Press 2017

Digital Business MBA starting this Autumn
Digital Business MBA starting this Autumn
Master's degree program by MCI and IPA - Entrepreneurial School® and Investment Punk Academy Gerald Hörhan join forces - strong online focus - studying in Innsbruck, Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich and BerlinExciting news at MCI: The Entrepreneurial School® will be offering two new Executive Master’s Programs as of fall 2018 in cooperation with Investment Punk Gerald Hörhan. The two part-time programs are targeted toward high achievers seeking leadership positions in the new economy. MCI will be accepting 60 students for these programs and has already received over 200 inquiries.The "Digital Business MBA" and "Master of Science Digital Economy & Leadership" study programs are designed to give students the skills needed in the modern digital workplace and digital enterprise development: skills which currently few people have. Therefore, the programs include modules on topics such as Online Marketing, Data Science, Machine Learning, Blockchain Technology, IT Security, Data Management and Data Protection, Venture Capital and Corporate Entrepreneurship.The Digital Business MBA is an international program focusing on the development and management of digital business models. The MSc in Digital Economy & Leadership deals with leadership psychology, organizational psychology and the psychology of markets. It is a German-language, reflexive program that examines organizations from an inside perspective.The innovative degree programs provide a high percentage of online/mobile learning and can be completed without having to stop working or reducing to part-time hours. Synchronous and asynchronous e-learning elements as well as compact attendance periods are combined in an innovative way (blended learning) and ensure maximum flexibility in terms of time and place. Most of the program can be done online. Based on the MCI blended learning concept, a combination of video courses, online teaching materials, and online live chats and discussions is available. In addition, there are face-to-face events for networking, lectures and group challenges, from Thursday to Saturday, two to three times per semester. These attendance periods are planned to be held in Innsbruck, Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann explains: "Digitalization is not only changing the economy and people in a dramatic way, it is also changing the higher education landscape. In this context, MCI is playing a pioneering role together with Gerald Hörhan.""Our mission is to provide as many people as possible with economic and digital knowledge, so that they can succeed and live in financial freedom. Being able to offer academic degree programs to our clients has been a big goal for me, and we have been very committed to it. I am pleased that in MCI Management Center Innsbruck we have selected an innovative institution of higher education as a partner with whom we can offer digital education on an academic level, " adds Gerald Hörhan, founder and CEO of the Investment Punk Academy.Together they put it in a nutshell: "Everyone is talking about digitalization. We - the Investment Punk Academy and MCI - are already training people now."Investment Punk AcademyThe Investment Punk Academy, the leading German-language online financial training platform, is designed for people who want to evolve and make a difference. Online courses, seminars, lectures and a forum help people with their careers, whether it's building their own business or investing their money efficiently.The digitalization offensive of the MCIMCI launched an exemplary digitalsization offensive a few years ago. As of autumn 2018, a total of eight (!) online study programs will be available, three of which will be aimed at further education. The proportion of online students will increase from the current 8% to 20% over the next three years.Further information:Digital Business MBADigital Economy & Leadership MScInvestment Punk{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1350}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI Winter Program 2018
MCI Winter Program 2018
This February we are delighted to welcome 35 students from our partner universities at our Winter program.Initiated in 2017, this program is gaining popularity among our partners and this year MCI boasts in hosting students from its longstanding partners in Australia, China, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Hungary, Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Slovenia, Taiwan, Turkey, Uruguay, USA and Vietnam.Unique in its nature, this four-week compact Winter program entails a blend of engineering and business disciplines as well as various modes of teaching giving students the opportunity to take courses from either one discipline or mix and match them. Students enjoy the campus experience with face-2-face as well as get a taste of online classes.The courses taught this year are: Business Ethics; Digital Entrepreneurship; Innovation & Start-ups; Beverage Technology; Biotech Product Operations; Renewable Energy; Robot Operating System and Water Pollution Control.For further information check our website at:{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1349}
MCI as condiment specialist: Product development for the global brand Develey
MCI as condiment specialist: Product development for the global brand Develey
The Entrepreneurial School® cooperates with leading manufacturer in specialty condiments – synergies through transfer of knowledge, joint research, development & innovation.Everything started with a conversation about good food and seasonings. This was when Katrin Bach, program director at Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) first met Bernhard Burger, head of product development at Develey. The discussion quickly expanded and lead to the question of what actually makes great seasonings. Is it taste, easy use, a fair retail price or a manufacturer’s competitive edge based on know-how, expertise and efficiency? Both production and consumption have to be factored into the equation, as well as the entire value chain and the product’s environmental impact.This is where MCI’s services meet Develey’s demands. MCI’s Master’s Program for Food Technology & Nutrition deals exactly with these issues. The cooperation focuses on analyzing and further developing recipes and processes to produce mustard and mayonnaise. Through this cooperation, Develey gains access to the analytical knowledge of MCI’s researchers as well as their specialized know-how on raw materials, such as mustard seeds. MCI students, on the other hand, benefit from working on real products and the production processes of a leading European company.Develey is a Bavarian manufacturer of condiments based in Unterhaching near Munich with a 170-year tradition of pioneering spirit and innovative drive. Its success is built on two pillars: its medium-sized family business structure as well as innovation and growth. The company has become globally known for its cooperation with