Before studying Food Technology & Nutrition

Are you interested in food engineering, analyses and trends in the food industry? Do you want to spend your studies in laboratories as well as in lectures, integrating knowledge as you acquire it? Do you want to expand on your scientific background with an exciting study program in food technology and nutrition? Then you can look forward to an interdisciplinary program that prepares you excellently for a career in the industry.

<p>Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®</p>

Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®

<p>Campus Tour at the MCI</p>

Campus Tour at the MCI


The Food Technology & Nutrition master’s program focuses on technology, analyses, quality assurance and authorization. It examines food production and packaging of food constituents, as well as trends in nutrition, dietary supplements, specialty foods and cosmetics production.

The contents of this program are geared towards the current conditions and requirements of the economy; and include the most recent research findings. In-depth knowledge of food and nutrition is provided alongside understanding of production techniques and processes, the identification and characterization of the physiological effects of consumed food. The aim is to provide future food engineers with the necessary toolkit in the labour market for them to make a valuable contribution to the economic success of a company.

It is specifically aimed at students who are interested in industrial applications or in research and development. The program in Food Technology & Nutrition focuses on the integration and combination of a variety of specialized skills.

The program is offered not only full-time, but also part-time; allowing you to gather work experience alongside your studies.

Katrin Bach
Prof. Dr. Katrin Bach Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI Gebäude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis. The required documents are to be submitted online. Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple programs of study, as long as a plausible rationale is given. The final decision may be taken by the end of the application procedures.

Dates & Deadlines


Date 1 Nov 17, 2024 Nov 25, 2024
Date 2 Feb 2, 2025 Feb 10, 2025
Date 3 Apr 6, 2025 Apr 14, 2025
Date 4 May 18, 2025 May 26, 2025

Admission to the Master program in Bioresource & Food Engineering is open to graduates of relevant Bachelor and Diploma programs and graduates from other relevant post-secondary educational facilities.

This Master program is an ideal follow-on from such Bachelor programs as Food & Bioresource Technologies, particularly with the specialization in Food Technologies. Admission will also be considered for graduates of study programs whose curricula offer an adequate degree of relevance. Relevant fields include biology, pharmaceuticals and biochemistry. The Program Director decides on the relevance of such previous qualifications.

Recognition of previous qualifications in the master program:
Applications for recognition of examinations or credits obtained through other study programs or previous scientific experience must be submitted to the Program Director. A decision will only be taken in cases where the application for admission has met with a positive decision. Recognition of credits or previous experience is only granted for individual classes in the program.


In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

The part-time format of the Master Degree program in Food Technology & Nutrition enables practical knowledge from professional life to be combined and consolidated with academic content. During the weekends, lecturers from the business world, external universities and MCI internal experts convey a diverse picture of the world of food in a concentrated manner. The personal contact between the lecturers and staff of the study program and the students is particularly appreciated, which despite the demanding months, ensures that the fun of learning is not lost.

Christian Rinderer, MSc
Christian Rinderer, MSc
Applied Material & Method Research, Global Operations, Red Bull GmbH

In the MCI we have found a university partner with a similar philosophy and understanding: Exciting and enriching for both sides is the practical exchange, whether through cooperation with students from the Food Technology & Nutrition program or through joint research projects or supervision of master's theses.

Michael Durach
Michael Durach
Head of Mustard & Delicatessen; Develey Senf & Feinkost GmbH

Handl Tyrol GmbH has once again been able to successfully implement projects in the field of innovation and development on several occasions with the "Food Technology & Nutrition course" at the MCI together with professors and students. Always an enriching and inspiring experience.

Karl Christian Handl MBA
Karl Christian Handl MBA
CEO Handl Tyrol GmbH

While studying Food Technology & Nutrition

Within this program, the relevant competencies in the fields of food technology and nutrition are combined with the interdisciplinarity of sustainability and technology. Special focus is laid on methods of analyses and quality assurance, food supplements, cosmetics, legal framework conditions in the authorization of food, food production, packaging and nutritional trends.

Within the first three semesters, you can choose one of two electives. This gives you the opportunity to set your own specialization during your studies. These are supplemented with business management fundamentals in order to meet the growing demands of the industry. They include quality, project and process management, as well as key personal skills such as working techniques, social skills and teamwork. The program also teaches scientific methods and their professional application in current industrial projects. You have the opportunity to complete the third or fourth semester at one of MCI’s numerous partner universities worldwide; or write your master’s thesis abroad.

You also have the opportunity to complete a Double Degree with the University of Seville in Food Technology, Industry and Nutrition. In this program, you spend the first year at MCI and the second in Seville. You then write you Master's thesis at MCI.

