Press 2017

Planetary Health – A Good Life for All
Planetary Health – A Good Life for All
High-ranking experts discuss global challenges to the environment and health at international symposium held at Management Center Innsbruck from November 22 to 23, 2017.The health of mankind and the health of our planet are inextricably linked. From November 22 to 23 – not even a week after the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn – MCI Management Center Innsbruck hosts an international symposium on the topic of planetary health. Prominent speakers are invited to lecture on, and discuss, health for everyone as an integrational challenge faced by an increasingly complex system: climate change and environmental protection, migration, growth and economic development, peace and security shape the current situation just as much as disease, medical progress and health care. Using concrete examples, our speakers will present structural and individual concepts for a sustainable way of living as well as more and less obvious remedies and solutions to current issues.The event will be moderated by MCI Lecturer Armin Fidler. As an internationally qualified expert in health policy, health strategy, and human development, he has more than 25 years of professional experience in global organizations such as the World Health Organization and the World Bank in Washington: “This is about a future for all of us. The sustainable development of world health is, in fact, the foundation to ensure a good life also for future generations,” Fidler summarizes the overall concern of the symposium. MCI Rector Andreas Altmann adds: “As the Entrepreneurial School® we take our social responsibility very seriously. Therefore, I am glad to be able to host such an important event at MCI.”Planetary Health – A Good Life for All?November 22 and 23, 2017Management Center Innsbruck, Universitätsstraße 15The speakers of the symposium include Sir Andrew Haines of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Julia Blocher of the United Nations University, New York, Jenniver Sehring of the OSCE Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe and the Austria National Committee for UN Women, Uta von Winterfeld of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment & Energy, Sonja Spiegel of the Federal Ministry of Health and Women, Vienna, Henriette Vamberg of Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, and Jef Peeters of KU Leuven, Belgium.Conference programThe symposium is organized as a going green event by the MCI Departments of Social Work and Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management, in conjunction with the Center for Italian Studies of the University of Innsbruck.For press registration please write to, or call 0512 2070-3422.Event homepage:{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1319}Press contactUlrike Fuchs+43 512
Scouting for talent on MCI campus
Scouting for talent on MCI campus
Popular recruiting event at the Entrepreneurial School® provides platform for 60 national and international employers to connect with 1,000 MCI studentsOn November 13, 2017, the MCI Recruiting Forum took place for the tenth time. Almost 1,000 students and young graduates – the highest number to date – flocked to the Entrepreneurial School® on the day of the event.Altogether, 60 companies and organizations attended the event to present themselves to MCI students and graduates as potential employers. On the lookout for attractive career options, they seized the opportunity to meet human resource managers as well as prestigious national and international companies from a variety of sectors. They could, thus, establish valuable contacts right there, on campus. In addition, the participants gained information about the best procedure for internship and job applications, the key competencies required by future employees, and how to successfully manage the transition from student to working life. For the exhibiting companies, which included top brands as well as internationally-thriving niche players, the MCI Recruiting Forum once again provided an ideal venue to present themselves as attractive employers and seek out tomorrow’s talent.Miriam Zeitlhofer , Chair of the MCI Student Council, praises the fruitful collaboration with the MCI Career Center as well as the strong practical orientation of MCI: “The MCI Recruiting Forum provides us students with the opportunity to meet companies with an eye to future employment or internships. From personal experience, I am aware that such personal contacts are decisive for your future career. Therefore, I highly appreciate this service offered by MCI.”Brigitte Huter, Head of the MCI Career Center, is delighted that once again the 2017 Recruiting Forum provided a successful platform for the networking between companies and students: “Particularly in times of social media, online application procedures, and Skype interviews, personal contact can open doors in the application process. I am delighted that with the 2017 Recruiting Forum, we could provide employers and students with another attractive opportunity to network.”Exhibiting companies at the Recruiting Forum 2017{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1316}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI successfully launches Executive PhD in Management
MCI successfully launches Executive PhD in Management
High-level doctoral program for managers and executives gets off to a good start: decision makers from around the globe gain from the innovative combination of academic rigor and practical relevanceLast weekend MCI successfully kicked off its unique Executive PhD Program in Management – offered in cooperation with the University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School –The international participants of the program met for the first time at the Entrepreneurial School® to complete the first module of this innovative doctoral program. With their diverse and impressive professional backgrounds, they have come from across Europe, the United States, and Central America. "It is great to be part of such an innovative and novel type of doctoral program,” the participants unanimously agree: “The Executive PhD Program in Management allows us to integrate studies into our life and career plans without having to compromise. In addition, it provides a perfect combination of scientific research and practical relevance."The program was designed to meet the requirements of professional decision makers and to make their expertise available to research: "The practical relevance of scientific research and traditional doctoral programs is usually limited. The internationally-oriented Executive PhD Program in Management, however, integrates international academic standards with economic relevance," as MCI Rector Andreas Altmann explains. The four-year program – taught entirely in English – is  offered in tight collaboration with the University of Antwerp and the Antwerp Management School. It includes classes both in Innsbruck and Antwerp. "As part of the program, we help participants develop the methodological skills and knowledge required for writing a doctoral dissertation. In addition, we support the students with professional coaching and mentoring in the development of research projects as well as in the process of writing their theses," Bernd Ebersberger, academic director of the program, adds.The Executive PhD Program targets executives and managers seeking to apply state of the art scientific knowledge