Dominik Strobl

Date 2019-06-26

Managing Director and Founder STROFELD Manufaktur - Unique Loudspeakers

Completed study program: Management, Communication & IT (Bachelor)

Dominik Strobl

Dominik Strobl

When I look back at my time at MCI...

...I can only recommend studying at MCI to those who are interested in entrepreneurial topics and wish for a well thought-out study program.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

In my opinion, MCI, like no other university of applied sciences in Europe, teaches practical and up-to-date business topics instead of preaching the same theories year after year. Furthermore, a successfully completed degree at MCI - due to its strong brand - is a door opener when looking for a job and not only within Austria.

The study program "Management, Communication & IT" greatly facilitated the foundation and successful management of STROFELD Manufaktur by teaching company-related issues from business and technology. The MCI - Creativity Award enabled us to prove our business idea in front of a critical jury and gave us the opportunity to present our creative business idea in front of the Start up Tirol GmbH (formerly C.A.S.T. GmbH), who subsequently included us in their support programme.

What made the MCiT study unique for me were the Tipp´s & tricks of the lecturers who run their own company.

Luica Hemsing
Luica Hemsing
Manager, Boston Consulting Group, New York City
Kathrin Schnaller
Kathrin Schnaller
Business Consultant / BE-terna
Tobias Schrott
Tobias Schrott
CEO, Giggle GmbH - - the holiday experience cloud