Double Degree program of MCI and the Univeristy of Seville ind Food Technology, Industry and Nutrition

The programme comprises 5 semesters, with MCI students completing the first year in Innsbruck; semesters three and four are spent at USE. For students of the USE, the course of studies is designed in the opposite way: For them, the Master's programme first starts in Seville and is continued in the second year at the MCI. In the fifth semester, the Master's thesis is again written by all students in Innsbruck and the Master's examination is taken by representatives of both institutions.

Exchange Program for University Studies

The Master's program Food Technology & Nutrition is also a member of the "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies" (CEEPUS) and thus creates a valuable network for students with universities and colleges from 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Module Overview



Food Technology & Nutrition


Applied Industrial Projects


Scientific & General Management Competences





Time Model

The Master program Food Technology & Nutrition is a full-time or part-time degree program. 


In full-time studies, lectures and seminars are held on weekdays, with blocked units allowing for an intensive immersion into individual topics.
The classes usually take place from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:15 and / or from 13:30 to 16:45. In exceptional cases, the times may vary and the lessons and / or examinations may take place outside the specified times or possibly on Saturdays.


A part-time study program is organized in such a way that students can pursue full-time employment. The content and scope of the part-time study program correspond to those of a full-time study program.

The courses and seminars usually take place on Friday afternoons (around 1pm to 10pm) and on Saturdays (8am to 5pm).

Academic Degree

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Master of Science in Engineering, in short MSc or M.Sc. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Master diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: BSc (MCI).
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Double Degree
Dr. Schär Merit Scholarship

Dr. Schär is a South Tyrolean family business founded in 1982. The Dr. Schär group specializes in the development, production and sales of innovative foods for special dietary needs. To promote talented students in the fields of food technology, Dr. Schär provides two MCI students per year with a EUR 500.— scholarship.



Handl Tyrol Merit Scholarship

HANDL TYROL is an Austrian family business based in Pians/Tyrol, which has specialized in the production of original Tyrolean bacon, raw sausage, and roast specialties since 1902.

For MCI students who are interested in sustainable, innovative, but also forward-looking ideas, HANDL TYROL GmbH annually awards three performance scholarships worth EUR 1,000 each. The selected scholarship holders also have the exclusive opportunity to spend a day behind the scenes at Handl Tyrol.


Cooperation & Career Partners

  • Adler Lacke

  • Dr. Schär

  • Handl Tyrol

  • Helmholtz-Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt

  • Landwirtschaftliches Versuchszentrum Laimburg, Südtirol

  • Leukocare

  • Lonza

  • Novartis/Sandoz

  • Oroboros Instruments

  • Rauch Fruchtsäfte

  • Wacker Chemie

International Outreach

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. Each program also includes the opportunity for students to spend a year abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions.


Study Abroad

at our partner universities around the world.

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
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Kaunas University of Technology
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Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW
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At the Entrepreneurial School®, providing a consistent link between science and practice has top priority. Therefore, we provide our students plenty of opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge to practice, even during their studies. The collaboration with companies and organizations of different sizes and sectors forms one of the cornerstones of the MCI concept. Such cooperative work does not only benefit our students, but also, ­to a large extent our partners.

Food Science & Biotechnology

Innovations from the fields of food technology, biotechnology, functional & convenience foods and bioengineering will have a decisive impact on future viability. The growing demand in this area offers the opportunity to expand research activities in a targeted manner. The central topic here is the solution of current questions that arise along the value chain, from the production of plant raw materials and algae to technological utilization and product characterization. Novel approaches from engineering and natural sciences are used.

  • Agricultural Raw Materials & Algae Biotechnology

  • Molecular Biotechnology & Bioengineering

  • Food Production & Product Analysis

Research Priorities icon

After studying Food Technology & Nutrition

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional opportunities

Graduates from the master’s program Food Technology & Nutrition are equipped to enter a plethora of different industries. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • Food- and nutrition industry

  • Animal feeding industry

  • Authorization organisations (e.g. at EFSA, AGES etc.)

  • Quality assurance & analytics

  • Chemical & pharmaceutical industry

  • Clinical nutrition research

  • Innovation management

  • Product development

  • Consulting and engineering

  • Freelancing

  • Development work

  • Company foundation

Success Stories

Eva Unterhofer
MA Food Technology & Nutrition
Eva Unterhofer

Junior Manager Improvement Processes, Darbo AG

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Andreas Weiss
MA Food Technology & Nutrition
Andreas Weiss

Supplier Quality Engineer, Thöni Industriebetriebe GmbH

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Continue studying

Graduates of the "Food Technology & Nutrition" master's degree program are entitled to admission to doctoral studies in accordance with Federal Law Gazette II No. 241/2009.

Katrin Bach
Prof. Dr. Katrin Bach Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.