to complex business problems. This exclusive program combines academic methodology and intellectual inspiration with applicability at the highest level. On the basis of relevant problems in their specific domains, managers and executives alike develop research questions, conduct academic research, write a dissertation, and successfully defend their dissertation at the University of Antwerp.The participants are particularly interested in research in international management, intercultural management, innovation management, human resources, corporate strategy, and the field of mergers and acquisitions.Susanne Herzog, head of MCI Executive Education, is delighted with the successful start of the program:“Although the exclusive Executive PhD Program in Management is new to the market, we have been able to attract a group of highly qualified participants.. Numerous requests from all over the world have been received for the upcoming year. The diversity of our first doctoral candidates is particularly interesting and enriching. They indeed bring the most varied personal, professional, and cultural experience as well as competence to the program.” This new doctoral program thus represents a perfect addition to the academic programs offered by MCI, and rounds off the comprehensive range of MCI study offers in the field of research, (further) education, and technology transfer.Further information:Executive PhD in ManagementMCI Executive Education overview{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1315}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Base EINS for academic startups
Base EINS for academic startups
For the next six months, Innsbruck will be dominated by the startup scene: MCI Rector, Andreas Altmann, welcomes the Base EINS startup center at the heart of InnsbruckOver the past few years, Tyrol has seen the growth of a lively startup scene. The Base EINS initiative now provides startups and young entrepreneurs with a new meeting point. Four containers have been set up on the square in front of the Tyrolean State Theatre and will be open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays until March 2018. The creation and foundation of Base EINS is based on an exemplary cooperation between the City of Innsbruck, the Federal State of Tyrol, the University of Innsbruck, Startup.Tirol, and MCI. The project partners have contributed substantially to the success of Tyrolean startups, and now, for the first time, provide them with a platform in the center of Innsbruck.The City of Innsbruck funds the project to the amount of € 20,000 and provides the required space for free. Base EINS includes its own program for entrepreneurial activities with a particular focus on workshops, consulting services, information exchange, and active networking. For details, please visit Interested companies may also book Base EINS for events. Startups are invited to present their products at the center for free.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann welcomes this new initiative: “As the Entrepreneurial School®, we are not only committed to research, teaching, and further education, but also consider it the responsibility of our institution and, in fact, all Tyrolean institutions of higher education to create added value, provide innovation, and support the formation of new businesses. With the establishment of the Base EINS center at the heart of the city, we have given an important signal and have provided an excellent opportunity to create new ideas, projects, and startups.”Further{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1304}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Sebastian Repetzki receives MCI professorship
Sebastian Repetzki receives MCI professorship
The Entrepreneurial School® honors Dr. Sebastian Repetzki with the title of ProfessorIn appreciation of his achievements in research, teaching and the development of the university sector, as well as his exemplary translation of research results into teaching, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) has recently conferred the title of Professor to Dr. Sebastian Repetzki.After completing his diploma studies summa cum laude, and his doctorate at the renowned Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Repetzki worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Machine Tools and Production Engineering in Aachen. He did research in production engineering and structural analysis at the Université Joseph Fourier , Grenoble and later held a position of responsibility in a German engineering company in France, in which he remained for 12 years. For eight years now, Sebastian Repetzki has been teaching at MCI and managing the Mechanical Engineering division of the Department of Mechatronics. His primary focus is on professional quality assurance and the optimization of teaching machine and production engineering at a Bachelor’s and Master’s level. In addition, Sebastian Repetzki has established a reputation as an inventor: he is particularly well-known for his load-rotating spinner, an innovative device for rotating crane loads, thus aiding the process of loading suspended objects.Ever since he started his academic career, Sebastian Repetzki has been interested in the virtual machine tool. In his highly interesting inaugural address he demonstrated how to teach a robot – albeit “blind, deaf, and raw” – spatial visualization and a sense of touch, enabling it to manage precise and difficult tasks of industrial production.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and Head of the Academic Council and Professor Franz Pegger, handed over the certificate of appointment to Repetzki in the presence of his family, friends, colleagues, and students.Further informationCV Sebastian RepetzkiBachelor study program MechatronicsMaster study program Mechatronics & Smart Technologies{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1302}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
27th Tyrolean Economic Forum
27th Tyrolean Economic Forum
The leading economic conference in Western Austria hosts Oxford Professor Dr. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at Congress InnsbruckTo take place soon!For 27 years, the Tyrolean Economic Forum has been the leading economic forum in Western Austria. This year, it will be presenting high-ranking speakers and fascinating guests at Congress Innsbruck on November 8.Due to the more than 400 registrations the organizers have already received, the forum promises to be a successful event with fascinating ideas and plenty of opportunity for networking and dialog.With Dr. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the University of Oxford, another excellent speaker is on board for this year’s Economic Forum. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger will step in for former A1 Telekom Austria CEO, Dr. Margarete Schramböck, who unfortunately had to cancel her talk at the last-minute. In his lecture, Mayer-Schönberger will address the highly topical issue of “Big data: artificial intelligence and automation as new capital”.For further details please visit We look forward to your registration, which you can now conveniently submit online.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1300}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI getting off to a strong start to the semester
MCI getting off to a strong start to the semester
