Short Facts
  • Time model & language: Full-time & part-time | English | Blended learning format
  • Duration of study program: 4 semesters | 120 ECTS
  • Optional double degree with partner universities in France, Italy & Czech Republic
  • Prerequisites: Bachelor or equivalent degree in a relevant business degree program or a degree program with a certain amount of relevant ECTS credits of subject-related content
  • Academic degree: Master of Arts in Business | MA or M.A.
  • Tuition fee: 363.36 euros / semester plus membership fee for the Austrian Student Union (ÖH) for students from EU & EEA countries

Before studying

The master program International Business & Management offers an assortment of options for your academic development. The program discusses cutting-edge topics of our increasingly digitalized, globalized economy, offers an assortment of practical and research projects, multiple options for International Studies, and you can choose to study full-time or part-time. Design your study program according to your own wishes and ideas.


Lecturer and student of master international business looking with interest towards the viewer

The practice-oriented business management teaching concept of the master's program in International Business & Management combines a methodical scientific foundation with state-of-the-art management knowledge.


The master program International Business & Management offers unique options to shape your studies the way you want.

In the course of your studies, you can choose specializations that match your personal talents and thus advance your career. You have the possibility to choose two out of four specializations in our program, or alternatively one further specialization from the Master program International Business & Law.


Choose between full-time or part-time studies and design your studies according to your individual needs. Within the framework of entrepreneurial business labs and practical as well as research projects, the program follows the motto ’Bridging University & Business’ from the first semester onwards. You can realize your start-up ideas or collaborate with start-ups, SMEs or large companies and get involved in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

The state-of-the-art blended learning concept combines the strengths of modern online teaching, synchronous and asynchronous coaching with highly interactive classroom teaching and discussion at the MCI.


International Business & Management means discussing current, international topics from business & society within the 'International Studies' framework. A customized, two-week program at a partner university in Brazil, China, Canada, South Africa or the USA, reflects this approach. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad or even complete a double degree program at one of our renowned partner universities in France, Italy or the Czech Republic.

This degree program enables national and international careers as an entrepreneur or manager in an SME or with a global player. Apply now.

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz.  Michael Razen, PhD | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business & Management
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Michael Razen, PhD Head of Department & Studies

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Student advisory service at MCI Innsbruck, a man in a suit explains to a young woman the most important aspects of digital marketing and digital business


Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis. The required documents have to be submitted online. Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple programs of study, as long as a plausible rationale is given. The final decision may be taken by the end of the application procedures.

  Application deadline Interview
Date 1 Nov 12, 2023 Dec 6 & 7, 2023
Date 2 Feb 4, 2024 Feb 28 & 29, 2024
Date 3 Mar 31, 2024 Apr 24 & 25, 2024
Date 4 May 26, 2024 Jun 19 & 20, 2024
Date 5 Jun 30, 2024 Jul 24 & 25, 2024


The program accepts:

  • Graduates of relevant bachelor programs such as Wirtschaft & Management, Business & Management, Business Administration, International Business Administration, International Economics.

  • Graduates of MCI bachelor programs such as Business & Management, Wirtschaft & Management, Business Administration (Online), Betriebswirtschaft (Online), Management & Law, Management, Communication & IT, Nonprofit, Social & Health Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism & Leisure Business.

  • Graduates of other Bachelor or post-secondary programs comprising courses in economics, strategic management, marketing, accounting, controlling, human resources management, and business process management (total of at least 80 ECTS).

Recognition of previous qualifications in the master program:

Applications for recognition of examinations or credits obtained through other study programs or previous scientific experience must be submitted to the Program Director. A decision will only be taken in cases where the application for admission has met with a positive decision. Recognition of credits or previous experience is only granted for individual classes in the program.

In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

Student takes a book on Supply Chain Management from a shelf in the MCI library

While studying

MCI study programs stand out due to the quality of their content, relevance to the business world, and their international orientation. In addition to providing expert knowledge, MCI puts great importance on encouraging personal development and the development of social and intercultural competencies.