McDonald’s since the early 1970s. In Austria, the most popular Develey brand is Mautner Markhof, which operates as an independent subsidiary. Develey believes in sustainability and “thinking for generations”. It holds the ZNU Standard certification and has been awarded multiple times for its sustainability concept. In Germany, Develey has six locations with a total of 2,000 employees. Develey also has production sites in France, Russia, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Tennessee (USA).Within the MCI Master’s Program for Food Technology & Nutrition, students acquire profound knowledge on food and nutrition, production technologies and processes. They learn how to identify and characterize nutrition-relevant properties and understand the various effects of different foods. The aim of the program is to empower graduates to contribute substantially to the economic development of companies in the food sector. In the course of their studies, students gain valuable hands-on experience by working on industry and research projects.MCI program director Katrin Bach considers this cooperation a perfect addition to the Master’s program: “Our students can directly apply their theoretical knowledge to practice while acquainting themselves with a highly interesting medium-sized manufacturing company located right on their doorstep.”Bernhard Burger, head of product development at Develey, is pleased to have found MCI as a like-minded academic partner: “We immediately got along well with the MCI team and quickly saw that MCI researchers clearly understood our products and processes and were able to seamlessly integrate their knowledge.”Monika Bauer, head of process development, adds: “What’s exciting and enriching for both sides is that we have been able to accompany several students working on project papers or final theses. We benefit from their findings and meet interesting young people. In turn, they get to work on topical issues that are actually implemented. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”Further information and links:DeveleyCareer at DeveleyMCI Master’s Program for Food Technology and NutritionMCI research focus Agro & Food Technology{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1348}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Distinction for new MCI exhibition stand
Distinction for new MCI exhibition stand
With its new exhibition stand design the Entrepreneurial School® made a lasting impression at the Prague international Gaudeamus education fair.As part of the 2018 Gaudeamus Central European Higher Education and Lifelong Learning Exhibition, which took place for the 11th time this year, a jury of experts – professors and fair organizers – chose the best fair stands. In the category of international exhibitors, MCI was awarded first place.With more than 10,000 visitors each year, Gaudeamus in Prague is the largest education fair of Central Europe. This year, more than 213 national and international exhibitors presented their services to individuals looking for study and further training opportunities. In the course of the three-day fair, the expert jury scrutinized the exhibitors’ stands and evaluated them according to a set of predefined criteria, including aesthetics, functionality, and friendliness and competence of service. The MCI stand was ranked among the top ten of all participating exhibitors. In a separate evaluation of the 94 international exhibitors from altogether 16 nations, the Entrepreneurial School® was awarded first place.The new MCI exhibition stand was designed to represent not only the excellent quality, innovative power, and strong service orientation of MCI, but also its attractive location at the heart of the Alps. The stand reflects the theme of the alpine world and enables prospective students from across the globe to get a glimpse of the appealing MCI environment. The modular construction allows individual parts, such as illuminated walls or tables and seats, also to be used for other events.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1347}
Tyrolean Science Fund supports MCI projects
Tyrolean Science Fund supports MCI projects
Seven cutting-edge research projects receive state funds to secure the competitive advantage of Tyrol as a location for business and science.Each year, the State of Tyrol uses means supplied by the Tyrolean Science Fund to promote excellent young researchers of Tyrolean institutions of higher education. No fewer than seven researchers of MCI Management Center Innsbruck were granted this year’s recognition. Tyrolean Minister of Health and Science, Bernhard Tilg, officially honored the award-winning research projects for their relevance and practical orientation in the context of a ceremony held at the University of Innsbruck.The following young researchers of the Entrepreneurial School® and their projects received the Science Fund’s support:Research focus: Agro & Food Technology Nataly Knöpfle:Alternative opportunities to reduce oxidative degradation and preservation of beta-carotene in hay for animal feed. Research focus: Renewable Energy Sabrina Dumfort:PileCommunication: early recognition of spontaneous ignitions in biomass deposits. Research focus: Finance Thomas Stöckl:Thou shalt not act: testing the no-trade theorem in experimental stock markets. Research focus: Fluids & Mechanics Tobias Kofler:Documentation and simulation of particle movements in the separation chamber of uniflow cyclones. Franz-Josef Falkner:Targeted application of the component mode synthesis in machine engineering. Research focus: Process Technology Martin Spruck:Pressure-driven filtration of microalgae in the electrical field. Michael Meister:Optimizing energy input for the mixing of digesters. The Tyrolean Science Fund was established by the State of Tyrol to promote scientific research and young scientists and ensure the international competitiveness of Tyrol. The Entrepreneurial School® considers the grants provided an extraordinary token of appreciation on the part of the State of Tyrol. The Fund supports applied research projects with a focus on current and real-world problems faced by the industry.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1346}Further informationMCI Research & DevelopmentPress contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI Academic Council hands out Teaching Award
MCI Academic Council hands out Teaching Award
