Business Psychology & Management* | Master

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Short Facts
  • Time model & language: Online + attendance modules | English
  • Duration of study: 4 semesters | 120 ECTS
  • Prerequisites: Bachelor or equivalent degree in relevant studies or studies comprising a certain level of relevant ECTS points.
  • Academic Degree: Master of Arts in Business | MA or M.A.
  • Tuition fee: EU 363,36 / semester plus membership fee for the Austrian Students’ Union (Ă–H) for EU and EEA citizens

    *subject to accreditation

Business Psychology & Management

Are you a curious mind seeking to master the crossroads of business psychology, management, and organizational behavior? Are you looking to become a manager of the future? Then our part-time Master's degree in Business Psychology & Management is your ideal next step, designed for busy professionals or those juggling other responsibilities. Experience our unique learning concept, which combines an online and face-to-face learning journey that seamlessly combines management theory, business psychology, financial literacy, and high-level research skills, empowering you to lead and innovate across multiple disciplines.


Studierender im Master UnternehmensfĂĽhrung arbeitet zuhause am Laptop

The flexible part-time Master’s degree in Business Psychology & Management allows professionals to obtain a Master’s degree in only four semesters. The time required to complete the program is no more than 20 to 25 hours per week.

During the part-time Master’s degree program Business Psychology & Management you will develop interdisciplinary competencies in the fields of management, business psychology, organizational behavior, and necessary research skills at a master’s level. The program aims to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Hence, in addition to disciplinary competencies, the program also includes inter- and cross-disciplinary projects. After graduating, you are empowered to define sustainable and holistic business psychology and managerial problems and identify, analyze, design, and implement solutions to business-related challenges.

In addition to a well-structured core curriculum, you are offered the flexibility to create a personal development plan that fits your ambitions. The program is designed to meet the needs of working students and people with other occupations who want to prepare themselves for demanding management tasks and further develop themselves personally and professionally.

The program is conducted in English and combines online live sessions and online coaching sessions, offline face-to-face Skills Labs in Innsbruck (15-20 days over the entire course of study), and flexible self-study phases. This ensures a high degree of compatibility of the study program with professional activities and other commitments, such as care work.

Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer Head of Department & Studies

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Studienberatung am MCI Innsbruck, ein Mann im Anzug erklärt einer jungen Frau die wichtigsten Aspekte zum Studium Finance und Unternehmensführung


Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis. The required documents are to be submitted online. You are welcome to apply for multiple study programs, as long as a plausible rationale is given.

In each application round, places are allocated on a rolling basis. Therefore, we recommend that you apply early. Applicants who achieve an above-average performance in the application procedure are admitted immediately. All other applicants will be put on a waiting list until the end of the application period. Should one of the applicants admitted not accept the study place offered to him or her, the applicant highest on the waiting list will be offered their place, and so on. This opportunity will remain until the beginning of the respective semester.



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This Master's programme is suitable as a postgraduate programme for graduates of relevant Bachelor's programmes with a focus on economics. These include in particular:

  • Graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme "Business Administration”
  • Graduates of relevant university studies in economics lasting at least six semesters.

In addition, graduates of degree programmes whose curriculum has a certain extent of content are admitted. The extent of the completed areas must comprise at least 60 ECTS, which are presented in detail as follows:

  • Business Administration / Strategic Management 
  • Accounting / Controlling / Financing 
  • Organisation, personnel & change 
  • Economics

If you find yourself needing additional ECTS, our eStudy program offers a convenient solution. Here you can find single courses (5 ECTS) or business administration compact courses (20 ECTS). These courses are designed for complete flexibility and are entirely online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and schedule.

In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV and a letter of motivation. Themes you can include in your letter of motivation are information on your educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements, and academic as well as professional goals.

We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI. Moreover, do not forget to include certificates, diplomas, transcript of records of unfinished studies.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.