3,500 applications from 70 nations submitted to Management Center Innsbruck; MCI now hosts 3,400 students from 52 nations as well as 360 incoming students from 41 nations and, in addition, maintains 248 partnerships across the globe Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) happily announces an impressive start to the 2017 academic year. The figures speak for themselves; more than 3,500 applicants from 70 nations have submitted their résumés and references to obtain one of over 1,200 spots available this fall. The freshers have been selected in a discerning multi-stage application process. Their studies at MCI will prepare them for a successful and possibly international career. MCI offers 16 bachelor’s and master’s programs in economics and society and nine study programs in technology and life sciences. Three new courses, held entirely in English, are to be introduced in the upcoming semester: the Corporate Governance & Finance master’s program based on mobile learning, the technically-oriented master’s degree course in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, and the Executive PhD Program in Management, organized in cooperation with the University of Antwerp and the Antwerp Management School. With these additions, altogether eleven study programs and specializations are now offered in English; all remaining programs contain a substantial degree of English-language components. The three recently established mobile learning programs play a particularly important role. Based on the innovative combination of on-campus and online modules, employing modern digital media, they allow for a high degree of flexibility. The range of MCI study offers is rounded off by 15 international double degree and joint degree partnerships, as well as one European multiple degree partnership, all with globally renowned institutions of higher education. MCI students are, thus, given the opportunity not only to acquire complementary competences but also to gain additional academic degrees over the course of their studies at MCI. In the current academic year, the number of students enrolled at the Entrepreneurial School® has risen to 3,400. They are from altogether 52 countries. In addition, MCI hosts 360 incoming students from 41 different nations studying abroad at the Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck. The international character of MCI also manifests itself in the composition of the research and teaching staff, which includes lecturers from the worlds of science, economics, and society from an impressive 35 nations. Therefore, MCI is now one the most international institutions of higher education in Europe. The number of academic collaborations has increased to 248 partnerships with institutions across the globe. "More important than the number of partnerships, however, is the academic quality of partner institutions, the professionality of the organization, and the level of the students,” Susanne Lichtmannegger, head of MCI International Relations, states. She explains MCI’s strategy as follows: "We are constantly developing and improving our institution and can, therefore, allow ourselves to be more selective. Through careful selection, we can establish excellent conditions for MCI students studying abroad and profit from the brilliant students coming from partner institutions to study at MCI.”Professor Claudia Mössenlechner, deputy head of the MCI Academic Council, encourages students to make the most of their time at MCI: "In addition to outstanding professional qualifications, MCI offers unique opportunities to develop personal talents, establish international networks, and acquire intercultural competences – be it by studying abroad at one of MCI’s partner institutions, through international internships, or in language classes.”Further Information:Study Programs at MCI{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1297}Press Contact:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
BOKU and MCI launch joint training program
BOKU and MCI launch joint training program
Unique training program for craft beer brewers offers support in brewing technology, product development, and innovation: workshop series launched at Management Center InnsbruckWith its origins in the U.S. the craft beer boom perfectly matches European brewing traditions. It provides especially small breweries with enormous market potential and opportunities for development. A training program, jointly developed by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), now offers support for small breweries in brewing technology and product development. The training program, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, opened with a two-day workshop in Innsbruck. The workshop was organized by the MCI working group for food technology.Committed and innovative breweries, often belonging to the smaller or smallest of businesses, enhance the beer market and contribute to the renaissance of beer as a modern beverage. They produce so-called craft beers, in other words “handcrafted beers”, which are known for their unusual diversity in both type and taste. This trend, characterized by its combination of tradition and innovation, receives support from today’s conscious and pleasure-seeking consumer, increasingly demanding high-quality local food and drink.The craft beer boom creates excellent market opportunities for small breweries, but also presents them with particular challenges: many of them lack the resources required to continuously develop their product range, to improve relevant production processes, and to create suitably effective economic conditions. The joint initiative of BOKU and MCI offers help; selected microbreweries from all over Austria can now participate in a premium training program to deepen their knowledge of modern brewing technology and acquire valuable know-how relevant to their business. The focus of the program is on raw materials, fermentation and brewing technologies, as well as business knowledge and marketing tools.The workshop series forms part of the “R&D Competences for Industry” promotion program, funded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.Statements:Professor Henry Jäger, head of the BOKU working group for food technology: “Training programs are ideally suited to facilitate the development of small and medium-sized businesses, while at the same time demonstrating the benefit of cooperating with research institutions. This pioneering interdisciplinary cooperation with Management Center Innsbruck allows us to create a training program tailored to the needs of the participants and to make the most of available synergies.”Professor Katrin Bach, head of the agro & food technology program at MCI: "Technology transfer, that is the immediate application of scientific findings to practical problems, forms the basis of all research projects carried out at MCI. Over the past few years, our research in food technology has, thus, increasingly focused on fermentation processes such as those used for brewing beer. It is a pleasure to be able to cooperate with the renowned BOKU on this new training project.”Funding Authorities:{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1296}Further Information:Research Topic Agro & Food TechnologyMaster Studies Food Technology & Nutrition (German)Press Contact:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI welcomes development program of Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
MCI welcomes development program of Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
