MSc | DBA Double Degree Program


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Short Facts
  • Type of study
    part-time | online & attendance modules | English
  • Academic Degree
    Master of Science (Continuing Education) | MSc (CE) in Business Research Methods | conferred by MCI
    Doctor of Business Administration | DBA | conferred by IUM
  • Prerequisites
    Master degree & a minimum of 5 years professional experience | Bachelor degree in any subject & a minimum of 7 years professional experience | Proof of English proficiency
  • Venues: Innsbruck | Monaco | Geneva | London
  • Duration of study: 36 months
  • Tuition fee*: EUR 55.850,-
  • Application deadline: 01.09.2024
  • Starting date: Autum 2024

*VAT exempt | Please contact us for individual payment arrangements | 10% Discount for MCI Alumni

Why a MSc | DBA
Double Degree Program?

„The MCI | IUM Double Degree Program provides an unique learning experience for professionals who want to stay in business and enhance their career. The program unites culturally diverse people at great locations like Innsbruck, Monaco, London or Geneva. Executives take advantage from a program that is academically rigorous, practically highly relevant, and intellectually challenging." Dr. Maria Kreuzer, Academic Director


The Double Degree Program of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® and IUM | The International University of Monaco is a three-year, part-time research-oriented program for managers and professionals from different fields seeking to apply relevant knowledge and analytical skills in the context of new problems and circumstances in their industry or workplace.

This unique Double Degree Program is designed to take advantage of earning a Master’s degree and a Doctor’s degree within a time span of three years. Both degrees are awarded by two internationally renowned and accredited European universities. The program is a high-level executive development program designed to be academically rigorous, practically relevant and intellectually challenging.

The MCI’s MSc specifically prepares the students for the DBA program at IUM. Both universities are AACSB-accredited. The AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) is one of the leading international accreditation bodies for business schools and business faculties. Their accreditation is considered a recognised seal of approval for high-level teaching and research.

The academic degree of DBA is awarded by the IUM. The IUM DBA program has been ranked from the DBA International Dubai Ranking 22nd out of 148 DBAs worldwide in 2021.

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog | Head Executive Education
Mag. Susanne E. Herzog Head Executive Education

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Links & Downloads


Blended format combining residential weeks and synchronous online sessions
Intense supervision by two advisors
Double degree 3 years in total | part-time
MSc 120 ECTS in total
DBA 90 Credits in total (equivalent 180 ECTS)
Monaco | Innsbruck | Geneva | London
Tuition FEE
EUR 55,850,-

MCI and IUM’s Double Degree Program offers you guided step-by-step support in the development, planning, design and implementation of your research project. It allows you to focus on one research project relevant to you throughout the entire learning journey. The close collaboration between MCI and IUM offers candidates a dual degree opportunity combining the analytical insights and research skills typically taught in MCI MSc programs with the research insights developed within the international doctoral program at IUM.

  • Academic rigor
    Gain a deep understanding of the chosen problem area through a challenging combination of research training, self-paced study and advised research.

  • One learning journey, two degrees
    The program prepares and supports each candidate optimally to achieve the required standards for obtaining the DBA degree. The program is executed by the MCI and IUM. While the International University of Monaco will issue the doctoral degree, MCI will issue the Master of Science (MSc) in Business Research Methods at the end of the second year.

  • Wide variety of reseach topics
    MCI and IUM faculty are experts in many fields of business and management, ranging from entrepreneurship to organizational behavior but also covering technical and IT-related fields.

  • Excellent advice
    Take advantage of an intellectually challenging but personally close relationship with your team of highly experienced advisors.

  • International experience
    Benefit from a diverse learning community with faculty and peers from all over the world.

  • Practical focus
    The MSc | DBA double degree enables you to deal with your pracitcal managerial issues of direct relevance to you within one learning journey.

  • Networking and exchange
    Develop rewarding and in-depth connections with experienced faculty and peers. Get inspired by some of the most talented and enthusiastic minds.

You can continue your professional career without interruption. The program is offered in a flexible study mode with on-campus experiences in four major European locations. Our MCI and IUM experts will guide you towards substantial contributions to knowledge, evidenced in your Master and doctoral dissertation.

  • Become scholarly practitioners
    Develop critical thinking skills and become creativeproblem solvers.
    Produce academic and professional contributions adding to existing knowledge.