Drei Studierende des Master-Studiums UnternehmensfĂĽhrung arbeiten auf der Dachterrasse des MCI Innsbruck


MCI study programs stand out due to the quality of their content, relevance to the business world, and their international orientation. Close collaboration with industry partners and integrated work placements enable students to gain practical experience as early as their undergraduate studies. In addition to providing expert knowledge, MCI places great importance on encouraging personal development and the development of social and intercultural competencies.

Business Psychology & Management

The Masters of Business Psychology & Management provides interdisciplinary competencies in the fields of management, business psychology, organizational behavior, and necessary research skills at a master’s level. Next to their core curriculum, students experience the flexibility to choose subjects that fit their personal or professional development interests.

The curriculum is divided into seven modules:

  • Fundamentals of Business Psychology
  • Understanding & Leading Organizations
  • Applying Business Psychology in an Organizational Context
  • Contemporary Business Perspectives
  • Professional Competence Development
  • Academic Research & Integrative Revision
  • Thesis & Final Exam

The Master's programme provides students with theoretical concepts and practical tools and sets guidelines to make students the managers of the future.


Business Psychology 4 | 5      
Organizational Behavior  4 | 5      

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Management, Strategy & Finance 4 | 5      
Organizational Change & Transformation   4 | 5    
Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Futures Thinking   4 | 5     

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Consumer Behavior & Marketing Psychology   4 | 5    
Behavioral Economics     4 | 5  
Risk & Uncertainty Management     4 | 5  
Recruiting & Talent Management     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Business Ethics & Responsible Management 4 | 5      
Societal Developments & Emerging Trends     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Competence Development & Self-Leadership 4 | 5      
Self-Management & Leadership   4 | 5    
Self-Management & Communication     4 | 5  
Skills Lab I 2 | 2,5      
Skills Lab II   2 | 2,5    
Skills Lab III     2 | 2,5  
Skills Lab IV       2 | 2,5

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Research Methods   4 | 5    
Research Coaching        2 | 2,5 
Integrative Revision I 2 | 2,5      
Integrative Revision II   2 | 2,5    
Integrative Revision III     2 | 2,5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Thesis         - | 23 
Final Exam       - | 2 

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

MCI offers a blended learning approach that integrates online and face-to-face education. This method captures the strengths of both formats. You benefit from the flexibility of online learning, with live sessions held during convenient hours for interactive learning, along with self-study periods that fit your schedule. Additionally, the face-to-face Skills Labs on campus ensure you remain engaged with your peers and lecturers.

In the first semester, there is also an introductory event where you meet the team and your fellow students. During this day, you receive an introduction to the use of MCI Study (web conferencing system) and Sakai (LMS system).

Here you will find all study-related information to help and guide you through your studies.

Online Campus

  • Here you’ll find your virtual classroom and your virtual meeting rooms.
  • Take advantage of personalized academic support.
  • Interact with your lecturers- ask questions, clarify uncertainties, discuss course content, get module completion support, and share new insights.
  • Stay in touch with your fellow students. 

Requirements for MCI eCampus

  • PC / Laptop (latest standard)
  • Broadband Internet
  • Microphone and loudspeaker (headset)
  • Webcam


  • MS Office / Open Office
  • Modern Web browser
  • (Free) software as announced at the start of the program

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Master of Arts in Business, in short MA or M.A. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Master diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: MSc (MCI). Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Unique blended learning concept

The online study program follows a blended learning concept combining online live sessions and online coaching sessions with face-to-face on-campus Skills Labs. These on-campus Skills Labs are held on the MCI campus in Innsbruck and usually take three consecutive days.

Learning goals

To ensure effective knowledge transfer and enable students to develop relevant skills, MCI has defined clear, interdisciplinary learning objectives. These detailed objectives outline the knowledge and abilities that our graduates will have acquired upon completing their studies at MCI.

