MCiT Forum 2020

The MCiT Forum 2020 will focus on the challenges companies and society in general are facing in times of unpredictable changes. The event will take place on the 10th of June. Register now
Short Facts
09:15 20:00

REDESIGNING WORK – competing in unpredictable times

Companies are shut down, conferences take place online, work is done at the home office: the coronavirus is a major challenge for the modern working world. This raises the burning question: How does business have to change now in order to remain competitive? This will be the topic of the MCiT Forum 2020, which will take place on 10 June as an online-only event. 

Distinguished guests will share their visions in inspiring presentations around "RESEDIGNING WORK- competing in unpredictable times".

MCiT Forum 2020
MCiT Forum 2020

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic “REDESIGNING WORK” which will give all participants in the forum the opportunity for an interactive exchange of views. 

Register now, join the discussion on this highly relevant subject and network with like-minded people!

Please also visit our social media channels for the MCiT Forum 2020 to make sure you don't miss any updates.

Note: The entire event will be held in English.

Wednesday, June 10th 2020
MCiT Forum
9:15 am - 5:00 pm

Join MCiT Forum 2020

Keynote Speaker

Georg Fürlinger

Georg Fürlinger

Technology representative & Co-Director, Außenwirtschaft Austria

Georg Fürlinger is Technology representative at Foreign Trade Austria, the internationalization and innovation agency of the Austrian economy and Co-Director of the Open Austria office in San Francisco. He supports Austrian start-ups and established companies in their US market entry strategy as well as in technology-, partner-, and investor-scouting. Previously, he researched at the Austrian Institute of Technology in the field of innovative ecosystems and cooperates with the Startup Accelerator StartX at Stanford University. Georg is co-author of the book "Abseits von Silicon Valley".


Karina Besprosvan

Karina Besprosvan

Award-Winning Analytical Researcher, Featured Industry Speaker and Innovation Director American Hometown Publishing Inc

As a data-storyteller, Karina Besprosvan is an expert at the gathering, analyzing, and integrating different source to bring meaningful insights and enhance both, community engagement and business KPIs. She works as a workshop facilitator, coach and external consultant helping CEOs in the digital transformation process of their organizations. Her vast experience interacting with universities, governments, Fortune 500 companies and small businesses gave her a strong understanding of the market: She identifies trends that disrupt global industries, and help to land and reshape organizations and brands. 

Karina Besprovsan is also an active member of the OpenExo community, and volunteer an mentor for different social for good organizations. Karina Besprosvan participates as a guest speaker worldwide and she is a leader and renowned voice for expressing Latin American and Hispanic trends and behaviors. Her latest research - and work in progress book - "GenZ RuleZ" is focused on new generations and how to help developing better integrations with families, societies, and brands.

Andreas Jenewein


Managing Director, vidone GmbH

Andreas Jenewein, managing director of vidone GmbH, is a recognised expert for organisational optimisation and talent management as well as an entrepreneur himself. Born in Tyrol, he combines 14 years of practice in bank sales as a consultant and manager as well as over 24 years of project work as a consultant and trainer for financial service providers and other innovative companies in the entire German-speaking area. In 2008 he was awarded the Constantinus Award for "Best Management Consultant in Austria".

With vidone GmbH, Andreas Jenewein has specialised in supporting companies in the changes brought about by digitalisation as well as in the use of video technology. He sees the possibilities of digitalization as an opportunity to redesign personal service and customer proximity and to maintain them cost-effectively across the board: With a video service counter developed in-house, he and his team are making it possible for banks and savings banks to set up digital branches at the customer's premises.

Horst Moser


Area Sales Manager, Successfully-operating international discount supermarket chain

Horst Moser works as an area sales manager for a successfully-operating international discount supermarket chain. At only 24 years of age, he already manages five stores and is currently responsible for around 100 employees in his team.

As part of his Bachelor-studies "Export-oriented Management" at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, he spent a semester abroad at the University of Edinburgh Business School in 2015 and another semester at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan in 2016. During his Bachelor-studies, he became particularly interested in the concept of employee motivation and talent management in international teams. From 2017 - 2019 he completed a dual Master's programme in cooperation with the ALDI SÜD Group and HOFER KG at the ESB Business School of Reutlingen University, after which he entered the fully the professional life.

Simon Nopp


Founder & CEO, Inndisus Innovation Consulting

Simon Nopp is a certified Exponential Organisation Consultant with experience in project management, entrepreneurship, purchasing and sales, and management consulting. In recent years, he has increasingly focused on topics of digitalization, innovation, and business model transformation, following his purpose to empower everyone to sustainably disrupt the world. 

