Management, Communication & IT

Fun & Games: Media Camp 2024 in partnership with Metagame
Fun & Games: Media Camp 2024 in partnership with Metagame
Management, Communication & IT bachelor’s students immerse themselves in the world of eSports
Of northern lights and study adventures
Of northern lights and study adventures
Jana Gufler und Eray Isik berichten von ihrem Auslandssemester in Finnland
MCiT Bachelor student Elena Wehinger completed her integrative internship in East Asia
Semester abroad in Northern California
Semester abroad in Northern California
MCiT Bachelor student Sabrina Hochrainer spent four months at San José State University
Get together with our 27 scholarship holders
Get together with our 27 scholarship holders
MCiT & DiBSE students and alumni receive their scholarships of excellence
Semester abroad at Umeå University in Sweden in autumn 2021
Semester abroad at Umeå University in Sweden in autumn 2021
A report worth reading from the two Bachelor MCiT students Theresa König & Stefan Santifaller
Internship at Audi
Internship at Audi
Exciting months for Luca Strobel at the German car manufacturer
Ö3 star Andi Knoll visits MCiT bachelor’s students
Ö3 star Andi Knoll visits MCiT bachelor’s students
Team building session with the popular radio and TV presenter
Finding a topic for the Bachelor‘s thesis
Finding a topic for the Bachelor‘s thesis
Empirical Social Research course with MCI professor Teresa Spieß
Founding a company after graduating in Management & IT
Founding a company after graduating in Management & IT
In our interview, alumna Anja Fritsch talks about her professional career
Dr. Teresa Spieß awarded MCI professorship
Dr. Teresa Spieß awarded MCI professorship
In the course of her inaugural lecture, Dr. Teresa Spieß received her professorship at MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®.
Exciting case study in the Entrepreneurship course
Exciting case study in the Entrepreneurship course
Experience controlling, logistics and marketing up close - "The use of drones for the transport of vaccines"
Internship at Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH
Internship at Daten-Verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH
MCiT Alumna Eva Egg looks back on her unique internship period
The smile in Japanese communication
The smile in Japanese communication
MCiT Insights: Our Bachelor‘s student Laura Schlatter reports on her semester abroad
Experience Project Management up close
Experience Project Management up close
MCiT Insights: Combining theory and practice in the courses Integrative synopsis and Entrepreneurship
An exciting internship in digital marketing
An exciting internship in digital marketing
  !-- MCiT Insights: Our MCiT Bachelor graduate Marlene Männer reports on her exciting internship and subsequent Bachelor's thesis at the BWT AG.Gathering practical experience and the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge is a high priority in the Management, Communication & IT bachelor program. The internship in the 5th semester as well as the bachelor thesis offer our students to experience the corporate environment and to establish their network of contacts. In this interview, Marlene Männer talks about her exciting internship and her practical bachelor's thesis in the marketing department of the BWT AG.Marlene, how did you find your internship? I wanted to supplement my existing theoretical knowledge in digital marketing with practical experience. The BWT AG is known far beyond the borders of Austria for its extremely good marketing and media presence in the sports sector. Especially due to the striking pink corporate colors, the company stands out not only in winter sports, but also in Formula 1. That's why I decided to apply for an internship in marketing at the BWT AG.What areas of responsibility did you take on during this time?Among other things, I worked on a future-oriented sustainability product and its marketing plan. For this, I was then allowed to develop, publish and evaluate a Facebook campaign as part of my bachelor's thesis. In addition, I was able to participate in the creation of social media content. Here I researched ideas and created drafts independently.What did a typical working day look like for you?I was able to organize my workdays quite flexibly, depending on my schedule. I usually started by answering customer inquiries. Here, I often worked with different departments, such as product management or research and development. I was also able to take part in various meetings with agencies and thus gain closer insights into the planning activities of marketing. I especially enjoyed creating social media posts and social media guidelines.What were the biggest challenges you overcame?Reconciling the scientific criteria of a bachelor's thesis with its practical suitability for the BWT AG was certainly challenging. In addition, I had not yet run an advertising campaign on Facebook and therefore had to do