Press 2017

MCI Academic Council presents Teaching Award
MCI Academic Council presents Teaching Award
Teachers at the Entrepreneurial School® honored for their outstanding workThe MCI Academic Council annually hands out a teaching award in recognition of outstanding teaching work. Nominations are based on the course evaluation questionnaires completed by MCI’s students. The evaluated categories include the teachers’ expertise, applied methodologies, and didactics, as well as the relevance and applicability of what is taught.The award decision is made by the teaching staff based on the overall questionnaire ranking. The 2015/16 award goes to the following three teachers at MCI: Emil Chamson, (teaching in the Mechatronics and Food & Bioresource Technology bachelor programs), Sabine Mertens (teaching in the Tourism Business Studies bachelor program), Alexander Dumfort, (teaching and Study Coordinator in the Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering master program).Prof. Franz Pegger, head of the MCI Academic Council, is proud of the quality of teaching at MCI: “The Academic Council’s teaching award is an expression of our appreciation for the extraordinary teaching work of our faculty. This annually presented award aims at promoting excellent teaching, which plays a pioneering role and makes a significant contribution to the further development of the school, our students, and society as a whole.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1200}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512 2070-1527ulrike.fuchs@mci.eduFurther informationStudy programsExecutive EducationFurther MCI news
MCI expands network of top universities
MCI expands network of top universities
Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) enters into partnership with Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School, creating international value for study, research, and the Tyrolean location for scienceMCI Management Center Innsbruck is pleased to announce another success: the institution has recently concluded cooperation agreements with two of the most prestigious universities in Europe, Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School.In future, MCI students will thus be able to spend their international semester or year at one of the top two universities. At the same time, students at Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School will visit MCI to participate in lectures and seminars and take respective exams.Toulouse Business School was founded in 1903 as a private school with a management focus. In addition to its main campus in Toulouse, the university’s present premises include campuses in Barcelona and Casablanca. Toulouse is the largest city of Languedoc, an exceptionally dynamic and valuable region in regard to history, culture, and cuisine in the southwest of France. The city is particularly well-known as the center of the European aerospace industry.Kedge Business School allows MCI students to choose between two of the most exciting cities in France. The university includes locations in the wine industry capital of Bordeaux and the vibrant Marseille melting pot of diverse cultures. Similar to MCI Kedge Business School builds on a large network of partner universities and practical training in the business area.Both institutions hold prestigious Triple Crown accreditation: they have been awarded accreditation by the three largest and most influential accreditation associations AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS. Thus, they belong to the 70 most reputable business schools worldwide. Respective rankings by famous magazines such as the Financial Times, the Economist, etc. are testimony to the quality of Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School, and show them to be renowned names as well as highly popular partners.Susanne Lichtmannegger, head of the MCI International Relations Office, is delighted: “Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School are among the best business schools in Europe. Accordingly, they select their partners with great care. We are delighted to have entered this cooperation as equals.”Andreas Altmann, rector of MCI Management Center Innsbruck, adds: “We want our students to be able to spend their international semester at the best universities in the world. The cooperation with Kedge Business School and Toulouse Business School allows us to expand our network by two more renowned partners.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1197}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512 2070-1527ulrike.fuchs@mci.eduFurther information on the MCI Study programs Executive Education Further MCI-News
MCI students awarded Marshall Plan Scholarships
MCI students awarded Marshall Plan Scholarships
