Press 2017

MCI ranked Austria’s best academic institution again
MCI ranked Austria’s best academic institution again
MCI as Austria’s only academic institution to take first place in two of three categories of the 2017 Universum Ranking: the number one in Employability and Career ServiceManagement Center Innsbruck (MCI) celebrates yet another international success: the recently published Universum Ranking (2017 Universum Talent Survey) has put MCI at the top of the Austrian academic landscape again. The Entrepreneurial School® is notably the only academic institution in Austria that has taken first place in two of, altogether, three categories.MCI was awarded first place in the Strongest Focus on Employability category. This category rates the schools’ services in preparing students for the labor market, which are among the top priorities of the Entrepreneurial School®. The students awarded top marks particularly for MCI’s excellent reputation among potential employers, its high employment rate of graduates, its provision of practically-relevant training and immediately-applicable knowledge, its strong network with the business world, as well as its entrepreneurial approach and way of thinking.MCI also secured first place in also in the Best Career Service category, which assesses the work of the universities’ career centers. With a score of 8.2 points, which is unique among Austrian universities, whose average score is 6.5 points, MCI has once again been placed at the very top. It has thus even outperformed renowned institutions such as the Vienna University of Economics and Business, or the Graz University of Technology. According to the students, the most important activities organized by the MCI Career Center are the preparatory career and application workshops, the excellent career platform for MCI students, and the annual Recruiting Forum held at MCI, which is considered an effective platform for exchange and communication between potential employers and students.MCI is particularly pleased with the results and the second place it achieved in the Most Satisfied Students category. This reflects the students’ tendency to recommend their schools to acquaintances and relatives as well as the general level of students’ satisfaction with their universities. In addition, the students were asked if they would opt for the same schools again in hindsight. The students of the Entrepreneurial School® awarded the university 8.2 points, while the Austrian average score was 7.3. With an outstanding score of 8.5 points, as compared to the Austrian average of 7.6, the rate at which students would recommend MCI is similarly high. If current students could start over with their studies, 73 percent would definitely choose to study at MCI again.The achievements of the Entrepreneurial School® in this year’s Universum Ranking are in accord with the results of numerous surveys and rankings as well as prizes the Entrepreneurial School® has been awarded over the past few years. MCI has always stressed the importance of academic standards, practical relevance, committing to achievement, internationality, professional services, and consistent quality assurance. Exemplary curricula and modern approaches to teaching, internationally-active lecturers and students, the close cooperation with the world of business, a strong career center, as well as the diversity of its student services have thus formed the basis for the most recent distinction in the Universum Ranking.The 2017 Universum Talent Survey is part of the largest career survey of this kind worldwide, with more than one million students and young professionals participating every year. Between November 2016 and April 2017, Universum, the global specialist for employer branding and talent management, interviewed 11,296 Austrian students about their personal perception of the universities they attend and the career plans they have. Based on the results of this survey, the best of Austrian universities and institutions of higher education are annually awarded for their excellent work.Statements:Günther Platter, State Governor of Tyrol: “The top results achieved by MCI in the international Universum Ranking once more provide proof of the fact that the Entrepreneurial School® is a poster child for Tyrol.”Bernhard Tilg, Tyrolean Minister of Science and chairman of the MCI General Assembly: “MCI is an essential landmark in the education, technology and science landscape of Tyrol. It provides students and businesses with first-class expertise, international prospects, and entrepreneurial spirit.”Oswald Wolkenstein, manager of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber division for industry and chairman of the MCI General Advisory Board: “MCI is a much valued partner of the local economy, standing out due to its excellent approach to teaching and its efficient network of high-ranking partners as well as its practical and research projects. MCI graduates are in high demand in the business world. I congratulate MCI on this renewed distinction.”Brigitte Huter, head of the MCI Career Center: “This distinction confirms and justifies our approach to aid students in making a head start in the professional world. Our students appreciate in particular the numerous opportunities we offer them to establish contact with potential employers. That is why we aim to create an open and creative dialog with businesses for the benefit not only of our students, but also the local economy and internationally operating employers.”Brigitte Auer, head of MCI Quality Management: “At MCI we consider it essential to meet international standards. The gratifying outcome of the Universum Talent Survey strengthens our commitment to the ongoing development of the quality and range of our degree and executive education programs, research activities, and services.”Andreas Altmann, MCI Rector: “This renewed honor is down to our entire team as well as our students’, sponsors’, and stakeholders’ declaration of faith in achievement, commitment, and responsibility.”Further information:Press release about Austria’s top universities of 2017Quality & Excellence at MCI{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1280}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI launches Executive PhD in Management
MCI launches Executive PhD in Management
Distinguished European Universities establish pioneering Doctoral program | Notification process with Austrian accreditation authority accomplished | Start in fall 2017 | Innovative format attracts worldwide interestGood news from the Entrepreneurial School®:Quality assurance procedures modelled on international standards have resulted in the successful notification of the joint Executive PhD Program. All quality assurance criteria are based on international higher education quality criteria and were reviewed by the independent Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (§ 27 HS-QSG).The four-year doctoral program, jointly offered by the University of Antwerp, the Antwerp Management School and the Management Center Innsbruck, will start in fall 2017 and will be delivered in English at the campuses in Antwerp/Belgium and in Innsbruck/Austria.The European Executive PhD Program is designed for executives and managers filling the gap between traditional academic PhD programs and practice-oriented Professional doctorates (DBA). The new program attracts considerable international interest in academia and business.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1277}Information & Counselling:Sebastian Engels, BA+43 512 2070 - 2121sebastian.engels@mci.eduDetailed
The winner of the 2017 SWZ Award has been chosen
The winner of the 2017 SWZ Award has been chosen