The Entrepreneurial School® will introduce a Digital Business & Software Engineering program in 2018“We were delighted to hear about the decision of Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Harald Mahrer, to fund the creation of 40 places in a Bachelor’s degree program in Digital Business & Software Engineering, to be launched at MCI in the fall of 2018”, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann announces to the media. Thus, a significant deficiency in the local business world can be alleviated, and innovation, the creation of value, as well as competitive advantage secured. Over a period of three years, a total of 120 new students will be admitted to the Entrepreneurial School® to study Digital Business & Software Engineering.Currently, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) receives three to four applications for every place it offers. Many highly qualified and motivated young talents have to be turned down as there are not enough places available. A similar situation can be found in the labor market, where the demand for graduates of the Entrepreneurial School® can only be partially met, if at all. The demand for well-trained experts is particularly high in the fields of digital business and software engineering. Also, current resources are anything but sufficient for satisfying the numerous requests for research projects. Thus, they inhibit internationalization, growth, and the creation of value at MCI, while representing a substantial shortage for the local economy.The Digital Business & Software Engineering program will be based largely on online learning. Thus, it will be made accessible not only to high school graduates, but also to professionals. “In the last years, MCI has made substantial investments in promising mobile learning technologies and innovative forms of studying – these are now paying off”, as Head of Department & Studies Peter J. Mirski proudly states. He adds: “With the new study program we will be able to further strengthen the Entrepreneurial School’s® leading position in this field, and make comprehensive expertise available to businesses as well as our students.”“Therefore, the decision of Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Harald Mahrer, and the Austrian Federal Government signals a new course for the future. There is hardly a more effective measure to be taken if we want to promote our innovative power and competitive ability as well as the creation of jobs and prosperity, and to secure social cohesion”, as Rector Andreas Altmann summarizes the Entrepreneurial School’s® position.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1278}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI develops “Skill-Matching” in cooperation with PDAgroup.
MCI develops “Skill-Matching” in cooperation with PDAgroup.
Test platform available free of charge for the first time – EU project OpenSKIMR optimizes career paths and reduces unemployment – Active participation is requested!The EU project OpenSKIMR is designed to help reduce unemployment across Europe. Based on a specially developed algorithm, the platform "matches" the personal data of a user with career opportunities and suggests suitable further training to the user. After one and a half years of intensive research and development at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), together with the international consulting firm PDAgroup and mobile telephone service provider Telefónica, a prototype of the platform has been made available to the public, free of charge, starting today.Professor Peter Mirski, Head of the Management, Communication & IT Department at MCI, started the open skill matchmaker (OpenSKIMR) with the mobile telephone service provider Telefónica, the consulting firm PDAgroup, DIGITALEUROPE, and European Schoolnet late in 2015.The EU-sponsored project has emerged as a result of changes in work environments and in skills that employers seek in an increasingly digital world. Because of these changes, it is difficult for many students and professionals to independently find the right training to help pave the way to their dream jobs or other career development opportunities. Now, thanks to OpenSKIMR, further training options and possible career trajectories can be revealed to individuals after they enter their personal data and preferences. Mathematicians and researchers from the Management Center Innsbruck have developed the complex algorithm which has made this all possible. In order to ensure a common, European wide understanding of the skills and qualifications of the talents subscribed on the platform, OpenSKIMR uses the ESCO occupations and skills terminology.“The hard work done by the team of experts has paid off”, says initiator and visionary, Peter Mirski. "OpenSKIMR is free and accessible to anyone. It is intended to serve young people as a digital companion, helping them find the best suitable career paths while also revealing further career development and educational opportunities to them. Currently, our platform only covers possibilities within the IT sector, but we are already working on extending this into more fields." A future aim of the platform is for job seekers to be matched with potential employers.If you would like to chart your own career path, go to The anticipated rush of participants will help the referral system to be dynamically improved and optimized.Further Information:OpenSKIMRBachelorstudiengang Management, Communications & ITMasterstudiengang Management, Communications & IT{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1295}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI goes Taiwan
MCI goes Taiwan
A cooperation agreement between MCI and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education has been formally signed to create scholarships to study abroad in Taiwan and to introduce a Taiwan studies course at MCI.Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) is delighted to announce another success: as MCI has successfully maintained partnerships with renowned universities in Taiwan for several years, the school has now been able to reach an agreement with the Taiwanese Ministry of Education to establish a Taiwan studies course.The partnership also includes the provision of scholarships to financially support particularly qualified students at MCI intending to spend a semester abroad at one of the Taiwanese partner universities. From the next academic year, the Taiwanese government will additionally grant MCI students a one-year scholarship to study Mandarin Chinese.With these measures, the Taiwanese Ministry of Education aims to strengthen and expand on the educational exchange between MCI and the universities of Taiwan. This aim is in accord with the internationalization strategy of the Entrepreneurial School®, which places a strong emphasis on destinations at the forefront of scientific research and technology.The cooperation agreement has just been concluded between MCI and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, highlighting MCI’s successful participation in the Taiwanese government’s call for projects. The contract was signed by MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and Head of Education Division Robin Yun-Pin Lu in the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vienna. The ceremony was attended by former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vanessa Shih, Secretary General of the Association of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences, Kurt Koleznik, and other high-ranking individuals.The partnership forms a new component in MCI’s international network. As a highly industrialized, dynamic as well as scientifically and technologically enthralling country, Taiwan is of particular interest to the Entrepreneurial School®. It is the ideal place for Austrian students who wish to discover the secrets and culture of East Asia, as well as to gain knowledge and experience while developing a network for their future career paths. At present, MCI holds active partnership agreements with eleven Taiwanese universities, providing an excellent basis for the lively exchange between visiting students and professors.