Six students of MCI technology degree courses obtain renowned Marshall Plan Scholarships enabling research stays at American top universitiesThe participating MCI students have made a lasting impression on the Marshall Plan committee. Five students in Biotechnology and one student in Mechatronics were each awarded one of the popular Marshall Plan Scholarships. Their extraordinary academic achievements as well as their research projects have convinced the jury in every way.Hannah Pellegrini (bachelor degree course in Biotechnology), Lukas Hohenwarter (master degree course in Biotechnology), Birgit Petje (master degree course in Biotechnology), Nico Robin Wahl (master degree course in Biotechnology), Kathrin Freisl (master degree course in Biotechnology), and Lukas Bachnetzer (bachelor degree course in mechatronics) are admitted to American top universities, where their final papers will be advanced. The students are granted a three to six-months stay at the University of Kentucky, the Rockefeller University, the University of Colorado, and the University of California, Berkeley as well as the University of California, Santa Barbara to research for and work on the completion of their bachelor and master theses.The Marshall Plan Scholarships program (MSP) promotes academic exchange between Austria and the US with a special focus on research in technological disciplines. Since 2009, MCI students have regularly been awarded renowned scholarships as part of the program.Christoph Griesbeck, biotechnology head of department & studies, is delighted for his students’ achievement: “The awarding of this renowned scholarship to several of our students is the reward for their excelling performances. Furthermore, this demonstrates that the MCI technology courses are of international standing and provide an ideal preparation for an academic career.”Andreas Mehrle, mechatronics head of department & studies, adds: “Research stays at these excellent US universities will be a milestone in the academic careers of the awardees. Moreover, they will return to Austria with many new and valuable contacts. My congratulations!”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1190}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512
The digital challenge: South Tyrolean Economic Forum on Friday, March 24, 2017
The digital challenge: South Tyrolean Economic Forum on Friday, March 24, 2017
The 2017 South Tyrolean Economic Forum includes renowned guests such as Snowden’s lawyer Robert Tibbo and The North Face® founder Kenneth “Hap” Klopp, opportunities for innovative businesses and creative decision makers, as well as a venue for the meeting of business representatives of South Tyrol and adjacent regionsSince its initiation 13 years ago, the annual South Tyrolean Economic Forum has become a popular venue for the gathering of entrepreneurs, executives, and decision makers of the Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Euroregion. 400 guests, many of whom have participated regularly for years, use the South Tyrolean Economic Forum as a platform offering new ideas, contact, and exchange.This year’s high-quality program is dedicated to the complex digital challenges faced by the business world and society. In interesting lectures international experts highlight the topic from different perspectives: Robert Tibbo, Canadian human rights advocate based in Hong Kong, attorney to and accomplice in the escape of whistleblower Edward Snowden: when the former chemical engineer realized the difficult situation of refugees he decided to gain an additional qualification in law. He founded his own law firm, Eastern Chambers, in Hong Kong in 2006 and today acts as the director of Vision First, an NGO which provides support for Hong Kong asylum seekers. Hap Klopp, co-founder and long-term CEO of The North Face® as well as professor at Hult University, San Francisco: Klopp acts as the executive chairman of Obscura Digital, a San Francisco-based data visualization company. He is the author of several books on business philosophy and management. Christian Liensberger, member of the Südstern network for South Tyroleans abroad: at Microsoft, Seattle Liensberger is responsible for the development of Cortana, a digital assistant for business professionals. As an expert in cloud computing he came to Microsoft in 2009 and co-founded the “Windows Azure Marketplace” project. Silvia Vianello, internationally experienced expert in digital marketing and professor at the renowned SDA Bocconi School of Management: Vianello has recently been nominated as one of Italy’s 100 leading women in digital business. In addition to her activity as a consultant, Vianello is the author of the book “GreenWebEconomics”. The South Tyrolean Economic Forum is hosted by Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) in collaboration with the South Tyrolean entrepreneurs association Unternehmerverband Südtirol (UVS), the Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung weekly paper, the Südstern network for South Tyroleans abroad, the Südtiroler Sparkasse, the Südtiroler Sparkasse foundation, and the publishing company Business Bestseller as well as other institutions.Detailed information and registration:www.wirtschaftsforum.itEarly bird registration deadline is February 12, 2017.Contact:Daniela Lindtner+39 0471 053 958, 512 2070 1721, daniela.lindtner@mci.eduImpressions of the 2016 South Tyrolean Economic Forum in pictures{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1198}Weitere BilderPress contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512
