Outstanding achievements of our Medical & Health Technologies students

Date 2023-01-09

The Federal Ministry of Education, Economics and Research has awarded scholarships to MCI students for their outstanding academic achievements

<p>Award ceremony for the scholarship recipients. ©Sieber</p>

Award ceremony for the scholarship recipients. ©Sieber

<p>Mateus Enzenberg receives the scholarship certificate. ©Sieber</p>

Mateus Enzenberg receives the scholarship certificate. ©Sieber

<p>Award ceremony for the scholarship recipients. ©Sieber</p>
<p>Mateus Enzenberg receives the scholarship certificate. ©Sieber</p>

Nine students of the Medical & Health Technologies degree programs received a scholarship of EUR 750 each for their excellent academic performances. During a pre-Christmas celebration, the Head of the degree programs Daniel Sieber officially handed over the certificates to the scholarship holders. Afterwards, their success was celebrated with a glass of sparkling wine.

Congratulations to the scholarship holders on receiving the scholarship for their extraordinary achievements in the academic year 2021/2022!

Are you a student who would like to apply for the scholarship in 2022/23? You must meet the following requirements to qualify:

  • active studies during the assessment period
  • grade point average of at least 2.00 for the entire academic year

For more information, please contact your relevant program supervisor or visit www.mci4me.at/scholarshipsww.mci4me.at/scholarships. Good luck!


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