Digital Business & Software Engineering

Studying online does not mean to study alone!
Studying online does not mean to study alone!
Gaming Day as part of the course “eCollaboration”
DiBSE Kick-off into the new academic year
DiBSE Kick-off into the new academic year
We are delighted to welcome 56 students
Interview with DiBSE student Judith Lerch
Interview with DiBSE student Judith Lerch
with Echo Karriere
Industry Magazine Ranking: 1st place for Bachelor DiBSE
Industry Magazine Ranking: 1st place for Bachelor DiBSE
Knowledge transfer at the annual AV-Comparatives event
Knowledge transfer at the annual AV-Comparatives event
Review first semester winter term 2018/19
Review first semester winter term 2018/19
Official opening of the DiBSE program
Official opening of the DiBSE program