International Business & Management


Time model & language
Full-time and part-time | English
Teaching concept
Blended learning format – a combination of on-campus and online lectures with coaching elements. By doing so, we combine synchronous and asynchronous coaching with interactive on-campus sessions and discussions at MCI.

On-campus lectures between Monday and Thursday + one online lecture per week
(evening hours)

On-campus lectures on Fridays and Saturdays + one online lecture per week (evening
Semester 1 & 2: Core curriculum is offered in both time models full time & part time.
Semester 3: Choice of two out of four specializations – any combination possible.
Alternative offer to choose one out of two specializations of the International Business & Law study program.
+ International Studies
Semester 4: Master thesis, final exam
Tuition fees
For students from EU & EEA countries: EUR 363.36 euros / semester plus membership fee to the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). Details & information for students from third countries can be found at admission.



Information Systems 3 | 4      
Data Science    3 | 4     
Managing Digital Technologies     3 | 4  
Digital Business Models       3 | 4  
Digital Work     1.5 | 2  
Digital Strategy & Leadership        3 | 4  


Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Consumer Psychology & Neuromarketing 3 | 4       
Digital Marketing   3 | 4    
Marketing Analytics        3 | 4  
Cause Marketing     1.5 | 2  
Omnichannel Commerce         3 | 4   
Global Marketing Strategy       3 | 4 

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

International Strategies  3 | 4      
Strategic Innovation    3 | 4    
Ecosystem & Business Model Innovation       3 | 4  
Creative & Entrepreneurial Thinking     1.5 | 2  
Agile Innovation Management        3 | 4  
Innovation for Sustainability       3 | 4

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Management Accounting  3 | 4      
International Accounting   3 | 4    
FinTech & Financial Intelligence      3 | 4  
Corporate & Entrepreneurial Finance      3 | 4  
International Tax Planning     1.5 | 2   
Strategic Financial Management       3 | 4

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Human Resources & Intercultural Competencies  3 | 4       
Digital Transformation    3 | 4     
Global Economics & Markets  3 | 4        
Business Simulation   3 | 4    
Entrepreneurship 1 | 1      
Forum Entrepreneurship   1 | 1    
International Studies     5 | 6  
Entrepreneurial Business Lab I & II 3 | 3 3 | 3    

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Business Research I & II
1.5 | 2 1.5 | 2    
Master Thesis Seminar I & II     3 | 4    3 | 4 2 | 2
Master Thesis          0 | 20 

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

It is possible to study International Business & Management full-time or part-time.


In the full-time studies, lectures and seminars take place on weekdays, with blocked units allowing intensive in-depth study of individual topics.

The classes usually take place from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and/or from 01:30 p.m. to 04:45 p.m. + one online lecture per week (evening hours). In exceptional cases, the times may vary and the lessons and / or examinations may take place outside the specified times or possibly on Saturdays + one online lecture per week (evening hours).


Part-time studies allow students to pursue full-time employment. The content and scope of part-time studies correspond to those of full-time studies.

On-campus lectures are usually held on Friday afternoons (approx. 02:30 p.m. to 09:30 p.m.) and Saturdays (08:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.) + one online lecture per week (evening hours). However, the times may deviate in exceptional cases, such as exams.

time mode ibm

The master program International Business & Management offers Double Degree programs with a duration of two semesters in cooperation with selected partner universities:

Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza
Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, Paris
Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Master of Arts in Business, in short MA or M.A. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Master diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: MA (MCI). 
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013


When applying for the master’s program, students chose two out of four specializations for the third semester. The specializations “Digital Business” and “Marketing Management” follow a  primarily full-time schedule, running from Monday to Friday. On the other hand, the specializations “Innovation & Sustainability” and “Financial Management” are organized in a part-time format, with classes on Fridays and Saturdays, along MCI webinars in the evenings.

Students have the flexibility to choose any combination of two out of the four specializations, regardless of the time model of previous semesters.

In order to introduce students to the four specializations and provide an overview of the respective contents, an information session will be arranged during the second semester.