The SWZ Award for the MCI course in General Management goes to Arno Sattler from South Tyrol: partnership between Management Center Innsbruck and Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung supports young executivesIn cooperation with Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), the Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung (SWZ) awards a 5,000 euro scholarship to young executives and decision-makers from South Tyrol to assist and support them in their professional and personal development.His application for the popular scholarship immediately earned Arno Sattler from Seis, South Tyrol a spot on the shortlist of best candidates and an invitation to a hearing at MCI. He was able to convince the jury throughout and, after a brief deliberation, was unanimously chosen as this year’s winner of the SWZ Award.The jury was particularly impressed by the strong commitment, perseverance, and flexibility of the politics and administration expert, who has acquired substantial knowledge in many areas of business management through the learning-by-doing method as well as by continuous training and, on top of this, is fluent in several languages. At the moment, he works as a quality manager in a medium-sized South Tyrolean enterprise and, in doing so, occupies a position that requires solid knowledge of all the processes going on in the company. By completing the executive certificate course in General Management, Business Administration for Non-Business Majors, Sattler aims to acquire methods and instruments to improve the organization and execution of his tasks and to become better prepared for future challenges.The Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung and MCI Management Center Innsbruck would like to seize the opportunity to congratulate the award winner.As a long-term partner of the business web portal Südtiroler Wirtschaft (South Tyrol Economy) and of Management Center Innsbruck, the Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung appreciates academic education as a significant social asset and central resource for personal and entrepreneurial development. This is why, since 2011, the weekly paper has offered the SWZ Award for one of MCI’s executive certificate or degree courses each year.The part-time course in General Management offered at MCI constitutes an excellent internationally oriented program: it provides companies, decision-makers and executives from economy, administration, culture, and politics with comprehensive training in the basics of business administration and, with this, supports them in the proactive management of their professional challenges.Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung press releaseFurther information:Executive certificate course in General Management{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1279}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI welcomes university package
MCI welcomes university package
Meaningful investment in the future: 100 million euro for the creation of 5,000 university places securing innovation, competitive ability, jobs, and prosperity“We were delighted to hear about the decision of Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Harald Mahrer, to invest funds generated through the reform of the bank tax in creating extra places to study”, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann announces to the media.The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy continues the expansion of the Austrian university landscape by creating 5,000 extra places to study in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, i.e. the STEM fields. In the coming days, 450 places for freshmen will become available, corresponding to 1,200 places in total. The next stages for the introduction of further places are already being prepared.Currently, Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) receives three to four applications for every place it offers. Many highly qualified and motivated young talents have to be rejected as there are not enough spots available. A similar situation can be found in the labor market, where the demand for graduates of the Entrepreneurial School® can only be met partially, if at all. Also, current resources are anything but sufficient to satisfy the numerous requests for research projects. Thus, they inhibit internationalization, growth, and the creation of value in the MCI location and represent a substantial shortage for the local economy.“Therefore, the decision of the Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Harald Mahrer, and the Austrian Federal Government signals a new course for the future. There is hardly a more effective measure to be taken if we want to promote our innovative power and competitive ability as well as the creation of jobs and prosperity, and to secure social cohesion”, as Rector Andreas Altmann summarizes the Entrepreneurial School’s® position.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1278}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI start-up More than Metrics nominated as “Born Global Champion”
MCI start-up More than Metrics nominated as “Born Global Champion”
The Austrian Economic Chambers honor More than Metrics for particularly innovative market solutions and rapid international growthThe Austrian Economic Chambers recently presented the Innsbruck software developer More than Metrics with the Born Global Champion Award: “The award is to honor enterprises that have made an outstanding contribution to our economy based on their successful internationalization. It is focused on young businesses founded in 2012 or after which have operated on a global level from the very start, provided innovative products and services, and shown rapid international growth”, as President of the Austrian Economic Chambers, Christoph Leitl, explains.As Entrepreneurial School® MCI considers it a priority to support young researchers in starting their own business. The More than Metrics start-up developed from the fusion of MCI spin-off ExperienceFellow and start-up Smaply, and is a specialist for customer experience solutions and innovative service design software.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann congratulates the company founders: “We have eagerly followed the astonishing development of this young enterprise, and are proud to be called its birthplace as well as to be able to continue our support as a scientific partner.”The Born Global Champion Award was established by the Austrian Economic Chambers in 2015.Further information:Born Global{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1275}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI launches online master’s degree in Corporate Governance & Finance
MCI launches online master’s degree in Corporate Governance & Finance
