue studying

The MCI offers a number of internationally oriented Master's courses. The Master’s program in International Business & Management is aimed directly at the graduates of this Bachelor’s program. The completion of a master's degree qualifies for the relevant doctoral studies.

Questions & answers

Yes, it is possible and it is even recommended that you apply before obtaining your school-leaving certificate in order to secure one of the limited places in your desired course of study. Please include your most recent certificates available in your application. Should your application be successful, the relevant school-leaving certificate may be submitted before the start of the first semester

Multiple applications are welcome as long as a plausible reason is provided in your cover letter. If you are admitted to two or more study programs, you are required to inform us of your final decision by the conclusion of the application procedures. 

Admission to the study program requires completion of an admission procedure. This comprises the following two steps and can be carried out entirely without attendance at the MCI:

Step 1 Online application: CV & motivation
A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

Step 2 – Online admission interview
In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.
In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

For citizens of the following countries, the tuition fee is 363.36 euros per semester plus a fee for compulsory membership to the Austrian National Union of Students:

  • EU citizens,
  • EEA and Swiss citizens, and
  • non-EU citizens, who according to sec. 2 of the Austrian Study Act on Universities of Applied Sciences (FHStG) are subject to sec. 1 of the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (PersGV) (Austrian Federal Law Gazette (BGBL) II no. 340/2013 as amended from time to time).

For students of non-EU countries not considered eligible according to above regulations, the tuition fee is as follows:

  • Bachelor’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee
  • Master’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

Your application documents regarding nationality will be assessed in detail as part of your admission procedure. Scholarships are available for applicants from non-EU countries and can be applied for as part of your online application.

Students of this study program have the choice within their curriculum, but also as part of their extracurricular activities, to choose between modules, specializations, additional courses, electives, etc. Additionally, the semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities, the internship, as well as projects and final papers, enable our students to make their study program a truly unique experience.     

Lectures and seminars in full-time courses are held on weekdays. To facilitate a more intense discussion of individual topics, some lessons may also be organized in blocks.

Attendance is mandatory in all classes. If you miss 25% of a course or more, this will have an effect on your final grade.

Exemption from mandatory attendance may be granted if a valid reason is given (e.g. sickness, visit to authorities or other personal reasons). Please submit your written request including relevant proof to the department for approval.