MCiT Forum 2019

The MCiT Forum 2019 will evolve around Artificial Intelligence and its current and potential influence on the way of working. The event will take place the 19th of June in Villa Blanka (Weiherburggasse 31, Innsbruck) starting at 8:30 in the morning. Register now
Short Facts
08:00 20:00

The MCiT Forum 2019 will evolve around Artificial Intelligence and its current and potential influence on the way of working. The event will take place the 19th of June in Villa Blanka (Weiherburggasse 31, Innsbruck) starting at 8:30 in the morning.

MCiT Forum 2019 Logo
MCiT Forum 2019 Logo

The Forum will feature the following guests who will explore the main topic of the event through multiple stimulating speeches:

  • Keynote speaker: Barbara Wittman (LinkedIn): “Augmenting the HR world through the power of Artificial Intelligence”
  • Master presentations from MCiT students:
    • Nikola Bergmann: “The Gray Space in the Morality of Automated AI”
    • Robert Singer: “What impact will Big Data have on knowledge work in the near future?”
    • Dominic Reiter: “Design and evaluation of an operating model for the use of robotic process automation”
    • Tobias Riepl: “Job-recommendation system in the environment of”
  • Luisa Brinkschulte (IBM): “Working in an AI environment”
  • Julian Endres: “Let’s get real – successful AI for everyone”
  • Christina Bauer (Deloitte): “HR and research studies by Deloitte”
  • Catherine Laflamme (PhD, Frauenhofer Austria Research Gmbh): “Taking advantage of the complete spectrum of data science methods”

The event will also include a Panel Discussion covering the main topic of the Forum, a space to interact and share different views on the use of AI. The attendees can also expect networking activities, an interesting opportunity to get in contact with other people sharing a common passion for IT.

To not miss this fascinating opportunity and make sure to register!

Join the MCiT Forum 2019 social media pages for current updates.

Wednesday, June 19th 2019
MCiT Forum
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Eventcenter Villa Blanka

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