General Management


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Application until 31.07.2024: -5% Summer Special*

Short Facts
  • Type of study
    part-time | online & attendance modules | moduels abroad | English
  • Duration of study
    4 semesters | 90 ECTS
  • Academic Degree
    Master of Business Administration | MBA
  • Prerequisites
    academic degree | relevant professional qualification | proof of English
  • Tuition fee
    EUR 26,650,-
  • Next starting date
    Autum 2024
  • Next application deadline

Application until 31.07.2024: -5% Summer Special*
*regular tuition fee minus 5%

Why study MBA General Management?

"This MBA program is a turbo booster for your career. You learn from the best and with the best." Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler, Academic Director


The target group of the Master program comprises managers and future managers with an international orientation. It focuses on skills that decisively enhance your career prospects. The program developed at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is a part-time attendance program and characterized by innovative didactics and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.

  • Top-class MBA study program
  • For international executives and junior managers
  • Flexibility in time and location through Mobile Learning
  • Immediate transfer of knowledge at the workplace through application-oriented teaching
  • Flexibility of content through electives
  • Study in the English language
  • Focus: leadership, entrepreneurship, digital transformation and strategic management
  • 13 core modules in four semesters
  • Electives (optional courses) at renowned international partner universities
Mag. Susanne E. Herzog | Head Executive Education
Mag. Susanne E. Herzog Head Executive Education

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Links & Downloads
Ein Bild mit Schatten von Menschen hinter einem transparenten Bildschirm, der verschiedene Netzwerke zeigt.

Structure & Content

The postgraduate Master program provides a general management education with an international focus that promotes and develops the professional and social skills of the participants. Participants learn to systematically identify and analyze business problems, to develop appropriate solutions and to find and implement decisions.

Didactically, the program follows the mobile learning concept (blended learning) developed at the MCI. The intelligent mix of compact attendance phases at the MCI in Innsbruck as well as synchronous and asynchronous online courses combines location-independent study with personal interaction between lecturers and students. Thus, the didactic concept differs fundamentally from a typical distance-learning program, while meeting the highest standards.

The contents of the English language course are divided into 13 modules, which are spread over four semesters.

The topics are:

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation
  • Strategic Management
  • Innovation & Digital Transformation
  • Global Macroeconomics
  • Managing International Business
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Data Science
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Human Resource Management


So-called "electives", electives that can be taken at renowned partner universities in Europe and overseas, provide flexibility in terms of content. Students can thus set additional thematic priorities. If desired, these electives can also be taken online.

To earn the degree, students have to write a Master thesis of practical relevance in line with recognized scientific principles. With their theses, students are expected to demonstrate that they are able to apply the acquired knowledge to a business management problem.



Part-time, Blended Learning (online & attendance modules)
13 core modules in four semesters, part-time, online-based
Tuition fee
EUR 26,650,-
Student orientation    
Organizational Behavior Behavior of Organizations
Managing Groups & Teams & Diversity
Communication & Conflict
Organizational Structure & Change
Leadership Behavior in Organizations
Leading People within Organizations
Approaches to Leadership: Concepts & Models
Agile Leadership
Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation The Lean Start-Up Methodology & Market Opportunity Navigator
Identifying New Market Opportunities
Agile Focus Strategy  
Design of a Business Model
Strategic Management Strategy and Disruptive Innovation
Strategic Analysis and Strategy Formulation
Corporate and Business Level Strategy
Strategy and the Business Model
Innovation & Digital Transformation Innovation as Management Task
Industrial Internet of Things
Digital Platforms and Ecosystems
Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making
Global Macroeconomics Modelling the Economy
Macroeconomic Policies
Growth and Supply-Side Policy
Business Cycles
Managing International Business Cultural Diversity
Managing Global Mobility
International Market Entry Strategies
Intercultural Communications & Negotiations
Managerial Accounting Accounting: Concepts, Techniques and Conventions
Cost Management Systems
Introduction to Budgets and Preparing the Master Budget
Management Control Systems and Responsibility Accounting
Financial Management Structure of Financial Markets
Capital Budgeting Techniques
Financing Life Cycle
Risk Management
Data Science Data Analytic Thinking:
Data Science Products
Model Fitting & Functionality
Model Outputs
Marketing Management Analysing Opportunities
Market Segments & Targeting
Developing Strategies
Developing a Marketing Mix
Operations Management Concepts and Techniques
Formulation of Operation Strategies
Analysis of Operational Strengths
Capacity Planning, Inventory and Quality Control
Human Resource Management HRM in National & International Contexts
Key Aspects of HRM Theories, Concepts and Practices
The Strategic Management of People within Organisations
HRM-Concepts and Models
Electives Intense seminar modules abroad at renowned international 
partner universities.
Master thesis & Final Exam