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is very pleased to declare: “Taiwan has top universities and internationally successful businesses. I am delighted that with this partnership agreement, we can support our students in gaining intercultural experience in the East Asian region and in establishing important networks.”Taipei Economic and Cultural Office reportTaiwan News reportMCI international activities{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1294}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI starts cooperation with Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries
MCI starts cooperation with Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries
The MCI Family Business Center expands its range of services by cooperating with the Tyrol and Vorarlberg Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries, and introduces a new focus on legal consultation, social issues, and matters of business successionThe Family Business Center was founded by MCI in cooperation with the Tyrolean Economic Chamber in 2016, and is run as an independent center for research and transfer. The Center has now succeeded in getting the Tyrol and Vorarlberg Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries on board as a partner and, consequently, can expand its services for family businesses. The aim of this cooperation is to provide competent legal consultation on issues which are particularly relevant to family-owned companies.In addition to an initial consultation by a notary, the cooperation between the Family Business Center and Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries offers family businesses represented by the Center a one-time free legal consultation on a variety of topics. These include issues of representation and disposition in family enterprises, inheritance arrangements, agreements concluded under corporate law as well as succession planning and business-related contracts. Moreover, jointly organized information events are being planned. The cooperation should thus facilitate the stability, sustainability, and competitive capacity of family-owned businesses.Representing more than 50% of all Austrian businesses, family enterprises also make up a significant portion of Austria’s economic power. Consequently, they are of great importance for the Austrian economy. In light of the economic role of family businesses, provisions for the future of a business and business succession planning are essential issues that need to be improved on and secured for the future. Regardless of the many positive qualities family-run businesses entail, questions of company succession are particularly problematic. The main purpose of the MCI Family Business Center is, therefore, to provide family businesses with scientific know-how in order to secure their competitive capacity also in the long run.Notary Philipp Schwarz, president of the Tyrol and Vorarlberg Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries, is delighted with this new cooperation: “Notaries are specialized in advising and assisting family businesses with regard to their succession. They provide support in, for example, settling the compulsory portion issues of children and spouses, arranging adequate representation, and making provisions concerning inheritance. This cooperation allows us to create international value for family businesses and contribute to professional succession planning.”Professor Anita Zehrer, head of the MCI Family Business Center, adds: “We see ourselves as a companion and supporter of Tyrolean family businesses, which usually consider succession a difficult task and, therefore, face it with great skepticism. With this cooperation, we can offer additional services and support for businesses with regard to provisions for the future of family businesses and business succession –a well-prepared business succession plan increases the probability of a successful takeover.”Further information:Family Business CenterMCI Research & DevelopmentMCI Executive Education & Development{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1292}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
UN draws on MCI expertise again
UN draws on MCI expertise again
MCI Professor Belachew Gebrewold has been appointed to the advisory board of the United Nations Economic Commission for AfricaAfter Professor Belachew Gebrewold was recently appointed as a representative of Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), and the only Austrian, to advise the steering committee of the UN Global Compact for Migration in New York, he has now received the next invitation: the proven expert on migration will act as an advisor to the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).His nomination to the international advisory panel was based not only on his highly respected research projects and publications, but also on his personal background: as a native of Ethiopia whose research activity brought him to Europe more than 20 years ago, Gebrewold is familiar with both worlds, and introduces a European perspective to the consultations.The high-ranking advisory board includes scientists and decision makers from both Africa and Europe. Together they will identify ways in which the African continent can handle the issues and challenges of migration, and seize the chances arising from it. The first meeting of the group took place at the beginning of August in the ECA Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Migration is one of the most pressing issues of the present. Both on a global level and within the African continent, people’s mobility has increased. Intra-African migration movements dominate with a share of 82 percent; only 12 percent of migrants leave for Europe and six percent for other continents. This means that the African history of migration is far removed from the image created by the media.Belachew Gebrewold emphasizes the importance of his task: “Here in Europe we have a very specific perception of African migration movements: my plea is for both sides to try and understand each other’s perspectives and sorrows. Africa must take the concerns and fears of Europe seriously. Only if we work together will we be able to develop sustainable measures.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is delighted with Belachew Gebrewold’s appointment: “There is hardly any other university in Austria whose expertise in the field of migration is currently in such high demand as that of MCI. I would like to congratulate Professor Gebrewold and the entire team of the Department of Social Work, whose work has now been honored once again.”Further information:Belachew Gebrewold’s CVBachelor program in Social WorkMaster program in Social Work, Social Policy & Management{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1290}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