Unlock the Future with Advanced Insight

Graduates understand and apply advanced knowledge of contemporary concepts and tools in management, business psychology, and organizational behavior. They are equipped to translate scientifically grounded theoretical insights from business psychology and related disciplines into actionable strategies, fostering integrative solutions. Furthermore, graduates possess the necessary research knowledge at the master's level to solve real-life problems and tackle academic challenges.

Become a Dynamic Problem-Solver

Graduates are competent in defining and solving complex business and psychological problems in highly emergent contexts. They can predict and manage human behavior in organizations to a certain extent, integrating interdisciplinary perspectives to attain a more nuanced understanding of human behavior in organizational contexts.

Shape Tomorrow Responsibly

Graduates embrace and act upon social responsibility, prioritizing sustainable and responsible decisions for the future. They have honed their ability to collaborate and cooperate in teams, even in intercultural settings, both in person and using media. In addition, they have developed strong communication skills, enabling them to navigate effectively in multifaceted organizational contexts.

These learning goals serve as a roadmap for both the program and its participants, ensuring that you are fully prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in your professional lives.

Studying abroad

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. The program also includes the opportunity for students to spend the 3rd semester abroad. This is, however, not mandatory.


Sabine WeiĂźbriacher

„The flexibility of studying online at MCI allowed me to work and study at the same time. While it's primarily online, the occasional face-to-face classes were great for connecting with fellow students and maintaining motivation.” 

Sabine WeiĂźbriacher

Carolin Schönherr

“By drawing on my practical experience to explain theories, I aim to deliver engaging live online sessions that spark lively discussions.” – Carolin Schönherr, CEO Schönherr Risk Advisory, lecturer Business Psychology & Management

Carolin Schönherr

Simone Hepperger-Battisti, Buyer bei Ivoclar Vivadent Manufacturing GmbH

"I am grateful above all. On the one hand, for the fact that I was able to study at such a renowned university and learn from first-class teachers from business and science using innovative methods - this allowed me to further develop approaches and views and gain new insights. On the other hand, because of the newly formed friendships with fellow students and, last but not least, for the support, understanding and positive encouragement during challenging times from family and friends."

Simone Hepperger-Battisti, Buyer bei Ivoclar Vivadent Manufacturing GmbH

Michael Koller, Marketing- und Vertriebsleiter, GSK-Gebro Consumer Healthcare GmbH

"I am grateful for an in-depth practice-oriented education and am glad to be part of the MCI network. During my time at MCI, I was able to meet many new inspiring personalities. The MCI has given me fantastic tools for the upcoming challenges in my professional career."

Michael Koller, Marketing- und Vertriebsleiter, GSK-Gebro Consumer Healthcare GmbH

Afer studying Business Psychology & Management

Studying at the MCI represents an investment in a successful future. Thanks to close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all degree programs, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional opportunities

Due to the multi-disciplinarily of the studies, you find a wide range of fields of activity in industrial, trade, service, and tourism companies, as well as in the public sector, or can become self-employed. The specific Master's program aims at the development of entrepreneurial-thinking leaders. The Master's program primarily opens up opportunities for advisory and managerial roles in the following core areas:

  • Advisory and managerial roles in large enterprises as well as SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
  • Project leadership/Project management
  • HR management · Personnel & Organizational Development
  • Personnel & Business Consulting · Change Management
  • For research-oriented graduates, the training alternatively opens up the possibility of an academic career in higher education.

MCI Alumni & Friends

MCI Alumni & Friends provides a dynamic service platform promoting contacts, image, professional careers, and personal development of MCI and its graduates. We are delighted with all the graduates who choose to stay in touch even long after completion of their studies, and allowing us to be a part of their various careers:

This could also be interesting for you

A number of applicants interested in this degree program have also expressed interest in the following master's program.

It is possible to apply for more than one degree program at the same time if you present your motives in a meaningful explanation.

Questions & Answers

The program is particularly suitable for, however not limited to, people who have additional commitments or occupations that do not allow them to take up a full-time study program at MCI.

