UNAERP-Universidade de Ribeirão Preto

Year of foundation: 1924
Approx. number of students: 11,000
Period of study: Early August-Mid December; Early Januar-End June
MCI partner since: 2016

The City

Ribeirão Preto is located in the state São Paulo.. It has been nicknamed Brazilian California because of a combination of an economy based on agrobusiness and high technology and year-round sunny weather. There are numerous highways linking Ribeirão Preto to other cities, such as Anhanguera Highway and Cândido Portinari Highway, as well as a rail terminal and Doctor Leite Lopes Airport. Ribeirão Preto has approx. 670,000 inhabitants.

The city was originated around 1856 in an agricultural region. Coffee was a primary source of income until 1929, when it lost value compared with the industrial sector. In the second half of the 20th century, investment in areas such as health, biotechnology, bioenergy and information technology led to the city being declared a Technological Center in 2010. These activities have caused the city to have the 30th biggest GNP in Brazil.

In addition to its economic importance, the city is also an important cultural center. The Prefeito Luiz Roberto Jábali Park, the Maurilio Biagi Park and the Zoo Garden are important preservation areas, while the Pinguim Choperia, the Dom Pedro Theatre and projects as the Ribeirão Preto's Cinema Center are relevant sightseeing points, along with such cultural events as the Agrishow and the National Book Fair.

The University

Unaerp (University of Ribeirão Preto) is one of the largest higher education and technology centers in the state of São Paulo. It is a private, maintained by student fees, entering this through vestibular and the AERP (Ribeirão Preto Teaching Association). Its two campuses are divided into two cities one in Ribeirão Preto and one in Guaruja. Today, the UNAERP is one of the largest educational centers in the state of São Paulo and has bachelor's, graduate and technology in health, sciences, and technology in the classroom and distance learning modalities, Postgraduate programs recognized stricto sensu level Doctoral and Master and evaluated by CAPES / MEC Concepts with 5:04, and Specializations broad sense. The IES maintains research projects with own funding and major national funding agencies such as CNPq, FAPESP, FINEP and CAPES, has certified groups by CNPq the results of this institutional science policy are the registration of patents and copyright assignme