This specialization focuses on the extensive impact of digitalization on business and management. This includes deep-dives into the adoption of digital technologies, such as blockchain or artificial intelligence, focusing on how companies can leverage the emerging opportunities and address associated challenges. In addition to operational excellence issues, this specialization places particular emphasis on developing digital strategies and business models. Furthermore, the curriculum addresses the impact of digital technologies on work and leadership. Overall, students will gain an overview of the latest academic research and corporate practices in the field of digital business.

In today’s digitalized and highly competitive market, businesses face the challenge to align their marketing and sales activities with dynamic customer needs. This module equips students with expertise in using new technologies and innovative approaches to collect and analyze new customer data and develop targeted marketing and sales strategies along the multi-facetted customer journey. Taking a customer-centric approach, this module offers insights into consumer psychology, digital marketing and analytics, omnichannel commerce, cause-related marketing, global marketing strategy, and much more.

Today’s innovation activities and value chains are increasingly shaped by growing network collaboration and influenced by new technologies, the digital transformation of the economy, and emergence of new players. This specialization focuses on creating an entrepreneurial mindset and stimulating creative thinking. It delves into the impact and potential of innovation on social and ecological sustainability. Moreover, this specialization encourages students to combine their knowledge in innovation management gained throughout the courses with their practical experiences to stimulate and engage in a controversial debate.

The sound understanding of capital markets, international accounting, international taxation, and corporate finance is essential for a career in finance. We adopt a CFO's perspective, incorporating financial analysis, performance measurement, financial communication, and strategic recommendations. Core applications include strategic and operative planning and simulation, business model transformation, and mergers and acquisitions. This specialization will equip students with the state-of-the art financial knowledge to compete successfully in a global environment.

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, MCI has defined clear cross-curricular learning goals. These describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Three stylized persons in white on a blue circle, arrows between the persons symbolize efficient communication in the professional field

Responsible Leadership

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our graduates demonstrate a commitment to ecologically sustainable, economically responsible, and socially equitable decision-making.

Three white gears on a blue circle symbolize the ability to apply theories and scientific methods to practical problems

Academic Rigor

Our graduates can apply relevant theories and appropriate scientific methods in their field of work.


International orientation allows for enthusiasm and success. Therefore, we offer the following exciting options:

  • Double Degree Program (two semesters) in cooperation with selected partner universities, e.g. Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, Paris; Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza and Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague
  • As part of a MCI degree program, students have the opportunity to spend a semester at one of the numerous partner universities or to write their master's thesis abroad. The list of our worldwide partner universities includes, for example: Pepperdine University, Malibu, USA; Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru; National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan; TBS Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France; Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Royal Roads University, Vancouver, Canada; Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia; Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland; NUCB Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Nisshin, Japan
  • Two-week programs, e.g. Fundação Getulio Vargas University, São Paulo, Brazil; Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Royal Roads University, Vancouver/Victoria, Canada; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa; Silicon Valley Institute & San Francisco State University Extension, San Francisco, USA

  • International Studies online at MCI on current topics, such as ‘People. Planet. Profit: In the context of global rivalry, regional hegemony & social transition
  • Going abroad as a freemover

Studying abroad

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. Each program also includes the opportunity for students to spend a semester abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions.

Teresa Kronreif, MA - B2B Marketing Manager at Red Bull Media House

The part-time master’s program International Business & Management not only laid the foundation to my professional career by providing highest-quality and practical-oriented content with relevance to the international business world, it also entailed valuable and lifelong relationships and memories – all thanks to the department’s outstanding faculty and administrative team as well as fellow students.

Teresa Kronreif, MA - B2B Marketing Manager at Red Bull Media House

Verena Wachter, Graduate International Business & Management, Austria

The master program International Business & Management allowed me to combine my professional life with my studies and to establish a strong network for my future career path. What I appreciated the most was the high educational standard, the selection of experienced practitioners and researchers, and the strong focus on internationalization.

Verena Wachter, Graduate International Business & Management, Austria

Max Bauer, Student International Business & Management, Germany

The experience of being at the MCI provides me with an outstanding amount of business knowledge and personal guidance to realize my dreams. A place I always feel welcomed and challenged at the same time. Thank you!