The Entrepreneurial School® expands innovative mobile learning program and turns the lounge into a lecture hallModern lifestyles require new study concepts and innovative technologies generate new forms of knowledge transfer: Management Center Innsbruck responds to this trend with the newly developed master’s degree in Corporate Governance & Finance.The study program is based on the blended learning concept, which permits students to acquire interactive course content through self-study and is already well-established at MCI. The MCI eCampus supports the students with up-to-date teaching formats such as webcasts, videos, blogs, moderated chats, livestreams, and digital study materials.Innovative teaching conceptAn intelligent mix of online and on-campus classes as well as electronic media combines location-independent study with face-to-face interaction between students and lecturers. This facilitates the combination of work and family obligations, as well as study and leisure activities. International teaching staff, professional online support, interactive platforms and a comprehensive range of services accompany motivated individuals in the successful completion of their studies.Master’s degree in Corporate Governance & FinanceThe study program recently introduced by the Entrepreneurial School® covers the core areas of corporate governance and business finance based on responsible leadership. The focus of the content is on the management and control of companies and business finance as a strategy of leadership as well as on the importance of regulative conditions. Furthermore, great emphasis is placed on the teaching of socially and societally responsible management behavior.In order to meet the challenges of a globally networked corporate world all the courses are held in English. Graduates of the study program are provided with the necessary qualifications to adopt leading or specialist positions in industry, in banking and finance, or in consultancies.The run on the program has already begun. Requirement for admission to the master’s degree course is a bachelor’s degree in business studies. Course applications are accepted at until Monday, July 10, 2017.StatementsState Governor of Tyrol, Günther Platter: “This program provides committed individuals with first-class study conditions and career prospects, and local business with highly qualified graduates. The Province of Tyrol invests in brains, achievement, and innovation.”Dr. Johannes Ortner, CEO of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG: “I welcome the introduction of the master’s degree in Corporate Governance & Finance at MCI. Content and structure of the program guarantee a first-class academic education. I am glad to have contributed my expertise to the development of the program.”Dr. Matthias Seeler, head of Business Administration Online: “The Corporate Governance & Finance course with English as the language of instruction prepares students for the growing demands of an increasingly internationally oriented business world and addresses important aspects of regulation and financial strategy. It therefore provides graduates with the qualifications they need to meet the challenges of everyday practice in global corporations, ambitious medium-sized firms, banks and consultancies.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: “The continuous development of our teaching and research programs in the interests of our students, graduates and research partners, as well as employees is one of MCI’s strategic objectives. With the new teaching and study concepts we cover a wide range of interests and provide another excellent program to emphasize the compatibility of study and career and prepare motivated individuals for the modern corporate landscape.”Further information:Corporate Governance & Finance master’s degree{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1273}Pressekontakt & Rückfragen:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Philosophicum at MCI
Philosophicum at MCI
MCI students enter philosophical discourse with experienced public figuresStarting in July, a new lecture format will be introduced to the students at the MCI Department of Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management. A conversation between Head of Department & Studies Siegfried Walch and the politician, journalist, and theologian Lothar Müller gave rise to the idea – inspired by the Theatrum Philosophicum – to allow students to enter into a philosophical discussion with experienced personalities of public life.More than 20 individuals from different institutions, among them well-known figures such as Otto Muck, Georg Lamp, Angelika Hörmann, Rudolf Koll, Gerhard Gstraunthaler, Christoph Neuner, Georg Fritz, Julia Brugger, Otmar Kronsteiner, Sylvia Schranz and Herbert Weissenböck, agreed to formulate theses on current issues and to enter a philosophical dialog with MCI students. The Philosophicum will address questions of humankind, culture, and science. A particular emphasis will be placed on social, societal, and political topics.“Our students are given the opportunity to discuss and think about decision-making processes, meaningful contexts, and alternative paths together with experienced practitioners”, Head of Department & Studies Siegfried Walch points out.“Our motivation is to enable young academics to provide well-informed decisions and consultation later in their careers”, as Lothar Müller, who has been teaching at MCI for years, explains. “All of the discussants we now have on board, be it the former Congress manager or Tilak executive, the leading prosecutor, politician or freelancer, are happy to share their life and professional experience with the younger generation.”MCI Rector Andreas Altmann enthusiastically welcomes the new program: “This is in the best academic tradition. Experienced leaders provide young academics with their expertise as well as time – what an exciting approach also for other study courses and colleges.”The following dates of discussion have already been fixed: Creating Social Welfare, Monday, July 3, 2017, 6.30 pm, Management Center Innsbruck Health and Solidarity, Monday, July 10, 2017, 5 pm, Management Center Innsbruck Economic Thinking and Nonprofit Organizations, Monday, July 17, 2017, 5 pm, Management Center Innsbruck Interdisciplinary Topics, Monday, July 24, 2017, 5 pm, Management Center Innsbruck A limited number of interested guests are invited to join the events. If you have any further questions or would like to make a booking, please contact Rosi Novarlic at{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1272}Pressekontakt & Rückfragen:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI provides the expertise for a feasibility study on the 2026 Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Tyrol
MCI provides the expertise for a feasibility study on the 2026 Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Tyrol
Innsbruck and Tyrol as possible pioneer for modern and sustainable Olympic GamesThe results of the feasibility study on the 2026 Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Tyrol commissioned by the Federal State of Tyrol, the City of Innsbruck, and the Austrian Olympic Committee were recently presented to the public with great fanfare.The consortium consisting of the two Frankfurt partners PROPROJEKT and AS+P Albert Speer + Partner, as well as the Innsbruck partners SOLID Event Management + Consulting and MCI Management Center Innsbruck investigated in detail whether and under what conditions Innsbruck could host the Winter Olympic Games in 2026.The study included a detailed investigation of the strategic aims and principles, of potential competition sites as well as possible locations for the accommodation of athletes, coaches, functionaries, media representatives and visitors. Furthermore, it contained a systematic evaluation and optimization of sporting, logistic, and economic implications as well as a recommendation on the preferred strategy.With its existing infrastructure, Tyrol offers an excellent basis for holding the 2026 Winter Olympic Games. A large number of the competition sites are already available or can be provided on a temporary basis with relatively little effort. Permanent new buildings are not required, which might be a unique feature in the history of the Winter Olympic Games.The distribution of the competition sites and the Olympic Village across Tyrol represents another exception. Approximately 70 percent of the competitions would take place outside of Innsbruck. Locations with an existing expertise in the hosting of major sporting events include St. Anton (alpine skiing), Kühtai (snowboard and freestyle skiing), Seefeld (cross-country skiing, ski jumping), and Hochfilzen (biathlon). Also, the neighboring Inzell (speed skating) in Bavaria as well as several preparation, training, and alternative locations are considered as part of the decentralized concept.The results of the feasibility study further show that the staging of the 2026 Winter Olympic Games according to the concept presented can be implemented even without public funds. The expected costs of 1,175 billion euro are covered by the expected revenue. Innsbruck – and Tyrol as a whole – could position themselves in agreement with the Olympic Agenda 2020 as a pioneer of modern, sustainable and defining Olympic Games, thus bringing the global mega-event back to its sporting and regional origins, the Alpine region.