The Entrepreneurial School® awards lecturers for their exceptional achievements in teachingExcellence in teaching forms an essential component of the quality of any higher education institution. Each year, the MCI Academic Council therefore hands out the Teaching Award in appreciation of exceptional achievements in teaching. The nomination of lecturers is based on student evaluations carried out at MCI for each course. The focus of these evaluations lies on the professional competence of lecturers, their applied methods and teaching approaches, as well as the relevance and applicability of the course content.The 2017 Teaching Award goes to the three MCI lecturers: Regina Obexer, M.Ed.Lecturer and e-learning expert Dr. Franz PeggerProfessor and Head of Academic Council José Luis Fernández VallsSpanish instructor The students appreciated in particular the lecturers’ strong commitment, their ability to get course participants interested in a subject, the good organization of their courses, and the comprehensible as well as transparent presentation of content.The Academic Council selected the award winners based on the ratings they achieved in the student evaluations. The nomination was made automatically by way of the course evaluations. All study programs and courses of the same year were included in the decision process.Dr. Claudia Mössenlechner, deputy head of the MCI Academic Council, proudly comments on the quality of teaching provided by MCI: “The Teaching Award of the Academic Council recognizes the superior work of our faculty in teaching. The annual distinction aims to promote excellent teaching, provide impulses for the future, and contribute to the development of the higher education institution, our students and society.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1344}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512 2070-1527ulrike.fuchs@mci.eduFurther informationMCI Academic CouncilStudy programs at MCI
MCI Biotechnology Masters‘ Students Strike Gold on the Marshall Plan Scholarship 2018
MCI Biotechnology Masters‘ Students Strike Gold on the Marshall Plan Scholarship 2018
Both nominees Lisa Wegmair and Thomas Samitsch graduate students of Biotechnology won the prestigious Marshall Plan Award for 2018.This scholarship showcases students’ academic excellence and their challenging master thesis topics. Lisa Wegmair will be writing her master’s thesis on “The role of chemokines in the immune response to malaria vaccination“ at the University of Washington, Seattle and Thomas Samitsch will research and write on “Normoxic degradation of polycystin-1 in polycystic kidney disease“ at the University of California, Santa Barbara.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1342}Further information:Bachelor Program Biotechnology & Food EngineeringMaster Program BiotechnologyPress contact:Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI and Hypo Tirol agree to continue cooperation
MCI and Hypo Tirol agree to continue cooperation
The successful long-term cooperation between Management Center Innsbruck and Hypo Tirol is to be continued in 2018The synergistic partnership between MCI Management Center Innsbruck and the Hypo Tirol bank was first established in 2005. The two parties have now agreed to continue their cooperation for another year. This is a strong statement bolstering the shared commitment to the development of the Tyrolean location for business. It includes, in particular, activities hosted by the MCI Alumni & Friends association. The Hypo Tirol bank furthermore supports the academic MCI Alumni & Friends lecture series, one of the most sensational and renowned series of lectures in the German-speaking academic world. Once a week, it unveils leading figures from across the globe here at the Entrepreneurial School®.Since its foundation more than 100 years ago, the Hypo Tirol bank has been committed to contributing to the social and cultural advancement of Tyrol and its citizens. Hypo Tirol actively seeks to be in touch with the Tyrolean population and, therefore, also supports sustainable education and science initiatives. This is also where the interests of Hypo Tirol and MCI overlap. As Entrepreneurial School®, MCI makes a substantial contribution to the professionalization of business, administration, politics, and culture. In this connection, the MCI Alumni & Friends association is conceived of as a service and network platform for graduates, partners, and other affiliates.Hypo Tirol Manager Johannes Haid expresses his delight with the partnership: “Hypo Tirol and Management Center Innsbruck have enjoyed an intense and meaningful partnership for many years. The cooperation thrives on the joint effort to foster the intellectual curiosity and inquiring mind of the Tyrolean people.”Hypo Tirol Marketing Director Angelika Fröhlich adds: “The high-quality education and training of ambitious individuals also benefits the local economy. MCI graduates have a qualification of international standing.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann emphasizes: “We are happy to have gained the Hypo Tirol bank as a long-term partner in our activities. We have formed a strong connection based on our shared goal of advancing the Tyrolean business location.”Further information:Alumni events previewHypo Tirol{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1194}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
1,000 MCI graduates
1,000 MCI graduates
The success story of the Entrepreneurial School® continues with more than 1,000 Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in 2017 and 7,000 guests at the graduation ceremoniesOnly recently, this year’s round of annual festive MCI graduation ceremonies took place in the sumptuous surroundings of the historically significant Dogana in Innsbruck. In 2017, more than 1,000 graduates completed their Bachelor’s and Master’s studies at the Entrepreneurial School® and received their academic graduation certificates. Both the MCI graduates of Bachelor’s and Master’s courses, and of further education courses, were awarded. Moreover, the first graduates of the European Master in Health Economics & Management (Eu-HEM) could be welcomed in Innsbruck.7,000 invited guestsAbout 7,000 guests from the worlds of business, science, society, and politics honored the graduates and expressed their appreciation of the excellent education provided by MCI. Amongst them, was Tyrolean Minister of Science Bernhard Tilg, Mayor of Innsbruck Christine Oppitz-Plörer, President of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber Jürgen Bodenseer, and numerous other decision makers. In addition, a delegation of high-ranking representatives of the Eu-HEM partner institutions came to Innsbruck to witness the event. Together, with the respective heads of department & studies, Professor Franz Pegger and Professor Claudia Mössenlechner, head and deputy head of the MCI Academic Council, awarded the degrees.High recognition by the labor marketBy enrolling for a course at MCI, students invest in a successful future. Even during their studies, they are introduced to the labor market by participating in practice-oriented projects, relevant assignments, and internships. In addition, they are provided with comprehensive services by the MCI Career Center, including a job and internship exchange, workshops, and individual coaching. Consequently, MCI graduates enjoy excellent career prospects. This fact is confirmed by numerous satisfied employers and favorable international rankings as well as ratings.The success of MCI’s work is further expressed in the words of welcome delivered by high officials and stakeholders:Dr. Bernhard Tilg, Tyrolean Minister of Science and chairman of the MCI General Assembly, is very pleased with the MCI graduates and emphasizes the extraordinary development of the MCI range of technical study options: “With the technology offensive, the State of Tyrol has moved a step ahead, internationally.”Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer adds: “We can no longer imagine the provincial capital without MCI. In Innsbruck, 50,000 individuals – that is one in three – are presently attending an educational institution. Innsbruck educational institutions have a great international reputation.”President of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber, Dr. Jürgen Bodenseer, encourages the recipients “to leave well-trodden paths and choose your own, because this is how innovation and a competitive advantage are generated.”Bettina Stichauner, chair of the MCI Alumni & Friends association, presents impressive facts: “85% of MCI students successfully complete their studies. By the time of graduation, they have already received, on average, 2.1 job offers. Together with 1,000 professors and lecturers, 240 partner institutions, and countless employers, project and research partners, our more than 10,000 graduates provide a lively network.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann points out: “We can now look back on another successful year. I want to thank all our students, partners, and the entire MCI team for making this accomplishment possible.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1330}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI forms new partnerships with leading universities
MCI forms new partnerships with leading universities
New partnership agreements with prestigious universities concluded to expand MCI’s global network and to create added value for research, science, technology, and innovation at the Entrepreneurial School®MCI Management Center Innsbruck continues to expand its global network. This contains 240 partner institutions across the globe, to which another three high-ranking universities located on three different continents have now been added. The new partners of MCI are Nagoya University of Commerce & Business in Nagoya, Japan, Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, and the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Despite all their differences, the universities share with MCI their exceptional quality standards and expertise in their respective fields of specialization. Just like MCI itself, all three of the new partner institutions have been accredited by the world’s most important accreditation agency: the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Consequently, these institutions rank among the best of business schools worldwide.Nagoya University of Commerce & Business in Nagoya, Japan was founded in 1935 and today counts almost 3,000 students. Japanese institutions of higher education are known for their strict criteria in selecting partner institutions. Therefore, MCI is particularly delighted by this recent cooperation agreement. Nagoya University of Commerce & Business is MCI’s third partner institution in the land of the rising sun. Students in the Bachelor’s of Management, Communication & IT and Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management programs or in the International Business & Management Master’s program may choose to spend their semester abroad at this university.Universidad del Pacífico takes us to the other side of the ocean. As the name of the university suggests, it is located on the Pacific coast of Peru’s capital city Lima. It allows MCI students to revel in the fascination of the South American continent. Like several other partner institutions of MCI, Universidad del Pacífico is also run by the Jesuit Order, which is renowned for the high quality of teaching and research internationally. This new cooperation benefits, in particular, students in the Bachelor’s of Social Work program wishing to spend a semester abroad.After years of negotiation and evaluation, MCI has now also been able to establish a cooperation with the American University in Cairo. It has been ranked as the best university in Egypt in the QS World University Ranking. The university is entitled to award degrees in accordance with US law and, consequently, in accordance with US American standards of quality. Due to its spatial design following the example of the traditional American campus, the American University in Cairo additionally excels in terms of security: it is, in fact, at the forefront of the local academic landscape. The university offers places to outgoing students in the technology Bachelor’s programs of Mechatronics and Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering as well as the Biotechnology Master’s degree program.Susanne Lichtmannegger, head of MCI International Relations is happy: “By studying abroad, students not only broaden their knowledge, establish valuable networks, and acquire intercultural competencies, but also get to know interesting places and excellent universities. The most recent additions to our network are great examples of such institutions.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1333}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI research team receives Eduard Wallnöfer appreciation award
MCI research team receives Eduard Wallnöfer appreciation award
The Eduard Wallnöfer Foundation hands out awards for research and study projects: this year’s appreciation award goes to the Entrepreneurial School®On December 5, MCI Lecturer Harald Schöbel and Bettina Rainer, doctoral candidate, had the honor of accepting the Eduard Wallnöfer appreciation award. As part of their outstanding research project, the MCI researchers investigate to which extent the UV resistance of alpine algae could be of use in the cosmetics industry, such as, for example, to improve the UV protection factor of sunscreen.Algal biotechnology is one of seven research areas of the Technology & Life Sciences research branch at MCI. Microalgae are an eclectic group of photosynthetic organisms. Due to their valuable constituents and inexpensive cultivation based on light, they have recently received increased attention in the field of biotechnology.MCI currently examines previously neglected biobanks, such as the University of Innsbruck’s collection of terrestrial algae. The goal is to find new substances and products to be used by the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and food industries.The Eduard Wallnöfer Award is handed out annually to honor Tyrolean and South Tyrolean researchers for outstanding projects contributing to the social, cultural, and economic development of the State of Tyrol.Further information:Research, development & innovation at MCIAlgal BiotechnologyBiotechnology Master’s degreeORF report{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1332}
MCI again at the top of the CHE University Ranking
MCI again at the top of the CHE University Ranking