EU Award for European Master at MCI
EU Award for European Master at MCI
Prestigious Erasmus Mundus status for joint Master degree of Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), the University of Bologna, the University of Oslo, and Erasmus University Rotterdam: consortium receives popular EU funding in the amount of two million euros, gains distinction and is positioned as European lighthouse project in the global higher education sector.The Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck announces a huge international success: the European Master in Health Economics & Management (EU-HEM), organized by MCI in cooperation with three other universities in Europe, was recently awarded the highly-coveted Erasmus Mundus status.The recognition as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) was preceded by a strict selection process in which the joint Master program of Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), the University of Bologna, the University of Oslo, and Erasmus University Rotterdam achieved outstanding results.According to the jury, the international cooperation project is characterized by its extraordinarily high relevance and credible commitment to solving the challenges faced by the European health care system. As influential elements of the project, the jury praised in particular the quality of the participating universities, their excellent cooperation, as well as the multidisciplinary orientation of the program they created.For a period of three years, students of the joint degree program are now eligible to apply for so-called Erasmus Mundus scholarships of almost two million euros in total. The Erasmus Mundus program run by the European Union is thus also known as “Fulbright of Europe” and aims to contribute to the positioning of European flagship degrees in the global university sector.European Master in Health Economics & ManagementAfter a three-year pilot phase, the joint Master in Health Economics & Management was first launched in the 2015/16 winter term at the Universities of Bologna and Oslo, Erasmus University Rotterdam, as well as Management Center Innsbruck, which was the initiator for the program, and has, from the outset, contributed significantly to shaping its development.The degree program stands out not only because of its content: completion of the program leads to a joint degree, which is a certificate issued and recognized by all four of the participating universities, thus offering an ideal basis for an international career.Due to its international co-management, the program meets with the highest standards and offers an excellent qualification that enables graduates to take on diverse tasks within the field of health care in Europe.With a close connection to practice, the joint degree program provides students with high-quality supervision by internationally leading teams of lecturers and researchers, as well as the opportunity to specialize in one of, altogether, six fields.Due to the enormous demand, the program is to be expanded in order to increase the number of places available from currently 60, to 80, and to attract the “best young minds” of the world.International Health & Social Management at MCIThe courses offered by the MCI Department of Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management rank among the best in this field in Europe. Therefore, the department is not only a major driving force for the EU-HEM program, but also has a Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management Bachelor program to offer as well as a Master’s degree course in International Health & Social Management. The Master’s course, taught in English, was awarded the renowned CeQuInt (Certificate for the Quality of Internationalisation in European higher education), a distinction by the European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education (ECA) to honor exemplary achievements.Statements:Harald Mahrer, Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy: “MCI has gained a leading position also beyond the borders of Tyrol, and contributes significantly to the international recognition and reputation of Austria as a location for science. The Erasmus Mundus status helps secure academic excellence in university courses, research, and further education and provides an incentive to keep up the high standards.”Günther Platter, State Governor of Tyrol: “Tyrol as a location for higher education, technology, and business benefits a great deal from MCI’s international competence in the fields of health economics and management which it has built together with several other renowned institutions in Europe. Tyrol’s strong network and the transfer of knowledge across Europe aid the continuous development of our health care system by enabling synergy with the best of Europe.”Bernhard Tilg, Tyrolean Minister of Health and Science: “The State of Tyrol is committed to providing first-class conditions for studying and opportunities for personal development. I am delighted that the European Union is funding, in such a prominent way, this exemplary project of a European study program, to whose development MCI has made a substantial contribution,.”Siegfried Walch, head of the Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management department at MCI: “All of us: the students and lecturers at the MCI Department of Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management, are very happy about the recognition that the Erasmus Mundus status stands for. We consider this distinction a confirmation of our mission to continue our efforts to further develop the quality of our programs in coordination with our partners from science and industry.”Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector: “Together with the rectors of our partner universities, I wish the teams of researchers, lecturers, and students from all participating universities every success with the further expansion of this fruitful cooperation. I would also like to congratulate the team headed by Professor Siegfried Walch on this achievement, which will play a decisive part in the expansion of the European Master program: without his commitment, the project would never have been put into practice.”Further information:European Master in Health Economics & Management (EU-HEM)Bachelor in Nonprofit, Social & Health Care ManagementMaster in International Health & Social Management{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1291}Press contact:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
EUREGIO special award goes to MCI
EUREGIO special award goes to MCI