Food Technology & Nutrition

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Through Photocatalysis
Start of the “Born-To-Degrade” research project
Understanding Consumer Behavior – A Key to Success
Understanding Consumer Behavior – A Key to Success
Interdisciplinary collaboration between the master's in Business Psychology & Management and Food Technology & Nutrition
Why Choose Food Technology?
Why Choose Food Technology?
Six reasons to study Food Technology & Nutrition at MCI
Show more

Questions & Answers

What is the difference between a full-time and part-time Master’s in Food Technology & Nutrition?

The full-time and part-time master’s programs cover the same topics. The difference lies in the organization of on-campus sessions. While full-time program courses generally take place Monday through Friday, courses in the part-time program are scheduled on Fridays, Saturdays and occasionally on Thursday evenings. This should facilitate the combination of work and study for students interested or required to work alongside their studies. To enable full-time and part-time students to exchange experiences, we also arrange for individual classes in both time models to be held on Fridays or Saturdays. Both formats include the same number of ECTS.

As a part-time student, am I required to work in a related field?

No. You can be enrolled into the part-time course format even if you work in an unrelated field.

Are there any areas of specialization in my studies? Are there any electives in my study program?

You have different choices: you can choose between modules, specializations, supplementary courses, optional subjects, courses, etc. both within and outside of the curriculum. In addition, you can go abroad for a semester to one of our numerous partner universities. Through projects and your final master’s thesis you are also enabled to make your study program a truly unique experience.

When can I choose the electives?

The electives are chosen independently of each other in the semester before they take place. You will receive more-detailed information about the content and the exact procedure at the beginning of your studies.

Is it possible to attend all four electives?

In principle, you must choose one elective in the second and on in the third semester. If you wish to attend both electives of a semester, this must be approved on a case-by-case basis by the head of department.

Do my studies involve a stay abroad? Is this mandatory?

The second and third semester can be spent at one of our partner institutions. You may also choose to complete the fourth semester as a research semester to write your master’s thesis at a foreign institution. Spending a semester abroad is optional.

How and when can I apply for the Double-Degree program with Sevilla?

You apply for the double-degree program with the University of Seville as part of the allocation event for semester abroad places in the second semester at MCI.

Is the program held solely in German?

No. Parts of the curriculum are taught in German, parts in English. In addition, MCI regularly invites international experts as guest lecturers, whose courses and lectures may be held in English.

When do the lectures take place?

Full-time: Monday - Thursday during the day, occasionally Friday and Saturday, with some online modules

Part-time: Friday - Saturday during the day, with some Thursday evenings. Students can work alongside this program.

What does “Current Industrial Projects” teach?

You attend this course from the first to the third semester. The course applies a problem-based learning approach to teach students about problems encountered in the industry, or in industrial projects carried out at MCI. A field-relevant question will be raised at the beginning of each class. Examples include: “How is a plant-based meat substitute produced?” or “How can we detect contamination in starter cultures?” You then work in teams to prepare and present solutions to the problem in question. It aims to prepare you for similar tasks in your future career.

Is attendance mandatory?

Attendance is mandatory in all classes. If you miss 25% of a course or more, this will have an effect on your positive completion of the course.

Exemption from mandatory attendance may be granted if a valid reason is given (e.g. sickness, visit to authorities or other personal reasons). Please submit your written request including relevant proof to the department for approval.

Can I complete the admission procedure from abroad?

The entire admission process can be completed online. This means that you can also participate in the admission process from abroad. However, please make sure you have a sufficiently good internet connection.

I have not yet received my Bachelor’s Degree Certificate. Can I still apply?

Yes, it is possible and recommended that you apply before obtaining your Bachelor’s Degree certificate in order to secure one of the limited places in your desired course of study. Please include the most recent transcript of records in your application. Should your application be successful, the Bachelor’s certificate is to be submitted by the start of your studies.

Is it possible to apply for two or more study programs?

Multiple applications are welcome as long as a plausible reason is provided in your cover letter. If you are admitted to two or more study programs, you are required to inform us of your final decision by the conclusion of the application procedures.

What is the tuition fee?

For citizens of the following countries, the tuition fee is EUR 363,36 per semester plus a fee for compulsory membership to the Austrian National Union of Students:

  • EU citizens,

  • EEA and Swiss citizens, and

  • non-EU citizens who, according to § 2 of the University of Applied Sciences Studies Act, are subject to § 1 of the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (see Federal Law Gazette II No. 340/2013, in its current version).

For students of non-EU countries not considered eligible according to above regulations, the tuition fee is as follows:

  • Bachelor’s programs: 7,000 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

  • Master’s programs: 7,000 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

Your application documents regarding nationality will be assessed in detail as part of your admission procedure. Scholarships are available for applicants from non-EU countries and can be applied for as part of your online application.