“The study has provided a well-founded basis to make a decision”, as State Governor of Tyrol, Günther Platter, emphasizes, “both for us, who wish to pursue the application further, as well as the population, which can now make a decision based on comprehensive information.” According to Governor Platter, the results of the analysis clearly prove Innsbruck and Tyrol to be ideally suited. “No new infrastructure would have to be provided, and the competitions could be hosted on rescaled requirements.”“So many people in Innsbruck and Tyrol are ardent sports enthusiasts. The desire to host the Olympic Games therefore originated primarily in the sports community”, as is asserted by Innsbruck Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer. “The Youth Olympic Games hosted in Innsbruck in 2012 proved that things can be done differently; they have introduced a change in trend, i.e. new and sustainable mega-events with lasting ecological, economic and social effects. This fact was reflected also in the positive financial outcome of the games.”President of the Austrian Olympic Committee, Karl Stoss, adds: “During the application process for 2026 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will provide candidates with increased support. This means that the process will become substantially easier and less expensive. With Innsbruck, Tyrol we have a chance to prove that competitions can be organized in a modern and still appealing format, using facilities that already exist in locations that have a winter sports tradition, with new transportation concepts and numerous Olympic Villages, while at the same time avoiding gigantism and white elephants.”The results of the feasibility study will be presented in detail to the population in the weeks and months to come. In the context of a Tyrol-wide referendum on October 15, 2017 the Tyrolean population is invited to vote on the possible application.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1271}Pressekontakt & Rückfragen:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI students elect their representatives
MCI students elect their representatives
Student representatives of the Entrepreneurial School® get started with enthusiasm and new ideasAs part of the 2017 Austrian Students’ Union elections nine representatives were elected in the reconstitution of the MCI Student Council. All nine representatives are members of “Deine unabhängige Vertretung” (your independent representation).In their constituent meeting the new representatives elected their chair as well as deputy chairs.The following representatives adopt a leading function: Alexander Auer, Chair (Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering) Sarah-Anna Awad, First Deputy Chair (Tourism Business Studies with specialization in Business Management) Florian Daniel, Second Deputy Chair (Management & Law) The further members of the MCI Student Council are: Maximilian Sellmaier (Industrial Engineering & Management) Miriam Elisabeth Zeitlhofer (Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management) Marijan Divkovic (Business & Management) Esther Röthlingshöfer (Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management) Martin Schipp (Industrial Engineering & Management) Michael Pelech (Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering) Matthias Mayr (Industrial Engineering & Management) MCI wishes to thank the outgoing student representatives for their commitment and the extraordinarily constructive cooperation, and congratulates the new representatives on their election. We are looking forward to working with you in the future.Further information:Results of the MCI electionResults of the 2017 Students’ Union electionsMCI Student Council{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1270}Pressekontakt & Rückfragen:Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI graduates give out top grades
MCI graduates give out top grades
Rave reviews for courses and support: top recommendations for career-boosting MCI study programsThe recently completed MCI graduate survey once again yielded top results for the university: 88.4 % would recommend MCI to others, 88.5 % consider their decision to study at MCI as the right decision also in hindsight, 82.9 % rate their study program as “Very Good” or “Good”, and an incredible 91.7 % appreciate the excellent support they received during their studies.This survey for the first time provides us with detailed numbers about the professional development of MCI graduates. For example, already graduates of bachelor’s programs have an average of 1.9 job offers; 41.8 % enter into employment immediately after graduation. Another 40 % opt for an advanced (master’s) degree course, half of which are completed in part-time. The numbers for graduates of master’s programs are similar: having been offered 2.3 jobs by the time of graduation, 37.3 % were able to sign their employment contract already before graduating.Part-time courses at MCI as career boosterStudy and further education opportunities for professional decision makers are, as it were, part of the genetic program of the Entrepreneurial School®.* It is not least the part-time students who apply their newly acquired knowledge in companies already during their studies and, in doing so, ensure the transfer of practical experience. This is also evident in the development of their income: within only four years of graduation their average income increases by 39.3 % (for bachelor’s students) and 38.4 % (for master’s students).3,017 graduates of Management Center Innsbruck participated in the written and anonymous survey. It included graduates of all bachelor’s, master’s, and diploma courses completed between 2005 and 2012. The response rate was 24.9 %.StatementsMCI Rector Andreas Altmann: “Ever since MCI’s foundation more than 20 years ago MCI has been mentoring the motivated on both personal and professional development. I am proud that our high-quality programs and the work of the entire team are acknowledged by our students in this way.”Brigitte Auer, head of the MCI Department of Quality Management: “Our continuous efforts to maintain quality and, consequently, to provide students with excellent teaching and support were once again successful. I am also delighted that our graduates are being rewarded in their professional life for being able to complete challenging studies.”Alexander Auer, chair of the MCI Student Council: “As MCI student representatives we appreciate the intense and respectful dialog not only with the management, but with the entire MCI team. I congratulate MCI on the impressive results.”*At present, MCI offers twelve part-time bachelor’s, master’s and executive master’s programs. In addition, there are four online programs based on modern blended and mobile learning concepts as well as innovative technology and a large number of compact courses, seminars, trainings, and similar available.{phocadownload view=file|id=7126}{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1263}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512 2070-1527ulrike.fuchs@mci.eduFurther informationStudying at MCITeaching & eLearningMCI Student Services