  • Become well-trained researchers
    Select and apply appropriate research methods for tackling and resolving problems.
    Conduct rigorous analyses with qualitative and quantitative data.

  • Become experts in their field of research
    Demonstrate advanced competencies in the chosen area of specialization.
    Acquire and generate cutting edge knowledge at the forefront of the discipline.

  • Become professional presenters and communicators
    Develop skills to convincingly present research results and disseminate novel ideas.
    Communicate at the expected standard of published academic work.
3 Reasons

Learn more about the MSc | DBA Double Degree Program from Tamra Capstick-Dale.

3 Reasons

Learn more about the MSc | DBA Double Degree Program from Simon Stoß.

3 Reasons

Learn more about the MSc | DBA Double Degree Program from Rumbidazai Zimvumi.

Structure & Content

You will start your learning journey towards the DBA with preparatory modules within the Master program. Upon the successful completion of these modules, you will receive a MSc (CE) | Master of Science (Continuing Education) in Business Research Methods from MCI Innsbruck, which enables you to enter the second phase of the DBA program at IUM – the preparation of the doctoral research project. You will be accompanied through the entire process: from the step-by-step planning and development of your research project to its final implementation and write-up.


The MCI | IUM Double Degree Program runs over a period of 36 months with an innovative blended teaching approach that combines on-campus seminars, online courses, business insights, individual on-site and online support by designated advisors, and participation in international conferences.

  • Residential weeks
    As part of their curriculum, the candidates attend six residential weeks in different venues including Monaco and Innsbruck as well as our two current partner locations Geneva and London. During these weeks, they participate in classes, seminars, and business insight sessions.

  • Online Learning
    A tailored distance learning concept allows students to stay in touch throughout the program. They will have the support of dedicated advisors with extensive experience in supporting professionals on their learning and research journey.

  • Faculty
    The principal asset of the MCI | IUM Double Degree Program is a world-renowned faculty consisting of international academics with extensive experience in business and managerial practices in various fields. Our professors and practice-led academics are passionate about guiding our students. They work with them from the start on their research projects to ensure both rigor and relevance of their doctoral research.

  • DBA synopsis
    The synopsis is a presentation of the entire research project starting from the description of the managerial problem tackled in an academically rigorous manner down to the managerial implication of the results of the research project.

The research priorities cover a wide variety of fields in business, management and economics. Participants of the MCI | IUM Double Degree Program will be embedded in the relevant research centers or research labs. They will have the opportunity to benefit from the intellectual stimuli provided by the research groups at both institutions.

The faculty teaching and supervising the research projects are internationally renowned experts in their field of research. Moreover, based on their extensive experience both in academia and industry, faculty members can help to integrate practical relevance into academically rigorous theses. The faculties at MCI and IUM are composed of

  • Permanent, affiliate, and visiting professors
  • Experts, professionals and entrepreneurs from industry
  • Coaches experienced in professional, career and personal development




  • Communication and Digital Innovation
  • Business Design & Innovation
  • Corporate Governance and Capital Structure
  • China Center
  • Earning Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Emerging Markets
  • Digital Business & IT
  • Gender Issues
  • Expertise Center Smart Mobility
  • Global Capital Stock
  • Family Business Center
  • International Trade and Finance
  • Innovation in Social & Health Services
  • Luxury Management
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Marketing
  • Privacy
  • Jean Monnet Chair
  • Risk Management
  • SME Innovation Network
  • Sports Management
  • Strategy Mergers & Acquisitions Research Lab
  • SME Financing and Growth
  • Supply Chains of the Future
  • Sustainable Transformation
  • Tourism Research
  • University Management Research


Program Director  Mag. Susanne E. Herzog  MCI Head of Executive Education & Development

MCI Head of Executive Education & Development

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog

Strategy & Research Consultant bei IMARK Strategy Advisors

MCI Academic Director MSc

Dr. Maria Kreuzer

Academic Board

FH-Prof. Dr. Simon Czermak MCI Senior Lecturer, Cohort Coach (2018) Executive PhD Program in Management

Prof. Dr. Hans Mühlbacher

Prof. ret. University of Innsbruck
Prof. em. International University of Monaco

Anita Zehrer

Prof. DB MMag. Dr. habil. Anita Zehrer

Head R&D Unit Management & Society,  MCI

Kurz Matzler

Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler

Professor of Strategic Management,
University of Innsbruck

Markus Kittler

Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler

Academic Director Executive PhD, MCI

  • MSc (CE) | Master of Science (Continuing Education) in Business Research Methods | conferred by MCI
  • DBA | Doctor of Business Administration | conferred by IUM
Dr. Maria Kreuzer, Academic Director MSc, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Understanding a managerial problem from an academic perspective allows practitioners to grow intellectually, personally, and career-wise.