For example, if you

  • care for your child or children (or other family members)
  • are already studying at another university and are looking for a second degree in business administration
  • are a professional athlete or professional musician
  • are self-employed

This Master's program is suitable as a postgraduate program for graduates of relevant Bachelor's programs with a focus on economics. In addition, graduates of degree programs whose curriculum has a certain extent of content are admitted. The extent of the completed areas must comprise at least 60 ECTS, which are presented in detail as follows: Business Administration, Finance, HR, Economics.

You will be in a virtual classroom at the same time as your fellow students and the lecturer. The aim of the online live session is to create interaction between you, your peers and the lecturer. In principle, any activity that can be carried out in a seminar room can be performed in an online live session.

All you need is a laptop or computer, a headset, a webcam and a stable internet connection. In addition, standard office software (MC Office / Open Office) and a current web browser are required. At the beginning of your studies, you will get an introduction to the software used and the learning management system. You do not need any special prior knowledge.

Examinations for online study programs can be organized in a variety of ways. Written tests take place during on-campus Skills Labs at MCI in Innsbruck. Oral examinations or examinations in the form of a presentation may be held online or on campus. Further assessment, such as papers, projects in video or audio format, group and forum discussions, may take place throughout the semester. You have to submit these assignments (online) by the given deadline date.

Yes, regular attendance at both online and on-campus Skills Labs is mandatory for all students. Up to 25 percent of unexcused absence is permissible. Absence of a total of 100 percent of a course is accepted if a valid (e.g. health or work) reason is given. This is however strongly discouraged. You have to communicate any absence from a course to your office manager beforehand.

The first semester starts at the beginning of September with an on-campus weekend at MCI in Innsbruck. During these welcome days, you will not only get to know the lecturers and MCI, but above all your new fellow students. You will also receive training in our learning management system and Online live session software, so that you are perfectly prepared for your online studies.

In each application round, places are allocated on a rolling basis. Therefore, we recommend that you apply early. Applicants who achieve an above-average performance in the application procedure are admitted immediately. All other applicants will be put on a waiting list until the end of the application period. Should one of the applicants admitted not accept the study place offered to him or her, the applicant highest on the waiting list will be offered their place, and so on. This opportunity will remain until the beginning of the respective semester.

Multiple applications are welcome as long as a plausible reason is provided in your cover letter. If you are admitted to two or more study programs, you are required to inform us of your final decision by the conclusion of the application procedures.

As the Master “Business Psychology & Management online” is a part-time study, we also encourage you to study this program next to your full-time or other part-time study.

Yes, it is possible and it is even recommended that you apply before obtaining your Bachelor’s Degree certificate in order to secure one of the limited places in your desired study program. Please include the most recent transcript of records in your application. Should your application be successful, the Bachelor’s certificate is to be submitted by the start of your studies.

Each application procedure consists of several rounds. You may apply during one round only and once altogether in an application year. Should your application be rejected, you may apply again in the following year.

The admission procedure consists of an interview and your application documents including a compelling letter of motivation. The evaluation of the respective admission round (interview and application documents) takes about two weeks. After this period, we inform you of our decision by e-mail. If you are accepted, you will receive the study contract and further information in the following days. To secure your place, please return the signed study contract within 14 days and pay the tuition fees.

A full or partial recognition of qualifications and professional experience - where relevance to the degree has been established - can be granted upon admission to the respective program. Qualifications gained as part of a degree program at a national or international university, university of applied sciences or other institution of higher education or as part of other courses of study may be counted towards your studies, only where relevant proof is provided. The recognition of qualifications merely exempts the student from his or her responsibility to attend a respective course.

Of course, it is our goal that as many of our students as possible complete their Master's degree after four semesters and we are also very proud that our drop-out rate is no higher than in attendance courses. However, we also know that there are good reasons why it might be difficult to successfully continue your studies - for example, if your life circumstances change and a new job requires more time. Therefore, it is possible to interrupt your studies once and continue them at a later date.