News Bio- & Lebensmitteltechnologie

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
MCI female researchers are brought in front of the curtain
Online practical course Sensory Analysis
Online practical course Sensory Analysis
Material for the practical course Sensory Analysis was sent to students  
State of Tyrol supports upcycling project with organic apples
State of Tyrol supports upcycling project with organic apples
New research project in research area Food Science & Biotechnology
Successful job applications despite corona crisis
Successful job applications despite corona crisis
Pharmaceutical companies as guests in virtual space
Pharmaceutical companies as guests in virtual space
Representatives from Roche, Sandoz and Lonza offered exciting online presentations during the summer semester.
BAYER Digital Campus Challenge
BAYER Digital Campus Challenge
MCI students work on pioneering ideas for digitization in the pharmaceutical industry
Dr. Schär awards scholarship at MCI
Dr. Schär awards scholarship at MCI
Two award winners from the Master Degree program Food Technology & Nutrition  
MCI successful with Tyrolean Science Fund
MCI successful with Tyrolean Science Fund
Six exciting, location-relevant research projects receive state funding - Strengthening the innovative power of Tyrol as a location for business and science  
Partner University of the Month: National University of Singapore
Partner University of the Month: National University of Singapore
Biotechnet-Summer School in Basel
Biotechnet-Summer School in Basel
"Schlaue Luxe" at MCI
On 17 September 2019, the kick-off event of the traveling exhibition "Schlaue Luxe" took place at MCI Technik
MCI-Network Enables Insights in BAYER Future Visions
MCI-Network Enables Insights in BAYER Future Visions
How digital will BAYER be in 2030? MCI students develop ideas for the pharmaceutical industrie as part of the BAYER Digital Campus Challenge.  
Excellent Teaching
Excellent Teaching
MCI Team on Ars Docendi-Shortlist  I  Digital Transformation in Teaching  I  Outstanding MINT fundamental course for undergraduates
Sun protection by alpine algae
Sun protection by alpine algae
Research project for the extraction of natural raw materials from algae !-- In the research area Food Science & Biotechnology project manager Harald Schöbel was able to land a new research project. The aim of this project is the extraction of natural raw materials from alpine algae, which absorb the UV radiation of the sun very efficiently. These substances can be used as additional components for various cosmetic products to significantly improve their sun protection factor. The project is made possible by the Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF).For further information please contact us:Harald Schöbel Senior Lecturer Department Biotechnology +43 512 2070 – 3837 harald.schoebel@mci.eduFoto: MCI Soziale Arbeithier können Videos eingespielt werden. endsearch-->
Open Labs Day of the MCI in cooperation with the Medical University of Innsbruck
Open Labs Day of the MCI in cooperation with the Medical University of Innsbruck
Interested students were given the opportunity to gain insights into various study programs and to make their first laboratory experience
Graduates’ Day Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Graduates’ Day Biotechnology & Food Engineering
A successful day at the department of Biotechnology & Food Engineering.
Virtual laboratory „Labster“ implemented successfully
Virtual laboratory „Labster“ implemented successfully
Using 3D simulations, "Labster" prepares Bachelor’s students for laboratory practice.
Austrian Algae Network 2019
Austrian Algae Network 2019
The annual meeting on the promising organisms was first held at MCI Innsbruck.