News Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Excellent research | Excellent researchers
Excellent research | Excellent researchers
Thomas Senfter receives three important prizes for his dissertation „Kontinuierliche Störstoffabscheidung in der Klärschlamm-Co-Fermentation mittels Zentrifugalabscheider“
Habilitation for MCI researcher Lukas Möltner
Habilitation for MCI researcher Lukas Möltner
Venia Docendi for PD Dr. Lukas Möltner from the Vienna University of Technology - Special Field "Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering".    
City of Innsbruck Award for Research & Innovation at MCI
City of Innsbruck Award for Research & Innovation at MCI
Coveted research award goes to two MCI scientists - Technical research in focus: Lukas Möltner with his research in the field of renewable fuels and sustainability, and Thomas Senfter with his innovative development for sewage treatment plants.