MCiT Research

  • Master's Program Management, Communication & IT
Course unit code
Level of course unit
  • Master
Semester when the course unit is delivered
  • 3
Number of ECTS credits allocated
  • 5.0
Name of lecturer(s)
  • FH-Prof. Groth Aleksander, PhD
  • FH-Prof. Dr. Mirski Peter J.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
  • Students understand different approaches in the scientific research and writing process. They will be able to identify relevant topics and formulate a research question. Students are familiar with the most important quantitative and qualitative research methods and can select these in relation to a research project and apply them to a question in the context of digitization. Students will be able to use IT-supported tools to solve statistical questions.
Mode of delivery
  • face-to-face (Präsenzveranstaltung)
Prerequisites and co-requisites
  • none
Course contents
  • - Research, compilation and development of scientific literature
    - Applied conceptualization of scientifically relevant problems
    - Development of research questions, their implementation and evaluation within the framework of empirical research projects
    - Deepening of the scientific writing process
    - Introduction to the quantitative and qualitative theory of science
    - Theoretical positioning of the two approaches in different research designs/contexts
    - Procedures for collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data
Recommended or required reading
  • - Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2018). Business research methods. Oxford university press.
    - Berg, B. L., & Lune, H. (2017). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences, Pearson Education Ltd; 9. Edition.
    - Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
    - Punch, K. (2014). Introduction to social research. Quantitative & qualitative approaches (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, California: SAGE.
    - Reid, N. (2010). Getting published in international journals: Writing strategies for European Social Scientists. NOVA-Norwegian Social Research. Chicago
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
Assessment methods and criteria
  • To monitor the students’ learning this course will provide ongoing assignments as a basis for feedback and grading (formative assessment) and/or will evaluate the students learning at the end of the course or an instructional unit via exams, final project reports, essays or seminar papers (summative assessment).
Language of instruction
  • English