News Health Tech

Creating Impact – becoming effective together
Creating Impact – becoming effective together
MCI at the 15th Research Forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences – FFH 2022
Made-to-Measure performance analysis at the tip of your fingers
Made-to-Measure performance analysis at the tip of your fingers
MCI Innovation to support Olympic Luge Athletes
Digitalization as a concept
Digitalization as a concept
In an interview with the magazine "Standort", Dr Alexander Hörbst shares interesting insights into digital services in tourism and their potential.
Neural Networks in Tennis
Neural Networks in Tennis
A new approach to get better – Presentation at ECSS-Congress 2021
Milestone achieved - completion of doctoral studies
Milestone achieved - completion of doctoral studies
Employees in the Technology & Life Science Departments successfully complete their dissertations
New testing method for ski racers
New testing method for ski racers
Testing improved through image processing | New method is used at the Olympiazentrum Tirol with junior and elite athletes
Digital guide dog as a service
Digital guide dog as a service
 SPOT to support people with impaired or absent vision.
RiT – Rehabilitation device in pocket size
RiT – Rehabilitation device in pocket size
New research project started in the field of Health Tech
New research area
New research area "Health Tech"
The Entrepreneurial School® adapts research strategy and establishes a new research focus in the field of health and life sciences
TraDiHab – Training and diagnostic system for home rehabilitation developed at the MCI
TraDiHab – Training and diagnostic system for home rehabilitation developed at the MCI
Another successful project conducted in the field of Electronics