MCI and Hypo Tirol agree to continue cooperation
MCI and Hypo Tirol agree to continue cooperation
Successful long-term cooperation between MCI Management Center Innsbruck and the Hypo Tirol bank also to be continued in 2017The synergistic partnership between the two institutions is an expression of the shared approach to the development of the Tyrol business location. The cooperation grounds primarily on activities organized as part of the MCI Alumni & Friends association.Since its foundation more than 100 years ago, the Hypo Tirol bank has been committed to contributing to the social and cultural advancement of Tyrol and its people. Hypo Tirol takes an active approach to the Tyrolean population and supports sustainable education and science initiatives.As Entrepreneurial School® MCI, founded more than 20 years ago, makes a substantial contribution to the professionalization of business, administration, politics, and culture. In this connection the MCI Alumni & Friends association sees itself as a service and network platform for graduates, affiliates and partners.Hypo Tirol Manager Mag. Johannes Haid is happy about the partnership: “The Hypo Tirol bank and Management Center Innsbruck have enjoyed an intense and meaningful partnership for many years. The cooperation grounds on the shared commitment to encouraging an intellectual curiosity and inquiring mind in the Tyrolean people.”Hypo Tirol Marketing Director Mag. Angelika Fröhlich adds: “The high-quality education and training of ambitious people provides support for the local economy. MCI graduates are, in fact, internationally renowned.”MCI Rector Dr. Andreas Altmann emphasizes: “We are happy to have gained Hypo Tirol as a long-term partner to our institution, with whom we not only agree on the common goal of advancing the Tyrolean location of business.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1194}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512
MCI awards innovative business ideas
MCI awards innovative business ideas
MCI Creativity Award – The Entrepreneurial School® awards students’ most innovative business concepts. Strong entrepreneurial potential for new products, processes and markets.The legendary MCI Creativity Award resulted in outstanding business ideas as well as hard-earned Christmas gifts at the end of 2016. In collaboration with the CAST Center for Academic Spin-offs Tyrol, MCI Management Center Innsbruck awarded its students for the most creative business ideas.With an impressive total of 43 submitted projects, students at the Entrepreneurial School® proved their high degree of creativity, their entrepreneurial potential and their “startup spirit”. The annual MCI Creativity Award goes to exceptional business and product ideas. It is open to all MCI students that display entrepreneurial spirit and want to take on economic and societal responsibility. The submitted projects reflect the wide range of study and research programs offered at MCI, covering economic and social sciences as well as technical and life sciences. The five winners were carefully chosen by a jury in a challenging, multi-step selection process.With the financial support of CAST, the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Die Presse newspaper, the most innovative business ideas were awarded with prizes worth over 4,000 EUR in total.Here are the winners and their ideas: 1st place: Silvia Mair, Lukas Schmelcher, Annika Unger and Katharina Anna Wieser(Industrial Engineering & Management) SM Teleskop – This convenient telescope stick facilitates mowing grass on steep slopes. 2nd place: Egon Simon Veit and Claudio Jäger(Management & Law and Mechatronics) ATSS – Development and sales of an autonomous, mobile measuring platform for water bodies. 3rd place: Julian Kirchmair, BSc MSc(Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering) Drinking water treatment facility for emerging countries – A new procedure based on state-of-the-art technology for efficient and sustainable treatment of drinking water that removes pathogenic germs. 4th place: Christoph Nothegger, Philipp Halder, BA(Management, Communication & IT) “Oh, interesting!” – An innovative idea for personal development. 5th place: Niklas Braig, Marijan Divkovic(Business & Management) Heldenjob – An app for rapid hero procurement for anyone in need of a “Held” (German for hero). Statements:Marcus Hofer, CEO at CAST: „The MCI Creativity Award allows students to analyze and test the market for their ideas. It’s incredible how much potential motivated MCI students and their creative minds bear! I am happy that CAST can help MCI support young people on their way to starting their own business.”Bernd Ebersberger, head of research, innovation & entrepreneurship at MCI: „With its MCI Creativity Award, MCI is opening doors for students to start their own business. Everybody is a winner in this: the local economy as well as the students, who receive individual coaching for their business concepts.”Andreas Altman, rector at MCI Management Center Innsbruck: „As an Entrepreneurial School® we promote and challenge young people’s entrepreneurial spirit. With the MCI Creativity Award, MCI and its partners encourage entrepreneurial thinking and actively shape the startup environment in Tyrol.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1195}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512