MCI study programs achieve top positions in the renowned CHE University Ranking: excellent results for the Strategic Management & Law, Management, Communication & IT, as well as the Entrepreneurship & Tourism Master’s courses, and praise for MCI’s choice of courses, support for students and conduct of examinationsThe MCI Master’s degree in Strategic Management & Law was graded with a straight A in the university benchmarking of the Centre for Higher Education (CHE). The MCI study program achieved top overall results. This is particularly due to its curriculum. MCI’s service orientation was reflected in an exceptionally positive rating of the support provided by the lecturers. Even the conduct of examinations – not the students’ favorite topic – was awarded top grades.Ralf Geymayer, head of the MCI Department of Management & Law, considers this a confirmation of the success of MCI’s efforts to establish and continuously develop its range of services and study options: “After the brilliant ratings our Bachelor’s course achieved in spring 2017, I am pleased to see that this trend is now continued by the respective Master’s degree. With this program, at the interface of business administration and business-related legal issues, we offer a highly relevant education for future executives, managers, and business successors.”The current ranking to assess business Master’s degree programs in the German-speaking world also ranks the MCI Master’s degree in Management, Communication & IT among the best. The students awarded top grades especially for the study conditions. Moreover, students of the Entrepreneurship & Tourism Master’s degree were most satisfied with their course of studies. Excellent grades were awarded, for example, for the conduct of examinations and accessibility.The Centre for Higher Education was founded by the German Rectors’ Conference in 1994. It provides one of the most widely known European rankings: the CHE University Ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed ranking in the German-speaking world. It is designed primarily to provide orientation for (fresher) students, but increasingly receives the attention of the business world and society in general. The ranking takes account of different perspectives, such as those of students and graduates as well as the heads of respective institutions, and thus provides a thorough comparison.Over the past years, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) has regularly participated in the CHE University Ranking and usually achieved outstanding results.Further Informationen:Master's program Strategic Management & LawMaster's program Management, Communication & ITMaster's program Entrepreneurship & TourismCHE University Ranking:General information on the CHE University RankingAll the results can be found here:{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1331}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
14th South Tyrolean Economic Forum on March 16, 2018 in Brixen: early bird discount available until February 9, 2018
14th South Tyrolean Economic Forum on March 16, 2018 in Brixen: early bird discount available until February 9, 2018
The 14th South Tyrolean Economic Forum on “Excellence and innovation: the challenges faced by tomorrow’s smart companies” is expected to attract 400 decision makers from the worlds of business, politics, and society: the high-ranking speakers include President of the European Policy Centre, President Emeritus of the European Council and former Prime Minister of Belgium, Herman Van RompuySince its initiation 14 years ago, the annual South Tyrolean Economic Forum has become a popular venue for the gathering of entrepreneurs, executives, and decision makers of South Tyrol and adjacent regions.400 guests, many of whom have participated regularly for years, use the South Tyrolean Economic Forum as a platform to establish new contacts and exchange ideas. This year’s high-quality program is dedicated to the excellence and innovation required from tomorrow’s smart businesses: The first person to speak at the 2018 South Tyrolean Economic Forum will be Federica Fasoli. As head of human resources for the southern European division of Siemens, she has been in charge of about 8,000 employees in Italy and Greece since the beginning of 2016. Herman Van Rompuy will provide interesting insights into possible strategies for a successful European future. He is one of the most renowned politicians operating on a European level. His prominence is mainly due to his former position as the Prime Minister of Belgium and first President of the European Council. Since 2015, he has been the president of the European Policy Centre (EPC), and thus reached the climax of an impressive career in national and European politics. Andreas König, since May 2015 CEO of the international engineering company TeamViewer, is an expert on cloud-based applications. He enables people to connect globally and together develop new ideas as well as master new challenges. At present, TeamViewer is installed on more than 1.5 billion electronic devices. 750,000 new users are registered daily. As the global vice president of human resources at the AVL List GmbH engineering company, Markus Tomaschitz has been responsible for 10,000 employees since 2015. He ensures that the demand for international excellence, continuous innovation, and outstanding performance is met every day. Dominik Schiener, born in South Tyrol, is a successful young entrepreneur. He has won several prestigious prizes and co-founded the Berlin start-up IOTA. The distributed ledger technology provides a blockchain-like solution for payment between machines by enabling micro transactions on the Internet of Things. The annual South Tyrolean Economic Forum is organized by the South Tyrolean entrepreneurs association Unternehmerverband Südtirol (UVS), the Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung weekly newspaper, the publishing company business bestseller, the Südstern network for South Tyroleans abroad, and Management Center Innsbruck (MCI).{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1334}Further details and registration:www.wirtschaftsforum.itEarly bird discount available until February 9, 2018
Reinhard Kunz and Johannes Siebert receive MCI professorships
Reinhard Kunz and Johannes Siebert receive MCI professorships