Research Methods
Presentation Master thesis Outline & Research
Final Exam: Presentation & Defense of the thesis


The program offers students the opportunity to complete additional online and on-campus modules at the following renowned partner universities:



Program Director

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog

Head of Executive Education & Development

Academic Director

Academic Director

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler

Professor of Strategic Management, University of Innsbruck / Tyrol


Co-Creator of

Dr. Sharon Tal-Itzkovitch

Co-Creator of "Market Opportunity Navigator", Lecturer, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa / Israel

Associate Professor & MGM Program Director, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC / Canada

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Wafai

Associate Professor & MGM Program Director, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC / Canada

Associate Professor, University of Graz / Austria

Prof. Dr. Stefan Palan

Associate Professor, University of Graz / Austria

Associate Professor of Marketing, John Cabot University, Rome / Italy

Prof. Dr. Thomas Aichner

Associate Professor of Marketing, John Cabot University, Rome / Italy

Director Data Science, Coldblue, Rotterdam / Netherlands

Andrés Martínez Moreno, MSc

Director of Data Science, Coolblue B.V., Rotterdam / Netherlands

Professor of Global Economy and Deputy Director of Economic Policy and Performance, Cranfield University, Cranfield / UK

Prof. Dr. Joseph G. Nellis

Professor of Global Economy and Deputy Director of Economic Policy and Performance, Cranfield University, Cranfield / UK

The contents and structure of the postgraduate Master program are tailored to the specific expectations and needs of high-level executives and decision makers. The modern blended learning format combines online courses with on-site courses. The MCI E-Campus guarantees a high degree of flexibility. Students are nevertheless in continual contact with the faculty, course colleagues and MCI Support.

Embedded in the ultra-modern world of blended learning, this program promotes not only the personal but also the professional development of motivated students who are in the midst of their professional lives. The combination of interactive online phases and equally interactive attendance phases provides the perfect basis for a study program of the highest quality.

  • Online days monday to friday
  • Online weeks including MCI Webinars
  • Detailed schedule on request

An intelligent mix of online phases, attendance modules and electronic media links location-independent studies with personal interaction between lecturers and students. The didactic concept thus differs fundamentally from a typical distance-learning program while meeting the highest demands.


  • Learning where you want (also on the go - mobile learning)
  • Learning when you can (in your time)
  • Saving travel times and costs

Learning Advantages

  • Individualized learning according to prior knowledge and goals
  • More interactive learning with active exchange, collaboration and networking
  • Development of digital skills

Work - Life - Learn

  • Blended learning facilitates the combination of work, private life and further education

Through the personal and individualized learning environment at the MCI E-Campus, students receive daily updated messages, e-mails and all the information they need in order to concentrate on their studies. Tests and exercises to check personal learning progress as well as learning forums and moderated chats facilitate studying online.

Technical requirements for admission to the MCI E-Campus

  • PC / laptop (current standard)
  • Broadband Internet connection
  • Microphone and loudspeaker (headset)
  • Webcam
  • Printer


  • MS Office / Open Office
  • Current web browser
  • (Free) software packages as announced at the beginning of the course

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, the MCI has defined cross-curricular learning goals. These goals and objectives describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Three stylized persons in white on a blue circle, arrows between the persons symbolize efficient communication in the professional field

Responsible Leadership

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our graduates demonstrate a commitment to ecologically sustainable, economically responsible, and socially equitable decision-making.

Three white gears on a blue circle symbolize the ability to apply theories and scientific methods to practical problems

Academic Rigor

Our graduates can apply relevant theories and appropriate scientific methods in their field of work.

Blended Learning at MCI

In its organizational form as an online Master program, the MCI follows a blended learning concept that combines synchronous and asynchronous online phases with regular attendance phases.

Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler, Academic director of the MBA General Management

Disrupt yourself and reinvent your career with MCI's MBA. 

Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler, Academic director of the MBA General Management

Prof. Dr. Romano Prodi, Former President of the European Commission, Former Prime Minister of Italy

The MCI impresses with its internationality and entrepreneurial dynamic!

Prof. Dr. Romano Prodi, Former President of the European Commission, Former Prime Minister of Italy

Catherine Ladousse, Executive Director Communications EMEA, Lenovo, Paris

Congratulations to your focus on diversity, your entrepreneurial spirit and your goal to make MCI the best place to work, to learn and grow in a diverse and open world.