For her alternative mobility solutions, MCI researcher Verena Schallhart has beenwas awarded the EUREGIO special award by the European Forum AlpbachFor the sixth time, this year’s Tyrol Days, organized by the European Forum Alpbach, invited junior researchers from the Tyrol–South Tyrol–Trentino Euroregion to submit their research papers and, after a multistage selection process, discuss their findings with renowned scientists and political leaders.The high-ranking jury, headed by President of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Konrad Bergmeister, presented not only the winners of the EUREGIO Young Researchers’ Award, but also the winner of the “TYROL 2050 energy autonomous” special award, which was chosen from a large number of submissions. Sponsored by the Tyrol Location Agency and Energie Tirol (Tyrol energy), the prize was awarded for the first time this year.MCI researcher, Verena Schallhart is the proud winner of this special award. She convinced the jury with her paper on “NOx Reduction in Alpine Regions” and, consequently, received a prestigious distinction for her comprehensive engines and emissions research.Based on a newly-developed simulation model, Verena Schallhart’s research project demonstrates possibilities for the effective reduction of the controversial NOx emissions of diesel engines. The young scientist is particularly interested in the requirements emission control systems for public buses need to fulfill. A major challenge in this context are the topographic conditions of the alpine region.Verena Schallhart sees this award as a confirmation of her work: “Considering the heated and partly biased debate on diesel engines and related air contaminants, I am delighted that, with my research project, I can make a positive contribution to the reduction of NOx emissions, particularly in regard to public bus traffic.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann congratulates: “With Verena Schallhart, the jury has chosen a worthy prize winner and honored the committed team which manages the technological study programs at the Entrepreneurial School®. I am delighted with this achievement and would like to congratulate the winner.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1289}Further information:Renewable EngeryResearch and Development at MCIBachelor study program Industrial Engineering & ManagementMaster study program Industrial Engineering & ManagementPress contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI welcomes Lord Lieutenant Helen Nellis
MCI welcomes Lord Lieutenant Helen Nellis
International recruiting expert, chief executive coach and representative of the Crown hosts multi-day event at MCI with a focus on leadership and change in the nonprofit, social and healthcare sector.MCI was honored to welcome such an important guest: Helen Nellis, internationally renowned executive, recruitment consultant and chief executive coach in the nonprofit and health sector, was recently invited to host a multi-day symposium at the Entrepreneurial School®. In 2012, Nellis was appointed by HM the Queen as the Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and, thus, became the first woman in her county to hold this position in over 500 years. By appointing Nellis as her representative within the county, the Queen honored her extraordinary international career, considerable expertise, and passionate work for the British and international health and education systems, as well as her 35 years of privately funded services in Ghana.The three-day summer symposium was held under the slogan of “Leadership in the Nonprofit, Social and Healthcare Sector”. In her opening address, Helen Nellis emphasized that leadership, i.e. the ability to guide other individuals, is not possible without the readiness for lasting change. According to her, change means setting new goals, and entails both curiosity as well as fear. She reminded her audience that one of the most important virtues of a leader is to learn from employees by listening closely and paying attention also to nonverbal signals: “People do not resist change per se, but they refuse to change themselves.”“Helen Nellis’ comprehensive understanding of leadership in politics, business, and society as well as her professional and warm approach to students have made a lasting impression on all of us,” Professor Siegfried Walch, whose team was responsible for the organization of the symposium, pointed out. MCI Rector Andreas Altmann adds: “The Entrepreneurial School’s® success is also particularly due to the competence, commitment, and passion of such brilliant guest lecturers as Helen Nellis.”Further information: Helen Nellis’ official website MCI Bachelor program in Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management MCI Master program in International Health & Social Management {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1288}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI expands its global network
MCI expands its global network
New partnerships with excellent universitiesManagement Center Innsbruck (MCI) announces a further success as it has just managed to conclude partnership agreements with three renowned universities: the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, Curtin University in Australia and the University of Limerick in Ireland.The University of Groningen is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands and plays a central role especially in the field of business sciences. The CHE Centre for Higher Education has ranked it among the 56 top universities in Europe.One of the most popular destinations for international students is Australia. MCI has already concluded several attractive partnerships with institutions in the east, south, and north of the continent; with Curtin University, MCI’s partners now also include a representative of the west of down under. Located in the livable metropolis of Perth, Curtin University occupies a strong position in the technical field. Also, its business school has gained international fame: it was indeed Australia’s first university to receive the prestigious EQUIS accreditation.Ireland is in high demand with those students at MCI wishing to complete a semester abroad in Europe. Since, throughout Europe, there are more students who want to go to Ireland than leave Ireland for another country, the conclusion of a partnership agreement with a renowned university on the Emerald Isle is a special achievement. The University of Limerick in the scenic west of the island offers not only top quality, but also a particularly charming atmosphere.Susanne Lichtmannegger, head of MCI International Relations, is pleased to state: “We offer our students a highly competitive choice of partner institutions. I am delighted for any student seizing the opportunities provided by MCI. International experience upgrades one’s CV as much as it enriches one’s personal life.”Further information:MCI partner universitiesMCI range of studies{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1286}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI Academic Council appoints new deputy head
MCI Academic Council appoints new deputy head
Professor Claudia Mössenlechner takes over from Professor Anita ZehrerWith the beginning of the new academic year, Professor Claudia Mössenlechner will take charge of the MCI Academic Council alongside Professor Franz Pegger, acting as head of the Academic Council.Former Deputy Head Anita Zehrer resigned at her own request as she wishes to concentrate more on research and teaching, as well as particularly on the expansion of the Family Business Center, which provides the local economy with essential support.The change in the office of deputy head takes effect with July 31, 2017.The Entrepreneurial School® – Rector Andreas Altmann in particular – wants to thank Anita Zehrer for her excellent, competent, and committed achievements in this responsible academic position. We would also like to wish her successor, Claudia Mössenlechner, a successful start. The continual development and innovation of a high-quality academic range of services, of the university’s international standing, and of its students’ and graduates’ employability are tasks which require but also reward dedication.Claudia Mössenlechner has served MCI for many years and qualifies for the position due to her comprehensive qualifications in research, teaching, and practice. An