MCI successful in Texas and California
MCI successful in Texas and California
The Entrepreneurial School® expands its network by entering into new partnerships with renowned US institutions, namely Texas A&M University, Texas and Pepperdine University, CaliforniaRecently, Management Center Innsbruck was able to sign partnership agreements with two top American universities: Texas A&M University in Texas and Pepperdine University in California. With this, the Entrepreneurial School® can accommodate the students’ increasing desire to study in the US. The students appreciate the opportunity to improve their language skills in English-speaking countries, to benefit from the excellent academic quality of US institutions of higher education, and to experience the American way of life.Texas A&M University is located in College Station, Texas, only 150 kilometers northwest of Houston. The university is a member of the Association of American Universities, an organization of leading research universities in North America which was founded in 1900. Furthermore, the indeed most important international university ranking – the Shanghai Ranking – lists the Texan university among the 100 best universities in the world. In addition, Texas A&M University is home to the George Bush Presidential Library.Pepperdine University is situated in Malibu and currently ranked 50th in the U.S. News & World Report ranking of best American colleges. The university was additionally honored when the Princeton Review gave it the Dorms Like Palaces Award. Pepperdine University offers graduate courses at several campuses, which include Los Angeles, Irvine, San Jose, Encino, and Westlake Village .MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is delighted: “The prestigious AACSB accreditation awarded to MCI in 2016 is testimony to our ability to compete with the best of America’s universities. We are delighted that this allows us to further expand such high-quality cooperation partnerships.” Susanne Lichtmannegger, head of the MCI International Relations Office, adds: “With these partnerships we can offer our students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are particularly pleased to also welcome students from Pepperdine University and Texas A&M University to Innsbruck.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1265}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
MCI at the top of European university ranking once again
MCI at the top of European university ranking once again
The Entrepreneurial School® was once again ranked at the top of the renowned 2017 trendence Graduate Barometer, with results that were even better than last year’s: rave reviews for professors, practical relevance, internationality, and career serviceMCI celebrates another international top ranking: in the recently released trendence Graduate Barometer the Entrepreneurial School® excels with an impressive overall score of 2.0 on the scale of 1 (“Very satisfied”) to 7 (“Very dissatisfied”). It thus outperforms all other Austrian universities with an average score of 2.3 as well as its own top results (2.1) from the previous year.The score represents the students’ overall satisfaction with the university and the study programs that are offered. MCI received high rankings particularly for its lecturers and professors, the practical relevance of its study programs, its international orientation, the support it provides in career development, its counseling and services, as well as its attractive location.The trendence Graduate Barometer provides a university ranking based on Europe’s largest survey about education and career. Almost 500,000 students from 28 countries and 1,000 universities participate in the survey annually. In Austria, 7,887 graduate students of business, engineering, natural, and information sciences at 26 universities and other higher education institutions answered questions about their future career as well as about their satisfaction with the university at which they study and the services they are offered. The survey was completed between September 2016 and February 2017, using a rating scale from 1 (“Very satisfied”) to 7 (“Very dissatisfied”). Converted into the Austrian grading scale where 1 is “Excellent” and 5 is “Not sufficient”, MCI’s score corresponds to the outstanding grade of 1.4, and the average score of Austrian universities and institutions of higher education corresponds to the still very good grade of 1.6.MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is highly delighted with this renewed international acknowledgement and praises the achievements of the entire MCI team, in particular the lecturers and professors, as well as colleagues in management, administration, and service. Without their continuous commitment, these top ratings could never have been achieved. Altmann also addresses all those whose decision about where to study is still to be made: “The essential qualities we are looking for in our students are joy, enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, energy, and passion. If you are a committed person who wants to take your life into your own hands, who has the courage to create and the ability to take responsibility for others, you have everything you need to be successful in your studies.”StatementsState Governor of Tyrol, Günther Platter, is delighted with MCI’s achievements as well: “MCI has once again demonstrated its position as poster child for Tyrolean institutions of education. I congratulate Rector Andreas Altmann and his team on this additional acknowledgement of their excellent work and thank them for their commitment.”Tyrolean Minister of Science Bernhard Tilg, and owner representative, adds: “Due to its substantial contributions to producing highly qualified professionals and strengthening Tyrol as a location for science and business, MCI is an essential landmark in the education and science landscape of Tyrol.”“In the capital city of Tyrol, Innsbruck, 50,000 individuals – that is one in three – are presently attending an educational institution,” as Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer notes: “Innsbruck’s educational institutions have a great international reputation. We can no longer imagine the provincial capital without MCI. At present, the campus of the Entrepreneurial School® is divided into five parts in the heart of Innsbruck. Once completed, the new MCI campus on the Fenner area, based on the winning design of an architectural competition, will provide more accessible and efficient synergies. The close vicinity to the Faculty of Social Sciences & Economics and, with this, to the University of Innsbruck represents only one of these synergies, which will influence also future rankings.”Current application deadline: June 16, 2017If you have questions about your desired mode of study and relevant application procedures, please contact the MCI team for counseling either by phone at +43 512 2070-0, by email at, or by WhatsApp at +43 664 88723671 (available Monday through Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.). Comprehensive information about all available studies and respective application procedures is provided at{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1264}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Oliver Som receives MCI professorship
Oliver Som receives MCI professorship
The Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck honors Dr. Oliver Som with the title of ProfessorIn appreciation of his achievements in teaching, research, and the transfer of knowledge the Entrepreneurial School® recently conferred the title of Professor to Dr. Oliver Som. Som has profound scientific qualifications, excellent teaching skills, and several years of professional experience outside of the university sector and has made an outstanding contribution to MCI with respective achievements.Oliver Som is a political and social scientist with specialization in the field of innovation management. After his graduation from the University of Stuttgart, he obtained a doctorate from the University of Flensburg. After completing his studies he worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe and as a consultant to, among others, the German Government and the European Commission.Since 2016, Oliver Som has been working full-time in research and teaching for MCI and, additionally, been acting as study coordinator responsible for innovation. In this position he has made substantial contributions to the development of the Department of Business & Management as well as the Entrepreneurial School® itself.Recently, Som was able to once again demonstrate his substantial scientific qualifications and outstanding teaching skills in his inaugural address. In the presence of family members, companions, colleagues, and students, he spoke of the innovative power of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).In his lecture with the title “How SMEs innovate – an empirical inventory of species diversity in innovation behavior“ Som presented the results of the study he was assigned with by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Although SMEs make up the majority of enterprises, innovation activities of both German and Austrian companies tend to focus on only a few large concerns. Som’s study addresses the question of how technological innovators operate without individual R&D activities in comparison to non-technological innovators, with the goal of eventually being able to identify patterns of innovation. The study reveals that there are four basic types of innovators: knowledge-intensive product developers, customer-driven, technical problem solvers, specialized suppliers, and specialized final product manufacturers.After the talk, MCI Rector Andreas Altmann and Professor Franz Pegger, Head of the Academic Council, handed over the certificate of appointment.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1261}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
UN draws on MCI expertise
UN draws on MCI expertise
The Entrepreneurial School® contributes to UN Global Compact for Migration: Professor Belachew Gebrewold, MCI Head of Department & Studies, visits United Nations University as an expert on migrationMCI has a reason to celebrate: the Entrepreneurial School® has just been accredited as a member of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact for Migration.* The Compact is a voluntary initiative of the UN and selected organizations of member states to protect and maintain the rights of refugees.MCI has received accreditation by the UN General Assembly to participate in the UN Global Compact on Migration based on its relevant expertise and research experience in the field of international migration. In addition, MCI Professor Belachew Gebrewold has been appointed to support the United Nations in developing a concept for the UN Global Compact for Migration, an international agreement which requires a high level of commitment of all member states.Just recently, Head of Department & Studies Belachew Gebrewold was invited to the United Nations University, New York to give a lecture in front of diplomatic representatives and leaders of NGOs of the different member states. In his lecture on the topic of “Rising right wing populism and migration in Europe” he analyzed the flow of refugees in Europe, which has continued since 2015, and the reaction of European member states from the first phase of euphoria to growing skepticism and emerging populist movements.On May 30, 2017, Professor Gebrewold will deliver an additional lecture at the United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility, Barcelona, titled “From sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean: understanding migrants’ decisions for an improved global governance of migration”.“The involvement of MCI in this international dialog is further proof of the school’s international standing,” as MCI Rector Andreas Altmann expresses his delight: “I congratulate my colleague, Belachew Gebrewold, and the team of the Department of Social Work, whose commitment is highly appreciated.”Further information:Professor Belachew Gebrewold as UN lecturer:“The rise of xenophobic nationalist politics and policy implications for migrants”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1260}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512*The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (A/71/1), as adopted by the UN General Assembly in the context of the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, provides the foundation for the recently initiated two-year preparatory process leading up to the adoption of the compact. In this declaration, the UN member states agreed to commit themselves to the development of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration, which will be adopted as part of an intergovernmental conference on international migration in 2018.
MCI student wins Infineon iBike Challenge
MCI student wins Infineon iBike Challenge
Martin Tröber, student at the Entrepreneurial School®, awarded for innovative electric-powered bicycle trailer: the future potential in international markets is enormous, and the prize is testimony to his outstanding workThe Infineon Austria Innovation Days have become an internationally renowned event. Their goal is to present to the world the best of young talents. First place in this year’s Infineon iBike Challenge went to MCI student Martin Tröber and, thus, to the Entrepreneurial School®, Innsbruck: the Mechatronics student was able to convince the jury with his iBike Phantom Trailer, an electric-powered bike trailer. Tröber came up with the idea during a family vacation when he hit the wall while carrying both child and baggage in his bike trailer during a bike tour through mountainous terrain.Due to traction and thrust measurement at the shaft and a load balancing mechanism, the electric bike trailer gives the impression of not being present at all. A magnetic field sensor measures shaft movement and transmits a signal to the microcontroller unit controlling the motor and, consequently, the acceleration or deceleration of the trailer respectively.The Infineon iBike Challenge called on students at all Austrian universities to develop a concept for an electric bicycle. One of the requirements was to use as many Infineon components as possible. After an initial online pitch, three finalist teams were invited to present their concepts to a jury of four Infineon experts. In addition to a prize money of 2,000 euro, Martin Tröber now also receives the opportunity to work with the semiconductor manufacturer on developing his prototype further and getting it ready for the market.During the announcement of the winners, Jury Member Robert Czetina explained: “Innovation often means not only to create what is in demand, but also to pursue an idea until its realization. Mister Tröber has demonstrated this courage and entered the pitch with a finished prototype with Infineon components.”Infineon and the Entrepreneurial School® have worked together successfully as partners for many years. Just last year, a shared research laboratory in Innsbruck, the Emerging Applications Lab, was founded to strengthen the scientific cooperation, benefitting both sides and the joint location for science and business.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1256}Press contactMag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs+43 512