The Entrepreneurial School® Innsbruck, honors Dr. Reinhard Kunz and Dr. Johannes Siebert with the title of ProfessorIn appreciation of their achievements in research and teaching, as well as of their exemplary translation of research results into practice, the Entrepreneurial School® recently conferred the title of Professor to Dr. Reinhard Kunz and Dr. Johannes Siebert. In his laudatory speech, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann referred to the profound academic qualifications, excellent teaching skills, and substantial professional experience, as well as the extraordinary achievements by which the two have earned themselves this distinction.After the completion of his doctorate in 2012, Dr. Reinhard Kunz worked as an assistant professor in media management, with a focus on sports media, at the University of Bayreuth. During the five years of his assistant professorship, he developed a particular interest for digital business as well as marketing and sales management. His research primarily deals with the management of digital media and technologies, marketing management in sports media, and business model innovation in the context of digitization. Kunz has published numerous works and participated in many conferences. He has won a number of impressive prizes, such as, most recently, the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, which he received for his publication titled “Sport-related branded entertainment: the Red Bull phenomenon”. He did research in Connecticut, USA, and Melbourne, Australia. He was appointed by MCI at the end of 2016. Since August 2017, he has been a professor in marketing and sales at the Department of Business & Management.In his inaugural address, which he held in English, Kunz offered an insight into his previous research and teaching activity under the title of “Digital strategies: new technologies, business model innovation, content marketing”. On the basis of three different studies, he explained the relevance of digital strategies to companies. He pointed out three aspects in particular, namely the consumers’ acceptance of digital technologies based on the example of virtual reality, the role of strategic orientation in innovating business models, and the content marketing strategy based on the example of Red Bull.CV of Reinhard KunzDr. Johannes Siebert is a leading expert in behavioral operations research and decision-making. He obtained his postdoctoral habilitation degree from the University of Bayreuth in November 2015. His research focuses on investigating the human and organizational behavior of decision making and developing methods for individual or corporate decision makers to make informed decisions. In his inaugural address titled “Improving individual and organizational decision-making behavior”, Johannes Siebert presented his most recent research and relevant projects on this topic.Siebert is known for his extraordinary international network and his brilliant work as the chair of several international research associations. As part of third-party funded research projects, he advised the CEO of one of Germany’s major energy suppliers on how to strategically handle the nuclear power phase-out. In the US, he assisted the California Department of Transportation in identifying criteria for the allocation of funds for road construction. He further helped the Pentagon develop effective measures for the protection of the civilian populations in the Middle East and the Western world, based on the goals of the ISIS Terror Group. Since August 2017, Siebert has been working full-time in research and teaching as a professor in supply chain management at the Department of Business & Management.CV of Johannes SiebertTogether with Deputy Head of Academic Council Claudia Mössenlechner and Professor Maria Rabl, deputy head of the Business & Management Department, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann handed over the certificate of appointment.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1329}Further information:Wirtschaft & Management for Professionals Bachelor’s degree (in German)Business & Management Bachelor’s degree (In English)International Business & Management Master’s degreePress contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI graduate awarded state prize for exemplary Master’s thesis
MCI graduate awarded state prize for exemplary Master’s thesis
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy honors MCI engineering graduate Thomas Dornauer for his development of a test chamber to enable the optical investigation of ignition processes in gasoline engines and consequently increase their efficiencyMCI Management Center Innsbruck is delighted: one of its graduates of the Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering Master’s degree program has recently been honored by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. Thomas Dornauer received the distinction for his outstanding Master’s thesis titled “Developing a test chamber for the optical investigation of electronic ignition processes in gasoline engines”. The ceremony took place in the Vienna Hall of Sciences.In his Master’s thesis, Thomas Dornauer addresses a well-known problem of the industry related to gasoline engine spark plugs used in block-type thermal power stations. Due to new factors, such as the use of biogas, “lean” mixtures, and modern thermodynamic combustion concepts, the requirements on ignition systems have also changed. Against this backdrop, Thomas Dornauer illustrated the processes from ignition to combustion and developed a model for the simulation of ignition processes in a unique test chamber. This test chamber not only mimics the conditions of a combustion chamber, but also enables the optical investigation of ignition processes. Dornauer’s overall goal was to optimize the ignition system for gas engines and, consequently, achieve a significant increase in efficiency.Supervisor Lukas Möltner, who is a professor at MCI and head of the Engines & Emissions research group, is proud. While a member of the research team, Thomas Dornauer stood out due to his strong commitment and extraordinary ability for analytical thinking. This enabled him to solve even the most complex of problems. “His Master’s thesis makes a substantial contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the promotion of sustainable energy sources. I congratulate him on the well-deserved recognition.” Marco Rupprich, head of the MCI Department of Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, adds: “We mentor students on their way to success, but also demand a high level of commitment. Therefore, I am particularly happy for Thomas Dornauer and his supervisor Lukas Möltner to have achieved the Ministry’s Honorary Prize.”The Honorary Prize of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy was established in 1990. Funded by the Austrian Study Grant Authority, this state prize is annually awarded to honor the 50 best diploma and Master’s theses, out of altogether 16,000 final papers submitted to Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences every year.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1326}Further information:Federal Ministry of Science, Research & Economy Honorary PrizeEnvironmental, Process & Energy Engineering Master’s degreeRenewable EnergyMCI study programsPress contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI students awarded 2017 DFK scholarships
MCI students awarded 2017 DFK scholarships
