MCiT Forum 2018

The MCiT Forum 2018 refers to the core topics “Management, Communication and Information Technology ” with special focus on the advantages and strengths of future research in the area of technology.
Short Facts
08:00 20:00

The MCiT Forum 2018 refers to the core topics “Management, Communication and Information Technology ” with special focus on the advantages and strengths of future research in the area of technology. Especially the combination of IT and Management results in innovative and creative solution approaches, which are of high relevance for the economy on the one hand and the public sector on the other.

The main goal is to present relevant research results to the participants and also to the public. These
presentations will lead to an awareness of the rising significance mentioned in the topics and within the scope of the study program.


Every research paper, which deals with either one of the fields of Management, Communication or Information Technology can be submitted.

The submission has to be done via a Word- or LaTeX template which is provided on the website of the
Management Center Innsbruck

  • Language: English or German
  • Length 4 - 6 pages
  • Submission deadline: 15/05/2018

To submit the paper, the applicants have to use the conference management system “Easychair” which is
available as of now:

Important deadlines

  • 15/05/2018 Submission deadline
  • 19/05/2018 Notification of the submittors
  • 15/06/2018 MCiT Forum


  • Thematic relevance
  • Contentual (scientific) quality
  • Application-oriented
  • Quality of presentation
June 15th 2018
MCiT Forum 2018
8 am - 8 pm
Eventcenter Villa Blanka

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