additional research. My experienced colleagues and my supervisor for the bachelor's thesis, Dr. Schwazer from MCI, were a great help here.How did the MCiT Bachelor's program prepare you for your internship?Besides the MCI badge for digital marketing, the lecture "Development of Media Planning" helped me a lot. Here we created a digital marketing concept for a company and were able to give free rein to our creativity in prototyping and strategy development. I also learned a lot about video shooting and editing during the "Innovation Camp" course. This gave me a good idea of how much work is involved in producing a commercial spot.What was your greatest success during your internship?The fact that I was able to create my own advertising campaign on Facebook and observe its progress was a great. I was allowed to think about settings such as the target group, region, ad text and image and then implement them in coordination.What advice would you give MCiT students when looking for a suitable internship?Take enough time to polish your application documents and start applying early for positions at companies that really interest you. If you are looking for a primarily creative job, an internship at an advertising agency is a good idea. If, on the other hand, you want to get to know many different areas of business and work, an internship in an SME can be a good idea.Thank you very much for the exciting interview, Marlene!MCiT Bachelor's Graduate Marlene Männer Photocredit: M. MännerBachelor Management, Communications & ITMaster Management, Communications & IT endsearch-->
Interview about the semester abroad in France
Interview about the semester abroad in France
MCiT Insights: Anna Stock and Jasmin Steiner take us on a journey through Nantes MCiT Insights: Anna Stock and Jasmin Steiner take us on a journey through NantesOur two MCiT Bachelor students, Anna Stock and Jasmin Steiner, did not want to miss out on spending their semester abroad in France despite the worldwide pandemic. In the interview they talk about the exciting time in Nantes, the challenges they have had to overcome so far and tell us about their favorite places.Interview participants: J: Jasmin Steiner; A: Anna Stock Anna and Jasmin, why did you choose Audencia Business School?A: Jasmin and I both had the intention to go to France to brush up our French. We chose Nantes and Audencia Business School because Audencia has a good reputation in France and throughout Europe. Also, the pictures of Nantes already impressed us, so the decision was not that difficult. Of course, we were very pleased that we both got the study place. Where do you see the biggest differences between your host university and the MCI?J: The two universities are very similar in their structure. Both have a very practice-oriented learning approach. Theoretical content is consolidated by working on practical tasks in groups. This year the situation is certainly different from previous years due to COVID-19. While the MCI gives clear indications of lecture and exam dates at the beginning of the semester, the planning procedure at Audencia is more spontaneous. However, the syllabus of the courses is clearly defined at both universities right from the start. What is it like to spend a semester abroad in France during COVID-19?A: Let's say: special! Of course, we would also have preferred to spend a COVID-19-free semester abroad. Many things that usually characterize such a semester were unfortunately not possible or more difficult for us in this form: For example, the exchange with other students was only possible to a limited extent. We spent a total of three weeks directly at Audencia, apart from this the lessons took place exclusively online. And, of course it is also easier to improve one's own language skills if the others do not wear masks. But nevertheless, we are so grateful that the semester came about at all and that we were able to experience so many beautiful things. Given the state of emergency, this is a true privilege. How do you like Nantes?Très bien! The city is very impressive, especially the combination of the old with the new, both in architecture and art. Nantes is extremely livable with its numerous green spaces and recreational areas. The entire city is spotted with beautiful parks and wooded areas. And of course not to forget the French haute cuisine and the numerous cafés and crêperies. By now, we could make a crêpe ranking in Nantes, with quite a few crêperies sharing the first place. The people here are extremely friendly. Even if we put our foot in it with our poor knowledge of French, they have always tried to help us. Insider tip for all hobby historians: Apart from Nantes, the entire Loire valley with its numerous beautiful castles and chateaux is truly a paradise for those interested in history. What has been the biggest challenge during your semester abroad so far?A: For me, I think it was the lockdown, which is stricter in France than in Austria - it can make you go a bit crazy … Thank goodness my great flatmates were available for any nonsense!J: For me it was the language barrier at the beginning. Of course, there were a lot of funny moments because of my lack of French, but it was a real challenge to express myself and sometimes difficult. But thanks to Anna and my French course I was able to overcome the language barrier - there's still a lot of laughter.Dear Anna, dear Jasmin! Many thanks for your travel report. You have given us some really nice reading moments!Anna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin eating crêpe in Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin at the beach. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerBachelor Management, Communications & ITMaster Management, Communication !-- MCiT Insights: Anna Stock and Jasmin Steiner take us on a journey through NantesOur two MCiT Bachelor students, Anna Stock and Jasmin Steiner, did not want to miss out on spending their semester abroad in France despite the worldwide pandemic. In the interview they talk about the exciting time in Nantes, the challenges they have had to overcome so far and tell us about their favorite places.Interview participants: J: Jasmin Steiner; A: Anna Stock Anna and Jasmin, why did you choose Audencia Business School?A: Jasmin and I both had the intention to go to France to brush up our French. We chose Nantes and Audencia Business School because Audencia has a good reputation in France and throughout Europe. Also, the pictures of Nantes already impressed us, so the decision was not that difficult. Of course, we were very pleased that we both got the study place. Where do you see the biggest differences between your host university and the MCI?J: The two universities are very similar in their structure. Both have a very practice-oriented learning approach. Theoretical content is consolidated by working on practical tasks in groups. This year the situation is certainly different from previous years due to COVID-19. While the MCI gives clear indications of lecture and exam dates at the beginning of the semester, the planning procedure at Audencia is more spontaneous. However, the syllabus of the courses is clearly defined at both universities right from the start. What is it like to spend a semester abroad in France during COVID-19?A: Let's say: special! Of course, we would also have preferred to spend a COVID-19-free semester abroad. Many things that usually characterize such a semester were unfortunately not possible or more difficult for us in this form: For example, the exchange with other students was only possible to a limited extent. We spent a total of three weeks directly at Audencia, apart from this the lessons took place exclusively online. And, of course it is also easier to improve one's own language skills if the others do not wear masks. But nevertheless, we are so grateful that the semester came about at all and that we were able to experience so many beautiful things. Given the state of emergency, this is a true privilege. How do you like Nantes?Très bien! The city is very impressive, especially the combination of the old with the new, both in architecture and art. Nantes is extremely livable with its numerous green spaces and recreational areas. The entire city is spotted with beautiful parks and wooded areas. And of course not to forget the French haute cuisine and the numerous cafés and crêperies. By now, we could make a crêpe ranking in Nantes, with quite a few crêperies sharing the first place. The people here are extremely friendly. Even if we put our foot in it with our poor knowledge of French, they have always tried to help us. Insider tip for all hobby historians: Apart from Nantes, the entire Loire valley with its numerous beautiful castles and chateaux is truly a paradise for those interested in history. What has been the biggest challenge during your semester abroad so far?A: For me, I think it was the lockdown, which is stricter in France than in Austria - it can make you go a bit crazy … Thank goodness my great flatmates were available for any nonsense!J: For me it was the language barrier at the beginning. Of course, there were a lot of funny moments because of my lack of French, but it was a real challenge to express myself and sometimes difficult. But thanks to Anna and my French course I was able to overcome the language barrier - there's still a lot of laughter.Dear Anna, dear Jasmin! Many thanks for your travel report. You have given us some really nice reading moments!Anna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin eating crêpe in Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin exploring Nantes. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerAnna and Jasmin at the beach. Photocredit: Anna Stock und Jasmin SteinerBachelor Management, Communications & ITMaster Management, Communications & IT endsearch-->
Semester Update
Semester Update
MCiT & DiBSE News