Before studying Social Work, Social Policy & Management

Are you interested in a career managing social institutions and coordinating management activities in the nonprofit sector? Then the Social Work, Social Policy & Management master’s degree program is perfect for you. This program is designed for those interested in social and socio-political framework conditions and economic contexts in which Social Work operates.

<p>Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®</p>

Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®

<p>Campus Tour at the MCI</p>

Campus Tour at the MCI


The master's degree program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management is unique in the German-speaking world due to its four different specializations: Social Work, Social Work Research, Social Work & Social Policy and Social Work & Management.

The study program integrates theory and practice closely. Practical projects and case studies are conducted in collaboration with established institutions to ensure up-to-date and practical knowledge transfer.

Furthermore, you are provided with the opportunity to choose a focus within your study program, enabling an individual adaptation to professional interests and career goals.

The career-friendly time model allows you to work or gain professional experience in social institutions during your studies, while simultaneously balancing your studies with a life centered outside of Innsbruck. This is supported by the Blended Learning concept, which offers a combination of face-to-face lectures, MCI webinars and guided self-study.

During the international semester, you have the opportunity to study in English at one of our partner universities abroad or at MCI alongside students from around the globe.

As a graduate, you will be able to apply the latest methods and techniques of Social Work regionally, nationally and internationally. You will also be able to carry out methodologically correct analyses of social problems within the framework of Social Work research and solve social problems. Additionally, it enables you to manage social systems and run social institutions efficiently.

Belachew Gebrewold
Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew Gebrewold Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI Gebäude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis. The required documents are to be submitted online. Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple programs of study, as long as a plausible rationale is given. The final decision may be taken by the end of the application procedures.

Dates & Deadlines


Date 1 Nov 17, 2024 Dec 4, 2024
Date 2 Feb 2, 2025 Feb 20, 2025
Date 3 Apr 6, 2025 Apr 24 - 25, 2025
Date 4 May 18, 2025 Jun 5, 2025

Entrants to the Master program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management will be Bachelor or Diploma graduates in a related subject, or have equally valid further or higher educational qualifications. The following are particularly relevant:

  • Graduates from the Bachelor program Social Work;

  • Graduates from a subject-related, further education social science course which lasted at least 6 semesters. For example:
    Graduates of the 3 year former Social Work Academy and of the Pedagogy Academy;
    Graduates of the 2 year Academy, if an additional, recognized, subject-related training or education lasting at least 2 semesters was undertaken;

  • Other graduates in: Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management; Social Administration Management; Pedagogy; Psychology; Sociology; Political Science;

  • Graduates who have otherwise at least 6 semesters of further education with social work and social science components who can prove a total of at least 90 ECTS credits.

Information for graduates whose previous degree is based to a significant extent on formally acknowledged recognition of prior learning:
In this case it may be possible that the legal and/or degree specific admission requirements are not or only partly fulfilled. Please consider the relevant legal regulations for this instance (§ 4 Abs 4 iVm § 12 FHG). We will gladly provide further information and consultation via email or phone (; Ext. 1621).

Recognition of previous qualifications in the master program:
Applications for recognition of examinations or credits obtained through other study programs or previous scientific experience must be submitted to the Program Director. A decision will only be taken in cases where the application for admission has met with a positive decision. Recognition of credits or previous experience is only granted for individual classes in the program.


In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

The qualifications acquired in the MCI in the area of criminal offenders and the knowledge based on the theories of social work support me in my daily work.

Stefan Thaler, Graduate
Stefan Thaler, Graduate
Probation Officers and Mediators of Charitable Benefits, NEUSTART Vorarlberg

The degree in social work prepared me very well for my professional life. I particularly appreciated the practical orientation at MCI. In addition, I now benefit greatly from the various aspects and focus areas (legal, educational, social, economic, etc.) that were set in the program.

Martina Tschug
Martina Tschug
Graduate of Social Work, Vocational training assistant at Arbas Work Assistance

While studying Social Work, Social Policy & Management

Throughout your studies, Social Work research is highly relevant. You will engage in basic and evaluative research using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Research and development projects are carried out in collaboration with partners from the field of social work practice and as part of specific internal research projects. This keeps us at the forefront of social work research and practice, as well as social, political and legal developments. The goal of these efforts is to maintain the quality of social work as a profession and to provide support to individuals in their daily live.

Particularly noteworthy is the unique combination of attractive majors with an additional specialization option in the fields of Social Wokr, Social Policy or Social Management.

The internationality of the degree program is reflected in the composition of faculty, students and curriculum, as well as in the practical projects. Furthermore, within the framework of the program, there is the opportunity to spend a semester at one of the numerous partner universities.