The German Circle of Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck (DFK) support exceptional students in their professional and academic development and award three scholarships to students at Management Center InnsbruckThis year, once again, particularly gifted students from the University of Innsbruck, the Medical University of Innsbruck and MCI were awarded a DFK scholarship. The prizes were awarded as part of the renowned annual German Circle of Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck conference.The highly coveted scholarships are granted to advance the academic and professional careers of high potentials. They are a recognition of previous academic achievements. The main purpose of the DFK awards, however, is to enable young scholars to pursue their ambitious plans for the future and realize their projects.From altogether 41 submissions from MCI students, the DFK jury selected Lukas Krane, Natalie Lugstein, and Matthias Pirs as this year’s award winners. DFK Chair Yorck Schmidt handed over the scholarships in the presence of the Heads of Department & Studies Marco Rupprich, Peter Mirski, and Ralf Geymayer.Lukas Krane, student of the Bachelor’s program in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, with an excellent 1.36 grade point average, plans to use the award money to develop a power-to-gas test system for private use. His long-term goal is to develop and optimize new concepts for energy-plus houses to be completely independent in terms of energy supply.Natalie Lugstein is a Master’s student in the Management, Communication & IT program, with an extraordinary grade point average of, again, 1.36. She will use this support to continue her work on the development and marketing of her ExtendedMe start-up concept. This is an intelligent storage space for personal ideas.Matthias Pirs, who is currently studying at Kingston University, London to become a Master in Stra-tegic Management & Law and obtain a double degree, will use the DFK award to fund his double degree as well as an internship in Brussels.Awards were also received by Isabel Dittmann and Nadja Neuer-Schatz of the University of Innsbruck and Thomas Gehmacher of the Medical University of Innsbruck. The award ceremony was attended by Vice-Rector Ulrike Tanzer (University of Innsbruck) and Rector Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Medical University of Innsbruck).MCI congratulates all the recipients.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1325}Further information:German Friends of the Universities in InnsbruckEnvironmental, Process & Energy Engineering Bachelor’s degreeManagement, Communication & IT Master’s degreeStrategic Management & Law Master’s degreePress contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
Two MCI graduates awarded the 2017 Science Prize
Two MCI graduates awarded the 2017 Science Prize
Tyrolean Economic Chamber hosts ceremony to honor Martin Anderl, MCI graduate of Entrepreneurship & Tourism, and Christoph Guem, MCI graduate of Mechatronics & Smart TechnologiesManagement Center Innsbruck (MCI) is delightedto announce that two of its graduates have recently been awarded the Tyrolean Economic Chamber Science Prize. The award winners are Martin Anderl, BA MA, graduate of the Entrepreneurship & Tourism Master’s program, and Christoph Guem, BSc MSc, graduate of the Mechatronics & Smart Technologies Master’s program. The jury lauded the high level of innovation and emphasized the practical relevance of the winners’ works. Despite covering entirely different subjects, both theses stand out due to their focus on providing usability and benefits for those who are directly affected.In his Master’s thesis on “Knowledge transfer in the context of family-external succession in small and medium-sized enterprises”, Martin Anderl addresses the previously neglected aspect of external succession. The focus of his thesis is on the transfer of relevant knowledge as the company’s most important resource for future generations. As part of his empirical research work, Anderl developed a model that takes both influencing factors and knowledge transfer between the source and the recipient into account. The thesis was supervised by MCI Professor Anita Zehrer, who is also the head of the MCI Family Business Center.Christoph Guem’s goal was to improve the working conditions for operators of construction machines. His Master’s thesis provides a “Numerical investigation of the vibro-acoustic system behavior of a bulldozer”. By using the example of a bulldozer, Guem developed a simulation method to enable the early detection of noise emission that potentially interrupts the construction work. He was able to directly apply his findings to the development of a respective prototype. As a result, he could not only achieve considerable cost and time savings, but also, and in particular, an improved work environment for machine operators. This thesis was supervised by MCI Lecturer Franz-Josef Falkner in conjunction with Liebherr.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann thanks President of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber, Jürgen Bodenseer, whose commitment has proved essential in creating and sustaining the valuable symbiosis of science and economy: “From a total of 41 submissions, 18 have come from MCI graduates. This alone shows our students’ high potential to transform research findings into practical solutions, directly benefitting relevant businesses.”This year, altogether 41 applications were received for the renowned Tyrolean Economic Chamber Science Prize, which includes prize money of 1,000 euros. Only five of the submissions could convince the jury, consisting of Andrea Berghofer (Adler Lacke), Wolfgang Sief (SIKO), and Martin Dax. Submission eligibility requires for Master’s theses to be written at the University of Innsbruck, the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, and Management Center Innsbruck and that were awarded an “Excellent” grade and demonstrate a high level of innovation as well as relevance to small and medium-sized businesses.“The Science Prize is awarded to honor the best of the best. In Tyrol, there are many young talents ready to achieve great things with creativity and motivation. We want to support them in realizing their visions and, thus, build a bridge between the world of science and business adventure,” as President of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber, Jürgen Bodenseer, explains.Tyrolean Economic Chamber press releaseFurther information:Entrepreneurship & Tourism Master’s degreeMechatronics & Smart Technologies Master’s degreeFamily Business CenterResearch & Development at MCI{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1323}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
2017 Integration Research Award goes to MCI
2017 Integration Research Award goes to MCI