Innovation for family businesses
Innovation for family businesses
The first Family Business FORUM presents the joint innovation platform initiated by MCI, Economic Chamber, and businesses, as well as the admission to the Family Business Network run by the Federal Ministry of Families and YouthAs part of the first Family Business FORUM, the Family Business Center – a joint initiative of Management Center Innsbruck and the Tyrolean Economic Chamber – organized the “Paths of Innovation” event for family businesses.With an annual turnover of almost 19 million euro, Tyrolean family businesses have a significant impact on the local economic structure. Family-owned businesses are deeply rooted in the region and, thus, held in high esteem. Nevertheless, also family businesses are faced with numerous challenges. One of these challenges was the main focus of the first Family Business FORUM, namely the businesses’ ability to adapt to the spirit of the time, the market, and technological change as well as the consequent maintenance of their competitiveness.The opening address by Dr. Bernhard Baumgartner, counselor to the MCI Family Business Center, focused on the issue of new market dynamics and trends as well as associated challenges for family-run businesses; it was followed by an inspiring panel discussion hosted by the head of the MCI Family Business Center, Dr. Anita Zehrer. The high-class speakers in the panel, which included Dr. Sophie Karmasin, Federal Minister of Families and Youth, Dr. Jürgen Bodenseer, President of the Tyrolean Economic Chamber, Dr. Bernhard Baumgartner, and entrepreneur Andrea Speckbacher from Speckbacher Handels GmbH, discussed the conflict between tradition and innovation, which particularly family businesses are faced with.Within the framework of the forum, Dr. Sophie Karmasin also introduced the federal Family Business Network. Founded by the Federal Ministry of Families and Youth and the Styrian Economic Chamber, the network serves “to link the links”. So far, the members of the network include the Styrian Economic Chamber as well as four family business platforms: Alphazirkel Austria, the Federation of Austrian Industries Platform for Family Businesses, the Family Business Network Austria, and the Land&Forst Betriebe (agriculture and forestry businesses) of Austria. Head of the MCI Family Business Center, Anita Zehrer, is proud that the Family Business Center is now included in the national network as well: “We see ourselves as a local companion and supporter of Tyrolean family businesses. We provide the foundation on which science and business can meet, and offer our know-how. Being part of this national network is also important for us, because it allows us to profit from the exchange of experiences with other renowned institutions. Therefore, we are especially delighted with our admission to the Family Business Network.”{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1252}Press contactDr. Peter Schwazer+43 512
MCI launches Executive PhD Program in Management
MCI launches Executive PhD Program in Management
High-level part-time doctoral program for business professionals | Combining academic research with practical relevance | Exemplary collaboration between European university institutions | Start fall 2017 | Registration now openA new “Executive PhD Program in Management” will be launched by MCI Management Center Innsbruck as a high-level part-time doctoral program for business professionals in the fall of 2017*.The program offers a premium executive development track designed to be academically rigorous and intellectually inspiring, closing the gap between traditional PhD and professional DBA programs.The international doctoral program will jointly be offered by- the University of Antwerp (Belgium)- the Antwerp Management School (Belgium)- the Management Center Innsbruck (Austria)The 4-year, part-time Executive PhD program will be jointly delivered at Antwerp (50%) and Innsbruck (50%) and combines academic research with practical relevance. Registration is now open.Information and Counseling: Sebastian Engels, BA+43 512 2070 - 2121sebastian.engels@mci.eduDetailed Information: brochure* Notification process in accordance with § 27 para. 6 HS-QSG successfully accomplished. Graduates are awarded with the "PhD in Management" or "PhD in Social Science" by the University of Antwerp. The degree is officially recognized in accordance with § 88 para 1a of the 2002 Austrian law governing universities. Degree holders are therefore entitled to use their doctoral degree in official documents.StatementsAndreas Altmann, MCI Rector: The Executive PhD Program is an important step in the evolution of MCI. Together with our international partners we will mentor business professionals and senior managers with academic ambitions to achieve their career goals. We are looking forward to guide the participants of the Executive PhD Program through the process of reaching the next level of academic qualification. This Executive PhD Program will support the PhD Students’ career, will provide benefits to their companies and will create impacts on the economy and society we live in.Herman Van Goethem, UA Rector: This Executive PhD program links the competencies of three internationally accredited higher education institutions, the University of Antwerp, the Antwerp Management School and the Management Center Innsbruck. The Executive PhD Program focuses on academic rigor and on relevance of the research endeavors of the PhD students. This program is designed to breed academically minded and at the same time practically oriented thought leaders in their field who will – upon defending their PhD thesis – receive a doctoral degree from the University of Antwerp.Paul Matthyssens, AMS Dean: I strongly believe that competitive and sustainable advantage in the business world can only be achieved through responsible decision-making throughout all activities and strategic decisions. I’m convinced that rigorous academic research with immediate relevance and impact on the real world is absolutely crucial for growth in a highly competitive environment. One of the main objectives of this Executive PhD Program is to make the shift from mere knowledge transfer to the broader development of responsible managers, leaders and ‘Global Citizens’ who create and transfer knowledge to improve both business, society and academia.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1249}Press contactDr. Peter Schwazer+43 512
MCI application deadline
MCI application deadline
