May 05th 2015

Milestone on the road to a new MCI building

The Entrepreneurial School® welcomes the decision taken by the Tyrolean State Government on the building’s space and function program - International success story continues

Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) welcomes today’s decision by the Tyrolean State Government on the space and function program for the new campus at the heart of Innsbruck as a milestone on the road to a new building for the MCI.

“That means the new building now taking real shape and the next steps can be initiated,” says Rector Andreas Altmann, who is currently abroad in an official capacity, in a press release: "Since its foundation, the Entrepreneurial School® has regularly received awards and top places in the rankings. With 3,000 students, 200 partner universities and thousands of graduates worldwide, and quality-based achievements in teaching, research, executive training and innovation, the MCI makes a major contribution to the competitive strength of the Tyrol as a location for science and business. With the new campus, the MCI will continue to consistently apply its quality-first strategy.”

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