Austrian Integration Fund hands out research award for scientific projects on the challenges of integration: MCI graduate Claudia Mauracher convinces the jury with her thesisOn November 22, the Austrian Integration Fund handed out the 2017 Integration Research Award. The jury had assessed 170 submissions in total and selected Claudia Mauracher, graduate of the MCI Bachelor’s program in Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management, as the winner in the bachelor category. Her thesis on the topic of “Voluntary work with refugees and asylum seekers” convinced in every way.In her thesis, Claudia Mauracher discusses the role of voluntary service in the context of migration and asylum, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The paper explores political, organizational, and personal strategies to meet the challenges faced by volunteers. A particular focus is placed on the current situation in Tyrol. Mauracher thus succeeds in identifying several structures and conditions of professional and voluntary work by which people’s willingness to volunteer can be furthered and secured for the future.Mauracher’s thesis advisors Nils Mevenkamp and Margit Schäfer, both lecturers at MCI, are delighted: “Miss Mauracher’s Bachelor’s thesis excels both in form and content. She has indeed managed to create a brilliant basis for voluntary work in the context of migration and asylum.”Since 2005, the Austrian Integration Fund has awarded Bachelor’s, Master’s and diploma theses, as well as dissertations providing new perspectives on and research approaches to the issues of migration and integration. The fund’s aim is to promote scientific research on the challenges of integration.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1335}Further information:Austrian Integration FundNonprofit, Social & Health Care Management Bachelor’s degreeInternational Health & Social Management Master’s degreePress contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
Austrian Award for Child Protection goes to MCI
Austrian Award for Child Protection goes to MCI
Students of Social Work at MCI receive MYKI Award for Child Protection: “Stop Mobbing” workshop to prevent mobbing at schools achieves first place in “Violence Prevention & Information” categoryMCI Management Center Innsbruck is delighted: a group of students of the Social Work Bachelor’s program at MCI was able to win the Austrian Award for Child Protection, MYKI, for MCI. As part of their studies, the project team involving Sebastian Dörr, Patrick Haase, Stefan Müller, Anne Posbrig, and Verena Prantl developed the Stop Mobbing workshop concept for the prevention of violence at schools. The project was supervised by Christina Steixner-Buisson and Philipp Bechter, both lecturers at MCI. The innovative workshop concept which, among other things, works with the pupils’ smart phones, and the respective homepage ( convinced the jury throughout.The workshop and website are part of a comprehensive campaign developed by the students for use by Austrian schools. The concept has already been successfully applied by SCHUSO, the Tyrolean school social work group. Philipp Bechter, coordinator of the project at SCHUSO, praises the cooperation with the MCI student group: “The project addresses an important issue our schools have yet to solve. I am very happy that this excellent initiative now receives public recognition.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and Professor Belachew Gebrewold, head of the MCI Department of Social Work, congratulate the recipients: “The award represents both a well-deserved recognition of the teams’ hard work and a distinction for the Department of Social Work of the Entrepreneurial School®. We are very proud of the winners – congratulations!”The MYKI Award for Child Protection was awarded for the seventh time this year to honor exemplary projects. MYKI aims to put those in the spotlight who are particularly committed to promoting and supporting the welfare of children, thus providing new role models. The MYKI award honors individuals, institutions, and initiatives that provide active and creative support for children and/or otherwise help improve their lives. In doing so, MYKI increases the standing of child protection and children’s rights in Austria.The winning project was selected by a jury of prominent experts in medicine, psychotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, law, as well as child and youth welfare. They awarded the MCI student project first place in the Violence Prevention & Information category.Further information: Winning project: Stop Mobbing Social Work Bachelor’s degree program Social Work, Social Policy & Management Master’s degree program MYKI – Austrian Award for Child Protection {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1322}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
Innsbruck Prize for Research and Innovation at MCI
Innsbruck Prize for Research and Innovation at MCI
The Entrepreneurial School® congratulates Gabriela Leiß on her work on family businesses and Michael Meister on his research on hydrodynamics and biological purification in wastewater treatment plantsThe City of Innsbruck, and capital of the State of Tyrol has awarded, for the first time, the Innsbruck Prize for Research and Innovation at MCI Management Center Innsbruck. On November 16, Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer had the honor of awarding the distinction to Dr. Gabriela Leiß, MBA and Dr. Michael Meister, MSc. The ceremony was held in the presence of MCI Rector Andreas Altmann in the Innsbruck Town Hall.“This distinction is an opportunity for us to finally give MCI the recognition it deserves due to the excellent work it provides,” Christine Oppitz-Plörer, Mayor of Innsbruck, emphasizes: “It allows us to increase our investment in research, development, and innovation, while at the same time making respective accomplishments visible to the public. Innsbruck is known as an academic center, and thus able to strengthen its position.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann congratulates the recipients of the prize. The honored research papers stand out not only due to their exceptional relevance to science, but also because of their economic and social significance. “Special thanks are due to the award winners, who have made a substantial contribution to the development of MCI with their academic achievements. I would further like to thank Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer for her exceptional commitment, without which, the award of this prize would not have been possible.”2017 award winnersThe award winners were honored for the following research papers: Dr. Gabriela Leiß, MBA: “Den intergenerativen Nachfolgeprozess von Familienunternehmen erfolgreich gestalten” (How to master the intergenerational process of succession in family businesses)CV of Gabriela Leiß Dr. Michael Meister, MSc: “Integrating hydrodynamics and biokinetics in wastewater treatment modelling by using smoothed particle hydrodynamics”CV of Michael Meister The Innsbruck Prize for Research and Innovation at MCI was awarded for the first time this year. MCI will invite its members to participate and provide nominations annually. The prize money of 5,000 euros is provided by the City of Innsbruck. The City Senate will officially decide on the awarding of the prize to those individuals who have previously been announced to them by the City of Innsbruck and MCI.City of Innsbruck press releaseFurther information:Research, development, and innovation at MCI: Management & Society research topics Technology & Life Sciences research topics Family Business Center Fluids & Mechanics focus {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1320}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512