Charly Kleissner

Chairman of the Board of ImpatAssets; Co-Founder Toniic & KL Felicitas Foundation, California & Innsbruck Sustainable impact investing. How to create a positive contribution to humanity and the planet.  
Short Facts
17:00 18:30

Chairman of the Board of ImpatAssets, Co-Founder Toniic & KL Felicitas Foundation, California & Innsbruck

Sustainable impact investing. How to create a positive contribution to humanity and the planet.

Charly Kleissner is an impact investor. He believes that the deeper meaning of wealth is to make a positive contribution to humanity and the planet and that the best impact investments integrate positive impact into their business model. He argues that Modern Portfolio Theory has to be re-conceptualized to fully integrate positive impact into a Total Portfolio Theory. He sees impact investing not as an intellectual exercise, but as an expression of who he really is. Dr. Kleissner co-founded KL Felicitas Foundation, Social-Impact International, the Central European Investment Ready Program, and Hawai’i Investment Ready, which help social entrepreneurs worldwide accelerate and increase their impact. Dr. Kleissner co-founded Toniic and the ‘100% Impact Network’, global networks for impact investors.

Dr. Kleissner serves as a full member of The Club of Rome, as Chairman of the Board at ImpactAssets, on the Board of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, and on the Advisory Board of Chi Impact Capital, the Global Hub Company, Industree Foundation, SETup, the Katapult Fund, and the UNSIF High-Level Advisory Board. Dr. Kleissner has over twenty years of experience as a senior technology executive in Silicon Valley working for companies like NeXT and Ariba. Dr. Kleissner earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Technology, Vienna.

Monday, 14th October 2019
17:00 - 18:30
Aula MCI I
Mag. Bettina Stichauner | Head Alumni Center Alumni & Friends
Mag. Bettina StichaunerHead Alumni Center

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