International Opportunities

International Opportunities

Broaden Your Horizon

Internationalization forms an integral part of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® and is reflected in our lecturer and student composition, our study programs, and in our research projects. As one of the leading universities in Austria, The Entrepreneurial School® MCI hosts more than 3,500 students from 63 nations worldwide.

We place great importance on internationalization and offer our students a variety of experiences to build international skills and networks:

  • semester abroad

  • double degrees

  • Erasmus+ funded internships abroad

  • English semesters with international visiting students at MCI

  • renowned guest lecturers from around the world

  • short-term programs abroad

  • tutoring activities

Incoming Students

Studying for a semester or pursuing a degree at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® offers you the opportunity to enhance your professional knowledge, develop intercultural competence, and build a global network.

Outgoing Students

MCI boasts an impressive network of over 300 prestigious partner universities. Our students can benefit from opportunities to study abroad at these partner institutions and gain valuable global internship experience.


The ERASMUS+ of the European Commission, is the mobility program for students and academic as well as non-academic staff based on the “Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (ECHE)” of participation institutions.

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® actively participates in the ERASMUS+ program and our students and staff can benefit from the activities of this European network. Within the framework of Erasmus+, scholarships are available for students wishing to enjoy the experience of a semester or internship abroad as an integral part of their studies.

The Jean Monnet Professorship of Dr. Markus Frischhut: “EU Values & DIGitalization for our CommuNITY (DIGNITY)“ is also part of this program. Click here to find out more.

Erasmus Policy Statement

European University Ulysseus

Together with the Universities of Seville, Spain, Côte d'Azur, France, Genoa, Italy, Kosice University of Technology, Slovakia (TUKE) and Haaga-Helia University in Helsinki, Finland, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® has joined a Europe wide alliance.

Students will be part of a university campus network throughout Europe. Joint study programs, research activities with a common digital platform, joint management structures and a joint international office in Innsbruck are currently in preparation. As part of the joint venture, our lecturers and researchers will join forces with all six associated universities to develop solutions for the various regions and cities.

Ulysseus Logo


International Relations Office

MCI Students Conduct Research at Yale University
MCI Students Conduct Research at Yale University
Two MCI Medical Technologies students receive prestigious Marshall Plan Scholarship for pioneering rehabilitation research at Yale School of Medicine
Studying in Finland: A Journey to the Heart of Nordic Culture
Studying in Finland: A Journey to the Heart of Nordic Culture
Discoveries between ice hockey, national parks, and international exchange
MCI Enters Cooperation Agreements with Additional Renowned Partner Universities
MCI Enters Cooperation Agreements with Additional Renowned Partner Universities
Expanding the network of high-quality partner universities | Exciting international opportunities for MCI students, researchers, faculty, and the academic and economic hub of Innsbruck-Tyrol