Alle Veranstaltungen

Herbert Demel
Herbert Demel
Vorstandsvorsitzender a.D. namhafter Automobilkonzerne
Michael Otto
Michael Otto
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates, Otto Group Holding, Hamburg Digitalisierung & Werte - Passt das noch zusammen?
Peter Schöffel
Peter Schöffel
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Schöffel Sportbekleidung GmbH  
Recruiting Forum 2018
Recruiting Forum 2018
Das Recruiting Forum bringt MCI Studierende und Young Professionals mit Unternehmen zusammen und bietet die ideale Plattform zum Vorstellen, Kennenlernen und Netzwerken.
Südtiroler Wirtschaftsforum 2019
Südtiroler Wirtschaftsforum 2019
29. März 2019 Forum Brixen / Südtirol
1. Tag der Familienunternehmen
1. Tag der Familienunternehmen
Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft 14. Mai 2018 | MCI I, 4. OG
MCiT Forum 2021
MCiT Forum 2021
This year's topic A NEW DIGITAL WORLD – 'HOW DID COVID-19 CHANGE THE IT-INDUSTRY?' focuses on new approaches and the rethinking of existing business strategies, innovative and virtual collaboration as well as the adaptation of companies' functions and strategies.
MCiT Forum Room 1
MCiT Forum Room 1
MCiT Forum 2020 - Room 1
MCiT Forum Room 2
MCiT Forum Room 2
 MCiT Forum 2020 - Room 2
MCiT Forum 2020
MCiT Forum 2020
The MCiT Forum 2020 will focus on the challenges companies and society in general are facing in times of unpredictable changes. The event will take place on the 10th of June.
MCiT Forum 2019
MCiT Forum 2019
The MCiT Forum 2019 will evolve around Artificial Intelligence and its current and potential influence on the way of working. The event will take place the 19th of June in Villa Blanka (Weiherburggasse 31, Innsbruck) starting at 8:30 in the morning.
Fachtagung zu Frauenhandel
Fachtagung zu Frauenhandel
Best Practice
Peace activist, public speaker and comedian, Israel Why is the peace camp in Israel so weak?  
Summer Symposium 2018
Summer Symposium 2018
LEADERSHIP IN THE NONPROFIT, SOCIAL AND HEALTHCARE SECTORMethods, challenges & personal moments of leadership by our MCI graduates
Best Practice | Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe
Best Practice | Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe
May 04, 2018 | 3.00 – 7.00 p.m. | MCI Campus Universitätsstraße | Department Business & Management REGISTRATIONPlease register until April 25, 2018 via e-mail:
Social Work Education in Israel
Social Work Education in Israel
Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Faisal Azaiza Dean of the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel
Verantwortung in Kommunikation und Führung im Nonprofit Management GABRIELE FABER-WIENER (Center for Responsible Management, Wien)
MCiT Forum 2018
MCiT Forum 2018
The MCiT Forum 2018 refers to the core topics “Management, Communication and Information Technology ” with special focus on the advantages and strengths of future research in the area of technology.
Open Lecture: Migration, the US perspective
Open Lecture: Migration, the US perspective
Migration, the US perspective Dean Harris, Associate Professor, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Migration, the U.S. perspective.
Vortrag: Eine gemeinsame EU-Identität?
Vortrag: Eine gemeinsame EU-Identität?
Eine gemeinsame EU-Identität? Vortrag mit Gespräch