In summary, the quality of its content, its scientific approach, its practical orientation and its internationality characterize the program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management.

Module Overview



Social Work


Social Policy


Social Management


Elective Modules


Empirical Social Research


Master thesis & Master Exam


Practice Projects



Academic Degree

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Master of Arts in Social Sciences, in short MA or M.A. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Master diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: BSc (MCI).
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

International Outreach

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. Each program also includes the opportunity for students to spend a semester abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions.


Study Abroad

at our partner universities around the world.

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
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PUC-Rio Pontifíca Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
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Università di Bologna
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At the Entrepreneurial School®, providing a consistent link between science and practice has top priority. Therefore, we provide our students plenty of opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge to practice, even during their studies. The collaboration with companies and organizations of different sizes and sectors forms one of the cornerstones of the MCI concept. Such cooperative work does not only benefit our students, but also, ­to a large extent our partners.

The research and development strategy of the Social Work study program includes a variety of focus areas corresponding to current issues. The overall aim of our research is to ensure the quality of social work as a profession in order to support people in their everyday lives.

Our research is conducted by way of applied research and development projects in cooperation with partners from social work practice and in the context of specific internal research projects carried out by our full-time lecturers. Students may become involved in such research projects as part of workshops or practical assignments. They thus acquire a knowledge of basic and evaluation research, applying both quantitative and qualitative methods. In the case of interdisciplinary cooperation, research and development projects are implemented in conjunction with other study programs, depending on the topic. This is to keep our research on the scientific and practical problems of social work up to date, especially with regard to social, societal, political, and legal changes. We also aim to give participants the opportunity to gain practical experience even before completion of the program.

Research in Social Work

The research and development strategy of the Social Work degree program includes the following research focuses:

  • Social Problems

  • Social Justice

  • Social Security

  • Participation

  • Human Rights

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After studying Social Work, Social Policy & Management

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional opportunities

The interdisciplinary program opens up a wide range of career opportunities for graduates, including:

  • Regional & International Development Cooperation in the Social Care & Health Sector

  • Social Space Analysis and Social Planning

  • Social Management and Social Policy

  • New Perspectives in Social Work: Green Social Work and Digital Social Work

  • Social Entrepreneurship

  • Empirical Social Work Research and –Teaching

  • Management of Social Institutions

Success Stories

Elisabeth Lehmer
MA Social Work, Social Policy & Management
Elisabeth Lehmer

Refugee and integration advisor, Caritas Asylum counseling Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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Johannes Scheiber
MA Social Work, Social Policy & Management
Johannes Scheiber

Manager Youth Services, SYC

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Continue studying

Graduates of the "Social Work, Social Policy & -management" master's degree program are entitled to admission to doctoral studies in accordance with Federal Law Gazette II No. 241/2009.

Belachew Gebrewold
Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew Gebrewold Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.


Social Work, Social Policy & Management

Exchange on the Future of Social Work
Exchange on the Future of Social Work
Strong together: exchange & networking as part of the World Social Work Day 2025
Together For a Future Without Poverty
Together For a Future Without Poverty
15th Josefi meeting at the AK Tirol
Culture Matters
Culture Matters
Social Work students explore the interfaces between cultural education and Social Work
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Questions & Answers

Where can I find information about the admission procedure?

Under the heading "Application & Admission" you will find all important information about the admission process:

How many study places are allocated per year?

We offer 30 places of study per academic year for this study program. The ratio of applicants to study places is 3:1 each year.

Are there any areas of specialization in my studies? Are there any electives in my study program?

In this degree program you have a choice: within the curriculum you can choose an in-depth elective module from one of the areas of Social Work, Social Policy or Social Management. But you can also take supplementary courses, optional subjects or courses, etc. outside the curriculum. But that's not all: the semester abroad with its numerous partner universities as well as project and final thesis gives you the opportunity to choose and design your studies, making it an individual experience for you.

Is it possible to study in the master’s degree program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management on a part-time basis?

The master's degree program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management is a full-time degree program with a career-friendly time model. The career-friendly time model allows you to work during your studies or to gain various professional experience in social institutions and to combine your studies with a life outside Innsbruck.

When do the courses take place?

The degree program is a full-time course with a career-friendly model. Lectures and seminars take place from Wednesday lunchtime to Friday evening and occasionally on Saturdays.

Is attendance mandatory?

Attendance is mandatory in all classes. If you miss 25% of a course or more, this will have an effect on your final grade.

Exemption from mandatory attendance may be granted if a valid reason is given (e.g. sickness, visit to authorities or other personal reasons). Please submit your written request including relevant proof to the department for approval.