Excellent application situation for 2017 | 1,200 open spots in bachelor’s and master’s programs | Perfect combination of work and study | Outstanding career prospects | The application deadline is June 16, 2017The Entrepreneurial School® awaits an exceptionally high number of applicants also for the 2017 fall semester. At this point, the applications received already exceed those of the previous year by more than 10%, when 3,600 students from 70 nations applied for one of the almost 1,200 spots available. Therefore, a total of approximately 4,000 applications are expected this year.As yet the chances are good: the decision as to who is to be admitted will be made only after the last stage of application has been completed. Online applications for one of the popular spots must be received by MCI by Friday, June 16, 2017. The applicants face a three-stage admission procedure to assess their résumé and application letter, which should be as informative as possible, as well as their performance in the written entrance examination and personal interview.26 bachelor’s and master’s programs will start in fall 2017. The programs with good prospects offered by MCI range from business and management sciences with an additional focus in tourism, law, information technology, communication, or media design, to nonprofit, social and health care management, and social work.The promising fields of study available in the technology and life sciences sector are Biotechnology & Food Engineering, Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Management, and Mechatronics with specializations in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Medical Engineering.Part-time & onlineEver since MCI’s foundation more than 20 years ago the combination of work and study has been a priority: it is, as it were, part of the school’s genetic program. The entire range of study options offered by the Entrepreneurial School® is therefore based on a modern and job-friendly teaching approach, subject to continuous evaluation and development.Twelve bachelor’s and master’s degree programs are available in part-time formats. Also, in individual full-time master’s programs, courses are organized in such a way as to facilitate the combination of work and study, i.e. in a job-friendly way.In this regard, the field of online and mobile learning, in which MCI has meanwhile gathered considerable expertise, is gaining in importance. Already four study programs are available in this modern format. The intelligent mix of on-campus and online modules as well as interactive digital teaching materials and media (i.e. blended learning) enables both temporal and local flexibility and improved compatibility of study and family.If you have questions about your desired mode of study and relevant application procedures, please contact the MCI team for counseling either by phone at +43 512 2070-0, by email at, or by WhatsApp at +43 664 88723671 (available Monday through Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.). Comprehensive information about all studies available and respective application procedures is provided at The 2017 application deadline is June 16, 2017.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1251}Press contactDr. Peter Schwazer+43 512
Raiffeisen Awards ceremony at MCI
Raiffeisen Awards ceremony at MCI
Partnership between Management Center Innsbruck and Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG leads to two attractive scholarshipsAs a long-term partner and sponsor of MCI, Raiffeisen appreciates academic education as a valuable resource for personal, entrepreneurial, and social development. For this reason, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG (RLB) is again sponsoring two attractive scholarships, which have now been presented to the awardees in a festive atmosphere.2017 Raiffeisen AwardThe Raiffeisen Award at MCI is awarded annually for selected academic further training programs and supports motivated people who have demonstrated extraordinary personal and professional performance during their studies at MCI. The prize of 3,000 euros goes to Julia Sparber-Ablinger this year. With the help of the scholarship she will take the "Management, Psychology & Leadership" certificate course. Mrs. Sparber-Ablinger sees this as an ideal addition to her many years of professional experience as an editor of various media such as the economic magazine eco.nova or the Tiroler Krone as well as a cultural manager. With the course she would like to prepare herself for the future assumption of responsibility in a leadership position.2017 Raiffeisen International AwardsWith the Raiffeisen International Award, RLB supports outstanding MCI students who are planning their foreign semesters outside the EU. Selection criteria for winning the award are the past career, professional objectives and added value that the selected host university can contribute to the implementation of the professional plans. One scholarship each in the amount of 1,000 euros goes to Franziska Brunner and Claudia Postulka . Franziska Brunner, studying in the Food Technology and Nutrition master program, is taking her semester abroad at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Pingtung Country, Taiwan. Ms. Brunner's choice for this prestigious university was particularly due to the country's technological innovation potential as well as the opportunity to acquire a better understanding of the local culture and language. The South Tyrolean is looking forward to her professional development in the areas of product development and quality assurance in an international company, which is why she is looking forward to expanding her intercultural skills with this stay abroad. Claudia Postulka, studying in the Management, Communication & IT master program, will spend her semester abroad at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab in Mérida, Mexico. Her choice was due to the excellent reputation and the high academic standards at this university. In the course of her semester abroad, Ms Postulka also wants to improve her language skills in Spanish - the lectures will take place in the language of the country - and to conduct research for her forthcoming master thesis in the area of "Artificial Intelligence" (AI). The Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks and the Entrepreneurial School® congratulate the prizewinners and wish them all the best for their studies (abroad) and further professional development.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1243}Press contactDr. Peter Schwazer+43 512
MBA-Ranking: top ranking again for MCI
MBA-Ranking: top ranking again for MCI
Industriemagazin honors Austria's best MBA provider - the Entrepreneurial School ® once again ranks among the top 3 of the best MBA providersFor the fourth time in a row, Management Center Innsbruck is proud to achieve an excellent position in the MBA ranking by Industriemagazin ("Industry Magazine"). For the first time, MCI ranked second with its two Executive Masters "General Management Executive MBA" and "International Business MBA Online", surpassing the Executive Academy of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The survey, conducted by IMAT, thus confirms the reputation of the Entrepreneurial School ® as a top provider of postgraduate education.According to the survey, MCI enjoys growing popularity as well as a recommendation rate well above-average. In addition to renown and image, the 153 HR managers and senior executives of leading Austrian companies who took part in the survey were also aked about the usefulness of Executive MBA programs. According to them, this is mainly to be found in the development of personal skills and the expansion of the personal network.As only one of two universities in the ranking, MCI has received worldwide accreditation by the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) as well as the prestigious double premium seal of the international accreditation agency FIBAA.With this further top ranking, the Entrepreneurial School ® strongly confirms its outstanding position in Austria, which is constantly attested by top assessments in accreditations, surveys and rankings as well as awards (EU commission, CHE university benchmark, MBA Round Table, Universum Survey, Campus of Excellence Etc.).Further informationGeneral Management Executive MBAInternational Business MBA Online{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1246}Press contactDr. Peter Schwazer+43 512