Max Bauer, Student International Business & Management, Germany

Dipl.-Kfm. Danny Szajnowicz; Trainer and Management Consultant, CA Akademie AG, Germany

As a partner at the CA controller academy, I am responsible for the consulting division within CA. Together with my colleagues, I advise organizations of all sizes as well as industries on the subject of corporate management and controlling. The problems and questions posed by our clients range from strategy development, process optimization to the operative implementation of controlling instruments in the engine room of the company. I gladly share my experience from numerous consulting projects with the students in my course "Managerial Accounting".

Dipl.-Kfm. Danny Szajnowicz; Trainer and Management Consultant, CA Akademie AG, Germany

Ing. Mag. Mag. (FH) Martin Granig; CEO, Monkee GmbH, Austria

The topic of innovation has played an important role for me throughout my career. During my 15 years in various senior management positions at Swarovski, I have had the opportunity to work on innovation from very different directions - product development, product management, marketing and digital innovation. In my current position as co-founder of the FinTech start-up Monkee, innovation has played an even more important role. Today, through digital innovation, startups can become serious competition even for large corporations. Understanding the disruptive potential of digital technologies is more important than ever - for employees as well as for startups. Moreover, it is precisely this mindset, which I want to convey to students in my course. Today it is possible that each of these students will be the founder of a possible Unicorn company tomorrow.

Ing. Mag. Mag. (FH) Martin Granig; CEO, Monkee GmbH, Austria

Prof. Frank M. Horwitz, Ph.D.; Professor and former Pro-Vice Chancellor/ Director at Cranfield University School of Management, United Kingdom

With my work with organizations in emerging markets, understanding the key success factors in doing business in these rapidly growing and diverse markets helps to give practical content to MCI's students focusing on international business, especially the importance of cross-cultural communication and international management of human resources in these volatile, uncertain, complex and often ambiguous (VUCA) contexts'.

Prof. Frank M. Horwitz, Ph.D.; Professor and former Pro-Vice Chancellor/ Director at Cranfield University School of Management, United Kingdom

Mag. Markus Leitner, BSc, MBA; Senior Manager - Strategic Partners at Skidata AG, Austria

Digital Transformation tops the agendas of CEOs from both SME and large corporations. Over the past 10 years, I have developed and executed clear strategies across diverse industries to support firms in their individual digital transformation. I believe it is critical to recognize the different models and implications of digital initiatives to remain competitive and sustainable in the long run. That is why I feel privileged to engage with MCI students, who will be the future leaders and managers driving Digital Transformation.

Mag. Markus Leitner, BSc, MBA; Senior Manager - Strategic Partners at Skidata AG, Austria

Mag. Martin Paier; CEO at Martin Paier AG, Austria

My many years of experience in the development of business simulation games and their use in a wide variety of teaching settings, paired with sound business management knowledge, are the assets on which I build in order to provide students with the skills expected of employees.

Mag. Martin Paier; CEO at Martin Paier AG, Austria

After studying

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional Opportunities

  • Digital business & data science
  • Digital transformation & business development
  • Marketing analytics, online & conventional marketing
  • Start-ups & platform business
  • Agile innovation management & business model innovation
  • Sustainability & circular economy
  • HR management & HR consultancy
  • Finance & controlling
  • Business consultancy, tax advisory & auditing
  • Science & academia

MCI Alumni & Friends

MCI Alumni & Friends provides a dynamic service platform promoting contacts, image, professional careers, and personal development of MCI and its graduates. We are delighted with all the graduates who choose to stay in touch even long after completion of their studies, and allowing us to be a part of their various careers:

Success Stories

This could also be interesting for you

A number of applicants interested in this degree program have also expressed interest in the following master's program.

It is possible to apply for more than one degree program at the same time if you present your motives in a meaningful explanation.

Questions & answers

The master program International Business & Management supports you on your way to a global career. The program is characterized above all by its flexibility, the excellent reputation of the program as well as the national and international accreditations of the MCI, and the flexibility for students to adapt the master program to their own needs (e.g. by choosing their preferred time model, specializations and International Studies). In addition, an international and intercultural environment (e.g. by involving students and lecturers from different cultures, a strong international orientation, and a global network) constitute another highlight of the master program.