Johanna Dohnal Prize for MCI graduate
Johanna Dohnal Prize for MCI graduate
Hannah Ringhofer, an MCI Social Work Master’s program graduate, has received an esteemed award for women and gender research.The Social Work Department at MCI Management Center Innsbruck is celebrating Hannah Ringhofer, a graduate from the Social Work, Social Policy and Management Master’s program. Ringhofer has been awarded the much sought-after Johanna Dohnal Prize for her outstanding work on “Anti-feminist men’s rights movements and their impact on feminist social work”. The jury particularly praised her elaborate scientific exploration of this crucial social topic.In her work, Hannah Ringhofer evaluated the anti-feminist movement with regard to feministic facilities. Her research reveals impacts on various levels: Anti-feminist tendencies within Austrian politics, for instance, cause respective facilities to increasingly struggle to prove their legitimacy and receive federal funding. At the same time, there have also been direct attacks on facilities and their employees.“Ms. Ringhofer has addressed a highly topical issue. The question of how we can adequately deal with anti-feminist men’s rights movements, e.g. when it comes to women’s housework, poses a key challenge in today’s feminist social work. Austria still lacks empirical data on this matter. With her work, Ms. Ringhofer has made an empirically and theoretically sound contribution toward a further discussion”, says Professor Eva Fleischer, a gender and diversity expert who teaches at MCI in the Social Work Master’s program.The Johanna Dohnal Prize is awarded by the Austrian Ministry for Women’s Affairs. The grant goes to young researchers who work on feminist issues or in research fields that are not common among women. In particular, papers are awarded that promote gender democracy and serve as a role model for girls and women in education and training.Johanna-Dohnal-Preis 2016{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1191}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512
National award for two MCI graduates for best Master’s theses
National award for two MCI graduates for best Master’s theses
Federal Ministry of Science and Research grants awards to Mechatronics and International Business & Management graduates at MCI.High spirits at MCI Management Center Innsbruck. Two MCI programs won a national award by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research at the end of 2016. Martin Walch, a graduate from the Mechatronics & Smart Technologies Master’s program, and Raimund Mayr, a graduate from the International Business & Management Master’s program received this esteemed award for their Master’s theses.Martin Walch wrote his Master’s thesis on the development of the avionics of an unmanned aircraft with tiltrotors for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL). His paper models a tiltrotor platform that is comparable to commercial flight simulators in its level of detail.VTOL aircrafts are capable of vertical takeoff and landing. They are therefore used for surveying, search and exploration missions. The jury acknowledged the precise methods and derivations as well as the exceptionally high linguistic level of Walch’s thesis. Prof. Andreas Mehrle, head of department and studies, is full of praise: “An excellent paper that reaches dissertation level in technical sciences and is a milestone for us toward an autonomously flying VTOL platform.”Raimund Mayr’s Master’s thesis is titled “Intellectual Capital as a Determinant of Growth – A Quantile Regression Approach”. He examines the influence of intellectual capital on the economic growth of companies. Mayr has developed nine hypotheses to be tested in a next empirical step. The jury praised his work for its excellent scientific quality, its very thorough literature research and analysis, and its excellent statistical analysis. Mayr’s supervisor, Prof. Bernd Ebersberger, considers the paper one of the best theses he has ever supervised: “An excellent Master’s thesis! I am looking forward to continue working with Raimund Mayr. With this thesis, he has clearly completed the rite of passage and qualifies for the higher academic world.”The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy has been awarding the 50 best Austrian Diploma and Master’s theses every year since 1990.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1193}Press contactMag. (FH) Ulrike FuchsMarketing & Communication+43 512