
DeepQualityControl – Quality Assurance System Based on Machine Learning
DeepQualityControl – Quality Assurance System Based on Machine Learning
Deep learning for small lot sizes through artificial training data
The new black gold – charcoal!
The new black gold – charcoal!
Use of charcoal in “industrial” agriculture
New research area
New research area "Health Tech"
The Entrepreneurial School® adapts research strategy and establishes a new research focus in the field of health and life sciences
Successful project with partner CarbonCompetence GmbH
Successful project with partner CarbonCompetence GmbH
Staff of research area “Fluids & Mechanics” developed a concept together with CarbonCompetence GmbH and Grissemann Maschinenbau GmbH to improve the process for diamond coating in tool production
COVID-19 Survey on Social Indicators and COVID-19 Follow-Up Study
COVID-19 Survey on Social Indicators and COVID-19 Follow-Up Study
The Center for Social and Health Innovation (CSHI) located at the MCI is currently carrying out several studies on the current COVID-19 situation.
Cross-border online teaching - Corona crisis & EU
Cross-border online teaching - Corona crisis & EU
Next, to his core areas EU and digitisation, Jean Monnet Professor Dr. Markus Frischhut LL.M. also addresses the current Corona crisis.
How can you protect your horse against diet related diseases?
How can you protect your horse against diet related diseases?
New research project started by research area Food Science & Biotechnology
Can the deformation behavior of a ski be simulated?
Can the deformation behavior of a ski be simulated?
Research project for the development of models to simulate the mechanical behavior of skis together with HEAD Sport GmbH
TraDiHab – Training and diagnostic system for home rehabilitation developed at the MCI
TraDiHab – Training and diagnostic system for home rehabilitation developed at the MCI
Another successful project conducted in the field of Electronics
White Paper on Research & Innovation
White Paper on Research & Innovation
The newspaper “Die Presse” produces whitepaper together with MCI | News on Research & Development in Austria | How does a research cooperation work | Interview with Michael Kraxner (Head of R&D)
Wissenstransferzentrum West (WTZ West)
Wissenstransferzentrum West (WTZ West)
(Third) Mission Possible! - The cooperation from eleven universities goes into the second round
Excellent research | Excellent researchers
Excellent research | Excellent researchers
Thomas Senfter receives three important prizes for his dissertation „Kontinuierliche Störstoffabscheidung in der Klärschlamm-Co-Fermentation mittels Zentrifugalabscheider“
Research cooperation in the field of ion therapy
Research cooperation in the field of ion therapy
MCI is working with MedAustron to further develop ion therapy for the healing of tumors. !-- MedAustron is a particle therapy and research center for cancer treatment located in Wiener Neustadt. The therapy is based on the use of protons and carbon ions, which are accelerated to the required energy to irradiate the total volume of the tumors with great accuracy and to better protect the surrounding tissue at the same time. To achieve the best possible results, state-of-the-art technology from the fields of physics, mechatronics, electronics and power electronics is used.In the future, MCI's Mechatronics Department will collaborate with MedAustron to develop new technologies and improve the performance of existing and new facilities. In addition, students have the opportunity to complete internships at MedAustron and to work on various theses in the company. Subsequently, the cooperation will be deepened and additional research projects will be allocated.For further information please contact us:Maurizio Incurvati Senior Lecturer Department Mechatronics +43 512 2070 – 3936 maurizio.incurvati@mci.eduMCI Lecturers Incurvati and Stärz (2nd and 3rd from the left) meet with MedAustron. Foto: MedAustronMCI Lecturers Incurvati and Stärz (2nd and 3rd from the left) meet with MedAustron. Foto: MedAustro MedAustronhier können Videos eingespielt werden. endsearch-->
New Book: The Ethical Spirit of EU Law
New Book: The Ethical Spirit of EU Law
Open access book talks about the ethical spirit of European Union (EU) law, an aspect, which becomes ever more relevant because of its effect on the national law.
Erasmus+ Project PIETE
Erasmus+ Project PIETE
Erasmus+ Project PIETE: European partnership aims at transmitting entrepreneurial skills within initial teacher education
OptiFaul - Optimized Digestion Mixing
OptiFaul - Optimized Digestion Mixing
New research project in the field of process technology !-- On April 1, a new research project started at MCI. Researchers, under supervision of project leader Michael Meister, investigate and optimize the energy input required for mixing anaerobic digestion towers. The research results should serve as a basis for further research projects, as well as bringing direct benefits for wastewater treatment plant operators due to reduced energy consumption. The research project is jointly run with the University of Innsbruck and funded by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism.If you are interested in the research findings, please contact us:Michael Meister Lecturer Department Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering +43 512 2070 – 3238 Michael.meister@mci.eduFoto: MCIFederal Miistry Republic of Austria - Sustainability and Tourismhier können Videos eingespielt werden. endsearch-->
Sun protection by alpine algae
Sun protection by alpine algae
Research project for the extraction of natural raw materials from algae !-- In the research area Food Science & Biotechnology project manager Harald Schöbel was able to land a new research project. The aim of this project is the extraction of natural raw materials from alpine algae, which absorb the UV radiation of the sun very efficiently. These substances can be used as additional components for various cosmetic products to significantly improve their sun protection factor. The project is made possible by the Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF).For further information please contact us:Harald Schöbel Senior Lecturer Department Biotechnology +43 512 2070 – 3837 harald.schoebel@mci.eduFoto: MCI Soziale Arbeithier können Videos eingespielt werden. endsearch-->