anglicist by training, Mössenlechner has been in charge of a broad range of responsibilities at MCI. She is currently acting as head of the fast-growing MCI Learning Solutions Department and as lecturer for the Tourism Business Studies program. In addition, she runs the renowned MCI Language Center.The principal duties of the MCI Academic Council are to further develop efficient academic structures, to promote consistent standards, processes, and elections across institutions of higher education, to create university-internal stages of appeal, and to advance the institutionalization of academic quality assurance in a growing organization.The board includes six heads of department and studies, six representatives of the teaching and research staff, and four members of the Student Council. The members are elected by their respective bodies. The head and deputy head of the Academic Council are chosen by its members from a shortlist presented by the rector.StatementsDeputy Head of MCI Academic Council Claudia Mössenlechner: “I am delighted to be elected Deputy Head of Academic Council, and to be entrusted with the task of continuing the development of academic quality at MCI together with the entire council.”Head of MCI Academic Council Franz Pegger: “I am happy that, with Claudia Mössenlechner, we have found a highly qualified individual with exceptional competence to replace Anita Zehrer. As in the previous years, it remains one of my prime concerns to maintain and further develop the quality of academic education at MCI in close cooperation with the other members of the Academic Council.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: “I congratulate Claudia Mössenlechner on her appointment and look forward to working with her in the future. I am proud that we have Claudia Mössenlechner, an individual who is perfectly qualified for this crucial position at the Entrepreneurial School®, on board. I would particularly like to thank Anita Zehrer for the exceptional and professional commitment she has shown over the last years.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1284}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Maria Rabl receives MCI professorship
Maria Rabl receives MCI professorship
The Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck, honors Dr. Maria Rabl with the title of ProfessorIn appreciation of her achievements in research and teaching, as well as of her exemplary transf of research results into practice and her consequent contribution to the development of the university sector, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) has recently conferred the title of Professor to Dr. Maria Rabl.An expert in business education and management training, she has been working full-time in research and teaching for MCI since 2011. Since 2014, she has acted as project manager for business administration and HR development, and since 2016, she has been responsible for the bachelor’s degree programs in Business & Management.From the very beginning, Rabl’s research activities have focused on different aspects of (higher) education for adults. Already in her diploma thesis, she addressed the characteristic features of adult learning and respective implications for didactics and the organization of teaching and learning. Her dissertation dealt with the significance of professional experience for the competence of teachers and lecturers alike. Rabl’s impeccable qualification is consummated with several years of experience as an employee in scientific projects and as a university assistant at the Department of Organization and Learning at the University of Innsbruck School of Management.Her profound scientific qualifications and excellent teaching skills were also evident in her inaugural address on the topic “From teaching to learning: self-regulated learning in part-time study programs”, which Rabl held in English in the presence of her companions, colleagues, and students. Her talk demonstrated in how far teaching and learning have changed under the influence of new media, in particular, social media, and introduced possible learning models for the future to meet the ever-changing conditions and requirements of professional students.The certificate of appointment was presented by MCI Rector Andreas Altmann, accompanied by the Head of Academic Council, Franz Pegger, Deputy Head, Claudia Mössenlechner, and Professor Bernd Kirschner, head of the Business & Management Department.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1281}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) offers its know-how to a Chinese university in a tailor-made training program for professors and lecturers: the Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College expands its range of studies using the expertise of the Entrepreneurial School®MCI’s competence is in high demand, even in China, as the most recent request to the Entrepreneurial School® proves: a group of 20 Chinese university professors and lecturers from the Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College (JFPC) in Jiangsu, China are currently completing a two-week crash course at MCI with a focus on modern food technology and university didactics. Their goal is to establish a set of new study programs and to expand the range of bachelor’s and master’s degrees offered at their university.While searching for an international partner university one year ago, a high-ranking delegation from the JFPC visited several universities and institutions of higher education in Europe and the USA, including MCI. Their goal was to find a competent partner in the food technology branch. The Entrepreneurial School’s® expertise, both in science and teaching, convinced the JFPC representatives fully – thus, the cooperation was arranged.The two-week training program, tailored to the needs of the Chinese professors and lecturers, not only deals with the new study programs’ content, syllabi, and teaching methods, but also with academic quality assurance, university management, student services, and applied research. A particular focus is put on the strategy, structure, and organization of MCI - all aspects which have been praised in international accreditation processes and rankings. Further training programs, as well as a student exchange, are being planned for the future.JFPC Vice-Rector Weiwei Zhai expresses her enthusiasm about the comprehensive program: “We have opted for the right partner. With the support of MCI, we will be able to add to our portfolio and establish a promising range of studies in the field of food technology.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is delighted with the successful cooperation: “Our partnership with the prestigious JFPC shows that, due to our expertise, we are valued on an international level. I wish to congratulate the entire team, especially our Head of Department and Studies, Dr. Katrin Bach, and our Coordinator for Transnational Education & Projects, Dr. Vladan Antonovic.”The Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College is located in Jiangsu on the eastern coast of China, an attractive tourist region with a booming economy. The advanced academic landscape of Jiangsu demonstrates an exceptional international orientation. Having been honored for its academic achievements with several prizes, the JFPC has, at present, more than 11,000 students in 45 degree programs.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1276}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512