The difference refers only to the organizational form of the modules. The content of the lectures is the same in both time models. In the full-time study model, you will have on-campus lectures from Monday to Thursday (09:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and/or 01:30 p.m. to 04:45 p.m.).

If you choose the part-time time model, your on-campus lectures will be on Fridays (approximately 02:30 p.m. to 09:30 p.m.) and Saturdays (08:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m). The online lectures in both time models – with few exceptions – will be given in the evening hours on weekdays (once a week).

In addition, the part-time model usually begins in September, whereas the full-time model starts at the beginning of October.

The unique master program International Business & Management was designed along highly attractive competence streams leading to six different specializations. In addition to the common core modules, students of the master program International Business & Management can therefore choose two out of four specializations:

  • Digital Business (predominantly full-time)
  • Marketing Management (predominantly full-time)
  • Innovation & Sustainability (part-time)
  • Financial Management (part-time)

Optionally, one specialization from International Business & Law

  • Human Resources, Leadership & Diversity
  • Strategic Management & Sustainability

Yes. Regardless of your chosen time model for the first and second semesters, any combination of specializations is possible. Please note, however, that especially part-time students who would like to choose a specialization that is only offered in the full-time model will have to schedule approximately fourteen weekdays per chosen full-time specialization. Thus, they may have to take these days off from work. Special regulations apply to the specializations of the master program International Business & Law.

Students of this study program have the choice within their curriculum, but also as part of their extracurricular activities, to choose between modules, specializations, additional courses, electives, etc. Additionally, the semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities as well as projects and final papers, enable our students to make their study program a truly unique experience.    

In principle it is possible to change your initial choice of specializations, however, the feasibility of the change depends on availability and group size.

The international orientation is a key pillar of the master program. Therefore, we offer the following exciting options that allow both part-time and full-time students to get to know the international business world:

  • Double Degree Programs (two semesters) in cooperation with selected partner institutions, e.g. Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, Paris; Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza & Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague
  • Semester abroad at one of our worldwide partner institutions, e.g. Pepperdine University, Malibu, USA; Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru; National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan; TBS Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France; Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Royal Roads University, Vancouver, Canada; Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia; Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland; NUCB Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan

  • Two-week programs for MCI students to study abroad, e.g. Fundação Getulio Vargas University, São Paulo, Brazil; Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Royal Roads University, Vancouver, Canada; Silicon Valley Institute & San Francisco State University Extension, San Francisco, USA; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa

  • One-week programs for MCI students to study closer abroad (e.g., Prague & Budapest) with a second week at MCI

  • International Studies online at MCI on current topics, such as People. Planet. Profit: In the context of global rivalry, regional hegemony & social transition

  • Going abroad as a freemover

Blended learning is the term used to describe a didactic concept that describes the combination of online lectures with on-campus lectures to form a new teaching concept.

This combines synchronous and asynchronous coaching with interactive on-campus events and discussions.

You will need at least a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in business administration and/or management. Details can be found in the section ‘Requirements’.

Yes. In order to ensure that a place in the desired study program is still available for you, we recommend submitting the application at the soonest possible date. In such case, please enclose the latest Transcript of Records to your application. If then being accepted to the program, you will have to submit the Bachelor’s degree certificate before the courses start.

Yes, this is possible. Admission to the study program requires completion of an admission procedure. This comprises the following two steps and can be carried out entirely without attendance at the MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation
A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

Step 2 – Online admission interview
In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.
In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

For citizens of the following countries, the tuition fee is 363.36 euros / semester plus a fee for compulsory membership to the Austrian National Union of Students:

  • EU citizens,
  • EEA and Swiss citizens, and
  • non-EU citizens who, according to § 2 of the University of Applied Sciences Studies Act, are subject to § 1 of the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (see Federal Law Gazette II No. 340/2013, in its current version).

For students of non-EU countries not considered eligible according to above regulations, the tuition fee is as follows:

  • Bachelor’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee
  • Master’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

Your application documents regarding nationality will be assessed in detail as part of your admission procedure. Scholarships are available for applicants from non-EU countries and can be applied for as part of your online application.

Yes, attending lectures is mandatory.