Simon Nopp holds a Bachelor degree in Business & Management and is currently studying Management, Communication & IT at the Management Center Innsbruck alongside his professional activities. He is the founder of Inndisus and works as a Business Consultant and Project Manager at PDAgroup in Innsbruck. Additionally, he is an active openexo community member and an openexo Ambassador.

Guido Putignano

Guido Putignano

Zukunftsforscher und CEO, Supercity

Guido Putignano has been the youngest Mensa Member in Italy. He is a professional futurist and CEO of Supercity.

Guido holds an International Baccalaureate and different certificates of attendance from University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Business School, Stanford University, Institute for the Future, Duke University and Milan Polytechnic – with specialisations in disruptive innovation, design thinking, deep learning, CRISPR and Gene editing, Social Psychology and Gamification processes.

Markus Scholz


Endowed Professor & Head of the Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz holds the endowed chair for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics at the FHWien der WKW for Management & Communication. He heads the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES). His primary research areas include business ethics and corporate governance as well as corporate strategy. In these areas, Dr. Scholz works nationally and internationally as a consultant in numerous public and private sector projects.

Among various other national and international research and teaching positions, he is a visiting scholar at the INSEAD Social Innovation Centre, a research associate at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and the Social Sciences at the London School of Economics and ambassador to the Giving Voice To Values Initiative. Previous academic positions include the Wharton Business School where he was as Senior Fellow at the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research (2013-2017). From 2016-2017 he served as the chairman of the Harvard Business School led European Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) network.

Valentin Schütz

Valentin Schütz

CEO, Gronda

Valentin Schütz is an entrepreneur with a focus on marketplaces and digital solutions for the hospitality industry. With Gronda, he strives for the huge vision to help hospitality professionals to achieve their full potential. This is only possible if you work together with hungry and amazingly passionate people.

Therefore, Valentin Schütz has built Gronda, the fastest growing professional network for the hospitality industry. Here, hospitality professionals can find jobs, push their career and connect with colleagues and inspiring industry leaders. Currently, Gronda is operating in five different countries and are dedicated to connecting the industry worldwide.

Diana Stafie

Diana Stafie

Foresight strategist and co-founding partner, futureStation

Diana Stafie is co-founder of futureStation, a foresight and strategy consultancy agency that helps organizations to understand changes, spot new trends, spark innovation and prepare for the future. Clients served range from industries such as retail to telecom, banking to manufacturing and real estate. 

In addition to her work as a consultant, Diana Stafie  loves research and is part of various think tank groups on Future and Transformation topics, such as Ambassador in the Global Scanning Network from Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies or Certified Coach and Ambassador within the Open ExO Community. She has also been part of the 2019 cohort of International Certified Future Strategist program commissioned by European Commision, and also in the pilot program of Design Futures of the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto. She speaks at conferences and regularly contributes articles to publications interested in the Future.

Marlies Tusch


Senior SEO-Manager & Data Analyst, Evergreen Media AR GmbH

For Marlies Tusch, one thing is certain: data is the oil of the 21st century – and companies that make it the basis of their decisions have a clear advantage. This is why she is responsible for the preparation and analysis of large amounts of data and process optimisation at Evergreen Media, a successful and ambitious SEO-oriented content marketing agency based in Innsbruck.

After her Matura and an apprenticeship in graphic and communication design at the HTL Bau und Design, Marlies Tusch studied "Management, Communication & IT" at the Management Center Innsbruck and graduated with a Master of Arts degree in 2018. Already during her studies she specialized in the field of data management and online marketing.

Peter Maarten Westerhout

Peter Maarten Westerhout

Co-founder, TimeLabz

Peter Maarten Westerhout is a creative and experienced manager, innovator and entrepreneur, who breathes emerging technologies & digital innovation. He has over 15 years of experience in business management, product innovation and new business development in Telecommunication, Internet, IT and Cloud Services. He truly believes that Exponential Technologies are reshaping every industry on the planet, but more importantly that this is a huge opportunity for any company that dares to rethink and reinvent its business to become the frontrunner in their business ecosystem.

That is why today, with his company TimeLabz, he and his team are helping management teams of companies in the more complex B2B industries - like Manufacturing, Telecom, Professional Services and Public Infrastructure - with leveraging exponential technologies like Robotic Process Automation, and with transforming into XaaS and platform businesses.

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