News Mechatronics Bachelor

Tirol TV feature on the Digital Twin Lab
Tirol TV feature on the Digital Twin Lab
In cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industry Tyrol, the "Digital Twin Lab" of the Entrepreneurial University® was launched, providing a powerful simulation environment for electric, hybrid and non-conventional powertrains.
IndustryMeetsMakers 21
IndustryMeetsMakers 21
Industry meets Makers is an open innovation community building format that aims to initiate new collaboration models between top industry and the creative maker scene in order to make the resulting innovation and business potential fruitful for the benefit of both sides.
Virtual Infineon Hackathon 2021
Virtual Infineon Hackathon 2021
Infineon Technologies and EIT Manufacturing invite you to participate in a 48-hour virtual hackathon from home.
The Mechatronics Platform 2020 Conference
The Mechatronics Platform 2020 Conference
On 23.11.2020, the Mechatronics Platform 2020 took place successfully for the first time online via live stream.
Mechatronics Graduation 2020
Mechatronics Graduation 2020
On Saturday, October 10th, 2020, this year's virtual MCI graduation took place. 
Conference of the mechatronics platform
Conference of the mechatronics platform
Conference of the mechatronics platform
Mechatronics home offices are working round the clock
Mechatronics home offices are working round the clock
Maintaining our services from home
TRINAMIC-Kits for MCI students
TRINAMIC-Kits for MCI students
The MCI mechatronics department has entered a cooperation with TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH, which provides MCI students with cost-intensive hardware for motor control.
Weather station and ECG device win this year’s ES challenge
Weather station and ECG device win this year’s ES challenge
Two out of twelve innovative projects were able to beat the competition
Schools visiting the center of robotics at MCI IV
Schools visiting the center of robotics at MCI IV
Mechatronics Graduation 2019
Mechatronics Graduation 2019
36 bachelor’s and 32 master’s graduates, 2 double degree graduates: Franz Haas, MSc. and Robert Kleiner, MSc
Mechatronics alumnus receives prize for innovation
Mechatronics alumnus receives prize for innovation
What our mechatronics program and shrimps have in common, and why courage, curiosity and commitment eventually lead to success
More women interested in mechatronics
More women interested in mechatronics
MCI at Matlab EXPO 2019
MCI at Matlab EXPO 2019
New Alpha Design Rack for Mechatronics Lab
New Alpha Design Rack for Mechatronics Lab