Dr. Maria Kreuzer, Academic Director MSc, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog, Head of Executive Education at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

The double degree program is offered in an innovative, part-time study format with six intensive attendance weeks at four attractive European locations. Online courses, coaching sessions, and personalized research supervision ensure a high degree of flexibility and relevance.

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog, Head of Executive Education at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, Rector of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

The MSc | DBA Double Degree Program is an important step in MCI’s evolution. Together with our international partner, we will mentor managers and professionals from different fields with academic ambitions to boost their careers. We look forward to guiding the participants on their learning journey reaching the next level of academic acumen and management proficiency. Our innovative program will provide benefits to their companies and will create impact on the economy and society we live in.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, Rector of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Dr. Jean Philippe Muller, General Director & Dean, IUM - The International University of Monaco

The Double Degree Program jointly offered by IUM and MCI is the ideal choice for experienced business and nonprofit professionals seeking the highest postgraduate qualification, without putting their careers on hold. It offers experienced managers the opportunity to study in-depth a real business issue of most significant interest to them and to directly transfer the knowledge gained into their  working life, improving outcomes and performances. Supported by a combination of face-to-face exchanges, online courses, and self-paced study, students work on a research project of their choice without interrupting their professional working life.

Dr. Jean Philippe Muller, General Director & Dean, IUM - The International University of Monaco

Dr. Hans Mühlbacher, Prof. ret. University of Innsbruck, Prof. em. International University of Monaco

It is awesome to see how two excellent universities - the International University of Monaco and the MCI - both of which mean a lot to me personally, are joining forces to launch an innovative MSc DBA Double Degree Program. The DBA program, which I have raised from the cradle together with highly committed colleagues, has recently been placed 22nd out of 148 DBA programs in the Dubai ranking. The newly established cooperation endows the program with the potential of being ranked among the top 15 of the world. Convinced of the achievement, I would like to express my warmest congratulations for the highly successful future!

Dr. Hans Mühlbacher, Prof. ret. University of Innsbruck, Prof. em. International University of Monaco

Who is the program suitable for?

The part-time MSc | DBA Doubel Degree Program is for Managers and business professionals from different disciplines who wish to:

  • achieve a highly distinguished academic degree,
  • critically reflect upon new problems and circumstances,
  • establish or strengthen links with the academic sector,
  • further develop their analytical skills and methods,
  • broaden and deepen their intellectual capabilities,
  • build on and enhance their managerial proficiency and
  • boost their careers and take them to the next level.


Zwei Personen sitzen zusammen an einem Tisch mit verschiedenen Dokumenten.


  • Evidence of relevant personal, professional, and educational experience
  • Motivation to study and research in the chosen field and clearly defined career objectives
  • Leadership potential and personal achievement and interests
  • Contribution to the University’s mission statement
  • Master’s degree in any subject plus a minimum of 5 years of managerial experience
  • Bachelor’s degree in any subject plus a minimum of 7 years of managerial experience
  • Proficiency in English

  • Statement of intended research based on a managerial problem
  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree transcript and diploma(s)
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • CV (resume)
  • Passport photocopy
  • ID picture
  • Proof of English Proficiency: TOEFL (92), IELTS (6.5) or equivalent

By applying and/or registering for the Double Degree Program, you give the MCI and the IUM the formal consent to check all of the provided credentials and documents. Once your application file has been accepted, intake interviews will be organized to get a better insight of your motivation and perseverance. All applicants are requested to present their initial research topic during an interview with one or more faculty members.

Career & Perspectives

The Double Degree Program will have benefits for you and your career, for your company and for society at large.

Graduates are able to generate and share academic knowledge within their own professional and academic networks. They master methods and instruments of economic research in order to apply them to challenges in their professional environment.

Our graduates profit from our strong network of recognized lecturers from science, business, and society, even beyond their studies. The exchange with international students also improves their own network and creates international acceptance for the benefit of all our students.