Master Thesis & Exam

  • Master's Program Management, Communication & IT
Course unit code
Level of course unit
  • Master
Semester when the course unit is delivered
  • 4
Number of ECTS credits allocated
  • 22.0
Name of lecturer(s)
  • FH-Prof. Dr. Ploder Christian
  • Dilger Thomas, BA MA
  • FH-Prof. Groth Aleksander, PhD
  • Mag. Glowka Gundula
Learning outcomes of the course unit
  • In the context of a scientific master's thesis, students apply the knowledge they have acquired of scientific action and work to complex and extensive problems. They recognize the importance of scientific action as a systematic problem-solving process. Students know the argumentation and technique of scientific work and are able to apply them. Students learn how to deal with relevant literature and how to critically evaluate different sources of information.
Mode of delivery
  • face-to-face (Präsenzveranstaltung)
Prerequisites and co-requisites
  • none
Course contents
  • - Writing a scientific master thesis
    - Professional and methodical supervision of the master thesis
    - Systematic support of the students in solving a scientific problem on their own responsibility
    - Presentation of the master thesis
    - Examination discussion, which deals with the cross connections of the topic of the master thesis to the relevant subjects of the curriculum
    - Examination discussion on other content relevant to the curriculum
Recommended or required reading
  • - Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods (Fourth edition). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    - Sword H. (2012): Stylish Academic Writing, Harvard University Press
    - Hogue A., Oshima A. (2005): Writing Academic English, Longman
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
Assessment methods and criteria
  • To monitor the students’ learning this course will provide ongoing assignments as a basis for feedback and grading (formative assessment) and/or will evaluate the students learning at the end of the course or an instructional unit via exams, final project reports, essays or seminar papers (summative assessment).
Language of instruction
  • English