Catherine Ladousse, Executive Director Communications EMEA, Lenovo, Paris

Andreas König, former CEO TeamViewer, Start-up Investor, Göppingen / Germany

Unbelievable, what has been created in Innsbruck! An Entrepreneurial University at its best!

Andreas König, former CEO TeamViewer, Start-up Investor, Göppingen / Germany

Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, Louis Dreyfus Group, Amsterdam

MCI, the ideal partner for family businesses!

Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, Louis Dreyfus Group, Amsterdam

Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, Brussels

At MCI science meets business.

Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, Brussels

Dominik Schiener, Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, IOTA Foundation, Berlin

Getting started can be difficult, but the challenges make it all worthwhile. Keep it going!

Dominik Schiener, Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, IOTA Foundation, Berlin

Prof. Brun-Hagen Hennerkes, President, Foundation for Family Businesses, Stuttgart

Fantastic, what has been accomplished here.

Prof. Brun-Hagen Hennerkes, President, Foundation for Family Businesses, Stuttgart

Dr. Sabine Herlitschka, CEO, Infineon Technologies, Villach

I am impressed. Keep up the good work with your blithe obsession!

Dr. Sabine Herlitschka, CEO, Infineon Technologies, Villach

Mario Moretti Polegato, Founder & President, GEOX, Montebelluna / Italy

An idea is worth more than a business. All the best for the next steps!

Mario Moretti Polegato, Founder & President, GEOX, Montebelluna / Italy

Prof. Herbert Henzler, Management consultant, Munich

"Make a difference“; be inspired by this entrepreneurial school and this wonderful city.

Prof. Herbert Henzler, Management consultant, Munich

Ulrich Bez, CEO, Aston Martin Ltd., London

Stay cool – keep going!

Ulrich Bez, CEO, Aston Martin Ltd., London

Maria Hoefl-Riesch, olympic champion & entrepreneur, Kitzbühel / Austria

Coming from sports I know of the importance of diligence, courage, will and teamwork. This is for sure the same in science and economy. At the MCI one can feel how well these values are communicated to the students.

Maria Hoefl-Riesch, olympic champion & entrepreneur, Kitzbühel / Austria


The target group of the MBA General Management comprises entrepreneurs, managers and decision-makers who want to prepare for international challenges and qualify for higher management responsibilities. In addition to an academic degree, admission requirements include at least three years of qualified professional experience.

The MBA General Management is designed for:

  • Graduates with a degree in economics who wish to specialize, deepen their knowledge and acquire an international orientation
  • Graduates with a degree in economic disciplines aiming at a profound functional specialization and international orientation
  • Graduates with a degree in non-economic disciplines who wish to prepare for international management tasks
Two people sitting together at a table with different documents


Application deadline Date Interview
1 04.02.2024 19.02.2024
2 31.03.2024 25.04.2024
3 26.05.2024 09.09.2024
4 01.09.2024 09.09.2024
5 29.09.2024 individual date

In general, people with the following qualifications are admitted to the course:

  • Undergraduate degree from a recognized university (at least Bachelor with 180 ECTS).
  • Minimum of three years professional experience in a qualified position.

The admission procedure includes the following elements:

Online application
The application must be submitted in the form of a standardized online-application accompanied by the required documents (curriculum vitae and essay on medium-term career goals). An academic degree and minimum of three years professional experience in a qualified position prior to commencement of the program (ideally, qualified professional activity during the MBA program itself) are required.

Letter of motivation
The application must be accompanied by an essay, which demonstrates the applicant's motivation for applying to the study program.

Proof of an adequate command of English
Either TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent certificates (see European Framework of Reference for Languages: Proficient User, Competent Language Proficiency). Scores are valid for three years from the date of the test.

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
    The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) can be taken at any international TOEFL center. A minimum score of 92 points is required in an Internet-based test.
  • IELTS Academic - International English Language Testing System
    A minimum score of 6.5 is required.

Personal interview
The interview gives applicants the opportunity to present themselves personally, to narrate their career history, to explain their motivation for applying to this program as well as to describe their medium-term professional goals.

An admission committee reaches the final decision on the applicant’s admission to the Master program.


The MBA program's focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and digital transformation makes graduates pioneers of digital transformation.

Graduates are typically offered opportunities in senior management and as executives in all industries and companies where both international orientation and digital transformation are part of the corporate strategy. These include established high-tech companies as well as start-ups, industries such as automotive, mechanical engineering or pharmaceuticals, the service and financial sector, tourism and destination development and, last but not least, non-profit organizations.